• Watch Anime Eyes

    @jimmy1708 said in Science and God:

    @TheStrangest u r kind of person who setted their mind towards Athiesm so powerful

    1st your English sucks
    2nd Well let's start by talking about faith.
    i didn't chose to be an atheist it happened because i say no sufficient evidence behind the religious claims, if there was evidence i would believe and of course faith is not a reliable pathway to truth since it can lead you to true and wrong conclusions with incredible inaccuracy so using it is useless.

    that even if I someone would break the moon in half then join it together again, u will still not believe

    I'd need scientific evidence to know that it wasn't just a hallucination. Duh
    Lol that's how science works.
    But you retard believe that Muhammad did that without any evidence which isn't different fr9m believing in unicorns. You prefer gullibility "Belief first then find or don't find proof" for me it is scepticism "Evidence first then belief"

    good luck for rest of ur life....




    And I don't want to waste my time here to show I proofs lol....bye

    1st your English sucks
    2nd maybe if you spent more time here it'd be better

  • @jimmy1708 bye

  • @TheStrangest
    1st English is not my first language, so why should i care about that fucking language??but I know ur language enough to write it and speak it very properly..
    2nd u r dumbass,idiot
    Bye lol.....

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @jimmy1708 said in Science and God:

    1st English is not my first language

    Arabic is my first language and i have never been to an English speaking country

    so why should i care about that fucking language??

    Yeh because i hardly understand when you speak

    but I know ur language enough to write it and speak it very properly..


    2nd u r dumbass,idiot

    I have evidence that you're an idiot and therefore have the right to call you one, you don't ; scientific research has found that atheists on average have an IQ 7 points higher than a religious person, as i've said, you are gullible and I'm sceptical. scepticism is not only widely correlated with intelligence and a higher IQ, i don't have to explain why being gullible is stupid do i?

    Bye lol.....


    Stop using "lol" so much

  • Sciences proves that we are too complex to have randomly evolved so guess someone has a hand in it thinks

  • Sciene, obviously.
    Religion is bullshit.

  • @megann how will you justify that statement

  • @allight @TheStrangest has already ripped you apart but let me also say some things.
    By definition "science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. "
    How can you test God?
    @allight said in Science and God:

    @lucky9 if Christianity doesn't give the full picture doesn't mean all religions don't.

    Tell me honestly 1 religion that explains everything. From the beginning of life to its meaning. There is none. Also "You live to die" doesn't count.

    Atheists basically paint everything the same colour and deliberately refuse to look into things cuz it conflicts with their own desires.

    Do you see it? Let me help you:

    Religious people basically paint everything the same colour and deliberately refuse to look into things cuz it conflicts with their own desires.

    What is this? The statement is now right?

  • @girlnextdoor said in Science and God:

    @megann how will you justify that statement

    You know the justification. There is no evidence for religious claims and most of them are contradictory to scientific knowledge

  • I like your discussion so far

  • @girlnextdoor honestly reply me, you read all of that ???? :3

  • Banned

    This post is deleted!

  • Hey!
    Science all the way!

  • @thestrangest yo bro, most scientists are NOT atheists. where do you even get this baseless info?!?!? and chill out man.

  • @jynextremist said in Science and God:

    @girlnextdoor honestly reply me, you read all of that ???? :3

    Says the fucking medical school graduate. The research says that 60% of all scientists are atheist and 93% of elite scientists are atheist if i remember this correctly. Same goes for philosophers (philosophy graduates) 76+% are atheist, I'm not sure but i think a much bigger percentage of elite philosophers are atheist.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @elayne said in Science and God:

    Sciences proves that we are too complex to have randomly evolved so guess someone has a hand in it thinks

    Bullshit. Evolutionary biology has prooved a long time ago that humans evolved from dead species of apes and that all life has evolved from a common ancestral microscopic life form. Pick up a science textbook for fucks sake and don't make up shit, say that's and act like you know stuff because you are clearly uneducated and scientifically illiterate

  • If you believe in God you will feel that when you escape from the dengerous you will say thank God

  • As an agnostic, I prefer to believe in science but there's nothing wrong at all with believing God.

  • @shannonc41 that's right...

  • @chandru-gowda said in Science and God:

    If you believe in God you will feel that when you escape from the dengerous you will say thank God

    Bullshit. So when you don't escape what do you do? Do you say fuck god "fuck god"?
