Most Evil thing
I manipulated an emotionally vulnerable girl out of a sizable portion of what was meant to be her inheritance.
I knew the weeks following the death of her only surviving parent would be tremendously difficult for her to cope with.
- Especially since I already knew she had unresolved daddy issues which she used to vocally whine about from time to time prior to that point.
- I also knew that in contrast to the father she never got to know since he walked out on her family soon after she was born, she considered her single mother a saint for raising her -- as well as her judgemental step-siblings who were always hard on her... was the perfect storm. An emotional mine-field she was ill-prepared to navigate at the time... and I knew that if I just made myself available to her, I'd be seen as an indispensable godsend, unquestionably virtuous despite any ill intentions and ulterior motives I might harbor against her. And so, sure enough, when I saw her so distraught... I decided to take advantage.
Did I comfort her? Sure... in fact, I made sure to do her on the very same day that she got the news, before she left our college campus to return to her hometown and make funeral arrangements with her step-family.
Ok, I'll stop revealing how disgustingly opportunistic I was.
So anyway, did I console her WITH WORDS rather than making her feel physically wanted? Sure... except, everything I said was designed and calculated to benefit me in the long run, none of those words she wanted to hear were uttered because I actually truly cared about her one bit, I simply saw her as a giant payday. So I milked her melancholy out with my feigned sympathies for all it was worth, knowing that once I got what I wanted out of her I'd discard her without a second thought.
Ok, I'll stop disgusting you with how sordid my scheming was.
Oh, wait, did I say that I fk'd her within an hour of her getting the phone call informing her of her mother's death? I forgot to mention another example of how incredibly punctual I can be: I did her again a week later... right after the memorial service.
Oh gosh, why the bloody hell am I confessing to how creepy and contrived my machinations can be?!?!
Anyway, I'll stop with the specifics and more generically say "in the weeks that followed the funeral she continued to rely on me for physical comfort as well as an emotional crutch during this time fraught with instability" but I just needed to highlight those key moments and how I (in realtime, mind you, i.e. I'm just hearing this news too. And yet somehow, simultaneously, deep inside my mind I discovered... a reptilian side. Some certain specific sociopathic switch in my brain that got flipped before I even realized I was capable of such urges, ambitions, plots and contrivances... but as soon as I became aware it was possible to pull this plan off, I wholeheartedly committed to that
vileevil path) I instinctively knew exactly when where and how I would need to make myself available as an ever-present shoulder for her to cry on whenever she had an emotional upheaval, or the ever-present [REDACTED CUZ NSFW] whenever she needed it, wanted it, or really just whenever I saw she was suddenly feeling down and depressed and let her physical guard down in her state of emotional vulnerability, I decided that this was the ideally ripe moment to let this pathetically pitiable girl who had been single all her life to experience her first "romantic" relationship ever (even though there was no real romance involved from my end) as well as the first person who stole her virginity and gave her repeated sexual experiences at every opportunity that her emotional roller-coaster afforded me to which she would eventually come to associate with / label as "making love" (even though, once again, there was no love involved. I was just going through the motions. I was doing her. Like a thing. Like a chore. I was working her up for the express purpose of letting her imprint upon me, so that she'd be more susceptible to grand gestures of love in turn to repay me for being such a "selfless, caring, loving" partner to her)
To put a cherry on top of this terrifying tale of moral decay and ethical degeneracy... her mother wasn't even that wealthy, so the chunk I took out of her inheritance actually amounted to a pretty significant percentage overall. But since she was a broke college student who never needed or knew how to manage a sudden influx of money (plus, she had fallen head over heels for me) I managed to rinse a couple of brand new Macs out of her (one of which I would go on to "gift" to my little sister, lmao, pretending to be an altruistic and generous sort of older sibling when in reality I stole from someone else to then pass it off to my little sis as MY own virtue and selflessness, smh I'm deffo going to hell hahaha) an iPad, several other accessories and products from the Apple store but those 3 easily amounted to ~3K (with all the other Apple Store products she purchased for me, I'd say that number is probably closer to 3.5 thou). She paid for my rent for a quarter of that year, 3 months fully paid and not a single cent contributed by me and for the fourth month that she finally helped me with rent we split that one 50/50 so altogether that's another ~2.8 K or so. Let's go ahead and round that up to a nice even 3K. So in total I've swindled her out of 6.5+ thousand at this point, for no other reason than I could make her feel warm and fuzzy when she was feeling depressed plus I could get her hot and bothered too and she attributed all this manipulation to me being her "one true love". Oh and that's not to mention all of the smaller expenses like free food and travel when we went on "dates" (they were such a pain sometimes tbh, she was started to get super clingy at this point... but hey, free sht! lmao) I'm not even gonna bother to hazard a guess as I honestly have no earthly clue how much that added up to but given that we were "together" for just over half a year I imagine it was a hefty chunk of change. 2K? Maybe more? I've no frame of reference, I just know I got to wine and dine her a ton before she would put out for me, and it was all done at her expense.
