• I'd go with 50 50

  • @girlnextdoor clever move

  • I'll stand for science ,ill sit for god.
    through god i can see everything in simpler way in simple dimension,and i dont think it is necessary to stand . On the contrary to this, science only stimulate me to see the things not only in the simple two three dimension but also in alternative dimension of those which've been already designed by my human fellow buff a lows.

  • @digit Wat an explanation, loved it

  • Gamers

    we need a complete understanding of both before answering that question, and our knowledge about both of these is far from being perfect

  • Science is bcoz of god...God have forbid things behind science which humans r trying to study now....God knows science, god knows everything, god made science

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @lucky9 Science demonstrates that there is no reason to believe a god exists and that most religious claims like creationism are fairy tales opposing things proven by science. Philosophy says that faith is useless and believing something without evidence is just gullibility. Religion has basically spread with this slogan "Too stupid to understand science? Try religion"

  • Science 🙌
    Atheist here

  • God created everything and Hide those behind science....

  • @jimmy1708 said in Science and God:

    God created everything and forbid those behind science....

    BULLSHIT. There is no god and most scientists are atheist. 93% of astrophysicists, biologists and 60% of all scientists are atheist. There is NO GOOD REASON to believe any god exists. Until you provide a good reason you're just a delusional schizophrenic with an imaginary friend justifying your beliefs with the presence of other delusional schizophrenics around you

  • @lucky9 Belief in God IS scientific. Everything in this world, the more we know, the more we feel we have yet to discover, it all points to one designer who made it such. For there is a balance and a carefully crafted design in this universe. It cannot be a product of mere chance as atheists say. In fact atheism confuses a person more, for it cannot explain life and death, misfortunes that happen etc. Everything has a reason for it to happen, if Christianity doesn't give the full picture doesn't mean all religions don't. Atheists basically paint everything the same colour and deliberately refuse to look into things cuz it conflicts with their own desires.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @allight said in Science and God:

    @lucky9 Belief in God IS scientific.

    Bullshit. How are you gonna justify this bullshit statement

    Everything in this world, the more we know, the more we feel we have yet to discover

    And then YOU the religious person start to make up shit because we don't know. If we don't know that doesn't give you the right to make shit up, it only means that noone knows until we discover the answer

    it all points to one designer who made it such.

    Bullshit. See you just used an argument from ignorance. "We don't know therefore god". No you religious ignoramus nothing points to an invisible man in the sky and your belief is unjustified since there is no evidence backing it up

    For there is a balance and a carefully crafted design in this universe.

    Bullshit. Global warming, supernovas, 99% of all species who ever lived being extinct, cancer, wisdom teeth, tail bones, genetic disorders... this is not good design nor design, noone created the world and earth, they came about by natural processes and we know what most those natural processes were and for the natural processes we don't know that doesn't mean that god created them, it means we don't know yet.

    It cannot be a product of mere chance as atheists say.

    It is dumbass. That's why 93% of astrophysicists and 80% of biologists are atheist. They're the ones that study this shit and they're the ones that say it's mere chance and have all the evidence backing up their claims. You don't study this shit and have no evidence backing up your claims so your opinion is worthless

    In fact atheism confuses a person more

    Bullshit. You're not an atheist so how would you know? Atheism is only the disbelief in god. Not an ideology for it to confuse someone. Religion has basically spread with the slogan "Too stupid to understand science, try religion" so if you are saying that being an atheist by following the facts and understanding the science is complicated therefore people chose religion then that makes sense

    for it cannot explain life and death

    Bullshit we know 100% that life came from evolution and we know 100% that the brain is MOST LIKELY just an assembly of neurons that will stop functioning after death resulting in the loss of consciousness and no afterlife.

    misfortunes that happen etc.


    "Misfortune happens, deal with it"

    Is basically the mindset of atheists and i do not see how it makes things more complicated. It's better than praying to an invisible man you can't prove and trying to block out from your mind, the fact that if an all knowing, all powerful being exists therefore when something horrible happens (like the annual gruesome deaths of 9 million kids under the age of 5) it is because god didn't want/feel like stopping it with his omnipotence

    Everything has a reason for it to happen,

    Bullshit. Everything happens for no reason. Purpose is arbitrary and only exists in the mind therefore stops existing after death. Nothing EXISTS for a purpose unless you give it one in your brain.

    if Christianity doesn't give the full picture doesn't mean all religions don't.

    All religions are cancer and are made up garbage

    Atheists basically paint everything the same colour and deliberately refuse to look into things

    Hahaha. Says the person who believes things without evidence and good reason(s) to the person who only believes things with evidence and good reason(s).

    cuz it conflicts with their own desires.

