@Caroline0-0ash definitely gonna keep love since i dont have any money rn to throw out
, spent them all on sth so no loss for me.
Would you rather
Okay so yes I’m kinda taking this idea from @Willow sorry cuddle bug ^-^ all credit goes to her but anyways my choices are would you rather
Be rich but trapped in the middle of the ocean
In love but blind and deaf
Immortal but in constant pain
Cute but only attract the same gender as you
Be cured of illness but have rashes along your face
Or be happy but in the middle of the desert
Pick wisely ^-^ thanks willow girl!
@konan I would rather....." be happy but in the middle of the desert"
@wolfie-c italicised textwhy
@konan be happy but in the middle of dessert lol i meant in the middle of desert
@konan At least i'll be happy! =D
@wolfie-c lol I've got a friend in the middle of desert
@tehkotak Give his co-ordinates...i'll find him
@wolfie-c who?
@tehkotak Your friend
@wolfie-c thats you, because we both choose happy in the middle of desert 😑
@tehkotak Oh i sea....
Be cured of illness but have rashes all over my face.
@konan loads a gun is death an option? puts it to my head
@konan in love but blind and deaf
So I have to pick all of that or just be happy in the middle of desert? Do I get to bring somebody with me to the desert? And how is it in the middle of the desert, do I have food water house or I'm scorching my ass like scorpions?
meh, every thing here is putting me into so much trouble, not doing either of that
@depressed-konan eh no