• Watch Anime Eyes

    @megatron Ok we'll see later I'm busy right now, saying she lied is going a little far in my opinion since lying is saying something whilst knowing it not to be true and and that is a very specific thing and the number of other option is far bigger which lowers tbe chances that it's a lie as far as i know my memory could just be faulty which is consistent with past memory loss posts

  • @megatron by the way you tagged the wrong willow. The real one has 2 w. @Willoww

  • @thestrangest shit, thanks haha.
    see, i don't even know her well enough to know her username hahaha

  • @megatron everybody who knows her does that mistake including me, i realised after clicking on the username of @Willow and realising it's not @Willoww

  • @megatron what does willow even mean, i always wanted to ask that

  • @thestrangest A willow is a type of plant lol

  • @megatron i should have known that since i like plants, my favourite plant is adelweiss and i love cactus flowers

  • @thestrangest cool
    my favourite is a sunflower

  • @megatron there are many planets named willow too, i was confused because THAT'S not what pops up when you google search willow

  • @megatron sunflower is cool too

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @megatron adleweiss is my favourite because it has a very metaphorical biotope and has songs about it

  • I've got no clue what's going on due to being inactive lately, so I got no right to jump into this topic, but I just wanted to say that the tags on this post made my laugh uncontrollably.

    Thank you.

  • @korglife17 lmao, that acutally made me laugh too, very nice of you to mention that :D meth is funny :p

  • @jynextremist

    Wtf are you talking about? Meth is totally bad for you, don't do Meth. Or any drug. Don't do drugs.

  • @korglife17 lmao, rekt :D

  • @megatron wat?..

  • @megatron My signature says it all ;)

  • bruh williow is a bitch and acts like one

  • @thatsurgirl_ show respecc

  • @sup you can still be humble while also kicking some fuckin ass :p
