• Kill the beast

  • @preacher You are a feminazi. Your post literally says it is "time for men to end". You are using Nazism against men. But since Nazism is racism, not sexism, we have to use a different term. Feminazi. Hitler tried to put all of Germany's problems on the Jews. Like what feminazi's like you are doing against men. You can't just group all men together like Hitler did with Jews. And btw, I'm sorry men have much more testosterone then women, so instead of complaining about us dm'ing you, be glad we aren't on the streets using our testosterone differently.

  • Woah that was rude. How old are u??

  • @preacher But they deserve cookies too 😨

  • Music Lovers

    @preacher i try to see things from all sides. Every post I am trying to see the one thing thats true or worth talking about. But Im not gonna lie, this one made me giggle. I will go ahead and give you kudos for pointing out that there is a lot of sexual harassment on this site. A lot of idiotic horny people. And yes, some do go to the extreme of constantly bothering you. However you are wrong about pretty much everything else
    Here is what I find funny. You look like a total dumbass because there are not only MEN being the problem. The majority of people who have ever bothered me in fact, were lesbians. Always pushing for nudes. And sexting. I fall into friendships where they end up actually being severe flirts and never leaving me alone. And its frustrating as hell.
    And guess what, she wasnt even male.
    Thing number two. There are a hella lot of comments giving you hate. Because you did the one thing that I cannot stand. You hastily generalized. Maybe this is where sexism comes from. Everyone is always saying men are stronger.
    Well sweetie, meet Aneta Florczyk. Strongest woman in the world.
    People that say MEN are always the strongest are wrong
    Its just like you saying that the men are always horny.
    Its not true, because WOMEN are too.
    Look, I get it that you are mad about being sexually harassed. But before making such a idiotic post, maybe try to look at all positions. Instead of attacking a large group of people for something a few people do.
    I step back from this site and I have realized that I have a bunch more dude friends then I do chickadees. And they most def arent cocky asses, just kind people always willing to talk.
    So this β€œopression” you speak of, doesnt exist.
    For anyone that comments, i think it is important to mention that we are only proving her point by stating facts that make it seem like men are better. Because its kind of what she wants.
    So just please, @preacher do yourself a favor, and delete this before you make a bigger fool of yourself. Or leave it up for err one to have a good laugh

  • @willoww yayyyy!! Thats maaah babes

  • Please leave this site if your going to rant about how men need to leave its really not appropriate

  • I'll stop when all of the men here stop bothering the women


  • @hooligan i know your lying women can't get payed more than men because of the wage gap!

  • -delete-

  • -delete-

  • @evan-elderson we all know thats a lie and you only came here because your horny you fucking misogynist

  • Music Lovers

    Typical feminazi, it's just like women to feel oppressed by men. Yes there are some men constantly looking for women, but to call them evil and us to end? please, go cry somewhere else. One thing is despise is generalizing commentary. Not all men are like that. I'm here for to discuss things I generally enjoy, anime, games, music, (Which is my passion). You my friend are a sexist.

  • @jonas-pistolas we all know thats bullshit

  • Ladies how many of you have been sexually harrased or forced into doing lewd acts by the men on this site

  • Music Lovers

    @jonas-pistolas The only bullshit is see a typical Feminazi having a few bad encounters and deeming that all men are bad. People like you are the reason feminism today is ruined.

  • @jonas-pistolas stop trying to cover your ass we're doing the work regular feminists are too pussy to do

  • @preacher alpha males are everywhere.. what can you do ??

  • @preacher We don't have to, and feminists actually believe in equality. You actually just admitted to being a feminazi. Wow calling other feminists pussies and emasculating them, great job. Keep rising up, no I think the world wouldn't be better with out men in it, but most definitely it would better without feminazi's like you. What a paradise.