I've had a crush on the most special person in my life for almost 3yrs, still he doesn't reciprocate love or shows any interest towards me...And the worst part is, this year, he's gonna graduate😭😭😭
i feel ya
this november iKON have concert in my country and just the next day winner also have concert in the same location as ikon and DPR, DPR Live (if you know them) have concert in december and also day6 i like them all but im very brokeeee lol
Be cautious when telling her, she might think that you're just her friend because you want to be her boyfriend. Make it obvious that you enjoy her friendship and don't come off too strong, it might scare her off. Is it possible that she sees you as a romantic option after all those years?
It's good not have feelings/emotions (be smart), emotions are evil, they cause heartache, people murder themselves & others, steal, backbite, etc., all because of feelings.
-Get behind me Satan.
@cuddlebirds confront that person I have a crush on them, there's no point of hiding it when the truth is already out anyways. I don't hold grudges either so I'll just laugh it off and thank the person for spreading the truth