    Bullshit. A lot of atheists like the idea that there might be something after death and that there is an invisible sky daddy looking after you all the time(i personally don't) but don't believe it since there is no evidence or good reason to

  • @thestrangest why are you so offended? and what makes you say i use no evidence? You are just disregarding another's views based on a) generalizations about religion and it's adherents b) Personal opinions c) misconceptions about what the scientific community actually says in contrast to what you have been taught or know. I'm guessing "bullshit" is your catch phrase, since you seem to write that quite alot. Watch:



  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @allight said in Science and God:

    @thestrangest why are you so offended?

    Because you believe in evil harmful bullshit

    and what makes you say i use no evidence?

    Because there isn't

    You are just disregarding another's views based on

    Oh here we go. The bullshit begins

    a) generalizations about religion and it's adherents

    Bullshit. I know religion 10× better than you as an ex-muslim and a person who constantly debates religious ignoramuses for fun

    b) Personal opinions

    Duh. Of course it is a personal opinion but one which is backed up by logic, reason and science.

    c) misconceptions about what the scientific community actually says in contrast to what you have been taught or know.

    Bullshit. I am a philosophy geek and have read very well into this specific topic

    I'm guessing "bullshit" is your catch phrase

    It has been for like 2 days

    since you seem to write that quite alot



    Bullshit. A video? You are seriously so indifferent to not want to type what the video says? Fucking hell you want me to respond to a video? Bullshit that's a waste of my time just some up what the video says. You have to summarise or express naturally what's in the vid so i can respond to it. The reasons are that
    1st people can read what the person said and when i respond, understand what i am debunking and talking about
    2nd sometimes people send videos when they themselves don't understand what's in the video so it helps if they skip a step and just write their interpretation
    3rd I'll allow sending of videos if the person who is sending them is also summarising what's in the vids by text and rendering the videos optional 😊

  • Watch Anime Eyes


  • It's very possible to go with both...

  • ............................................

  • @thestrangest and I believe in science too....bcoz science is real and so as God...
    God created this world God created things and hide them behind science....God created science......god created everything.

  • This post is deleted!

  • @jimmy1708 said in Science and God:

    @thestrangest Lol....those scientists took everything from Quraan

    Bullshit you uneducated medieval religious ignoramus, there never was any science in the quran and never will be. Adam and Eve? Bullshit we evolved from apes. God created the world in 6 days? Bullshit the world was created in one billionth, billionth, billionth... of a second at the big bang and took 13.5 years to evolve into what we know today. If anything it is clearly unscientific.

    .....They thought initially a year have 10 months, then they saw Islamic calender has 12, then they copied that

    Bullshit. A year isn't a fucking objective unit of measurement. A year could be 4 months, 6 months, 10 months or no months it is what's practical that we use.

    .......Quraan and hadith had told us billion of years ago before the birth of science to do circumcision to every born new male child, and now science is proving that Circumcision reduces the chances of causing penis cancer and Hiv.......

    Where is this research? How can i know you're not making shit up? Circumcision is genital mutilation and scientific research discourages doing it since it reduces sexual pleasure and sometimes causes problems in penis growth. Does it reduce chances of penis cancer? I don't believe so but maybe but so does Masturbation according to scientific research, isn't that "Haram" and i don't know and don't think it reduces Hiv but if it does then it's because having a circumcision makes you less willing to have sex which is bad. You know what does prevent Hiv 100% of the time? Condoms and that's a sin according to the pope and Haram by SOME muslims but not necessarily Islam

    Quraan & hadeeth had told us billion of years ago to eat only properly slaughtered herbivorous animal only by Islamic law

    Which is bullshit

    (slaughtering it by cutting their neck big nerve while alive only, and give them sufficient time so that their body can cool down, then only remove their skin from their meat), not to directly chop off and cut off their head while alive, but now lol science is proving that directly chopped head from animal leaves behind the bad blood in their body and causes cancer if eaten.........

    BULLSHIT. You are making shit up. Not only is this not true but science has proved that the Islamic method is more painful for the animal than the regular method

    Quraan and hadeeth told us billions of years ago before the birth of science to drink water while sitting only Lol,

    Where the fuck does it say that. I call bullshit

    But now science is proving that drinking water while sitting is good for health

    Yeah but the quran doesn't say to only drink water whilst sitting. You found out that science says so then changed your interpretation of the quran

    it allows oxygen of water to be absorbed by every parts of body unlike drinking water in standing.......

    Bullshit. It is better because the water arrives to your stomach harder when you drink standing

    there r many proofs u just need to open the eye

    There are 0 proofs. You are closing your eyes to science since you don't believe in evolution and probably many other scientific discoveries

    our books r much older than ur science......

    And very wrong not to mention it being homophobic, sexist, violent...