Oh and here's the kicker, when her inheritance money started drying up and she eventually started budgeting expenses etc she didn't want to eat out as much anymore, but she still insisted on eating together and spending time etc and before I knew it she started grocery shopping and basically restocked the entire pantry with ingredients. I still didn't know she'd done this and I was gonna break up with her that day cuz the money wasn't flowing my way as often as I wanted anymore so I just thought well eff it this was the end of the ride, right? But then she showed me all this lmao and at first I was still just gonna go "wow so nice btw we're over gtfo mmkaythnxbyyyeeeeee" but when she insisted on coming over to cook me meals at least 3 or more times per-week I suddenly held my tongue cuz -- once again -- the master manipulator within me saw this as one more of those key opportunistic moments... and oh boy did I capitalize tf out of it. I hit her with a "...bae, yaknow what would go great with dinner at home that would make our nights together an infinitely better and unforgettable new experience?" one thing led to another, and voila, she's paying me money to buy drugs. Like, as a compliment to the food. Like a "doesn't this pair well with that" sorta thing lmao. Sure I tried to sell it as "it'll be more intimate than a public outing date, trust me boo we'll fall deeper in love than ever before if you do this for -er - I mean with me" but I don't think even she bought that logic lmao But even though she'd never smoked before, she saw that I wanted to "share" this with her and she trusted me, so she caved in. It didn't last very long lol, this was towards the end of our "I'm using you-ship" but still, I wanna say I got free weed-money from her every week, sometimes even multiple times per-week, for like... the last.. 1.5? Maybe even the last 2 months straight, idk that period of time is a bit of a hazy memory for obvious reasons lol. And especially that last month, it wasn't a weekly thing anymore. Plus that was the month she got stingy on me and didn't want to cough up the total rent money despite everything I did for her ungrateful ass. Eh, but watevs, it was still a fun ride while it lasted. I know this is gonna sound like a prn script lol but seriously it's based on real events I actually lived through so just imagine it: wrapping up classes and instead of heading home swinging by to pick up a little green something from your plug. I open the door to the scents of a warm, delicious, fresh home-cooked meal made with love from a person I see as more of a chef or a maid but who is too clueless to know any better. I plop down on the couch (I used to sit at the table for her to serve me, but we soon dropped this tradition of formality and migrated to the couch for 2 reasons: the TV kept me distracted from the annoying parts of the convo plus the couch allowed her to comfortably... well.. keep reading;) and put on some pirated movie she or I wanted to watch while I loaded up the bong. She'd bring out the plates and drinks and we'd eat, smoke and cuddle as we watched. And then, pretty soon after the weed was in her system she'd loser a lot of her inhibitions and, like clockwork, she'd become this insatiably aroused succubus intent on sucking my soul out of my [REDACTED]. Just... just take that in, lol. I'm not tryina be disgusting, I'm just highlighting how I'm living like a king and not paying a single cent for any of it. I'm eating eating free food (and not only free, but custom catered to my tastes as she learns the recipies for my favorite dishes) but also just cuz I've got the munchies from all the bong-rips (the bong was also paid-for by her btw, forgot to mention that lmao) I'm taking in between. Smoking free weed that I was paid to procure for this very moment of enjoying quality entertainment onscreen that I also stole rather than paid for oh and I'm getting head from a
dumbnaive girl who insists on taking "cummercial breaks" as she calls them (which makes no goddamn sense since this isn't live TV or even something streamed from the internet, but hey, I thought it was kinda cute but also nutty... pun intended) and just omg wtf bbq that last 1 or 1.5 month period was an absolute heavenly experience of just rinsing and repeating this same scene in infinite variations. I convinced her to cook for me 4 nights a week too. And in the beginning we didn't fk, but then I never saw a reason to let her sleep over at my place if she wasn't gonna put out either, so idk whether she caught onto that or it was simply a more subconscious decision cuz she became more susceptible to suggestion as she slowly but surely became a pothead but somewhere in the beginning or middle of that second week of this routine it gradually became just a guaranteed given that she'd obediently lift her skirt for me at the end of our meal and movie (sometimes even before finishing the movie lol) and so I'd allow her stay the night with me as we went at it for hours on end into the night.
But all good things come to an end, I suppose. If that 1.5 month period was an unexpected but incredible highlight, the last month long period where we were still "officially together" was a downward spiral. I still got free meals, free weed, and she still spread her legs, but it was happening less often and there was so much animosity in the air in the interim that she kinda killed my vibe even when we were highfk'ing. It was starting to feel like a chore again. I didn't mind that at the beginning, as distasteful as I found her as a person, I looked at it as a job I was working -- and the job was to work her into feeling indebted to me. But now this bish was a crazy clingy "gf". The money was drying up too, so she got more stingy about giving me free sht. Idk, at a certain point it just no longer seemed worth it. So I pulled the ripcord.
It's not a stretch, given her fragile personality and volatile temperament, to assume that she was probably devastated... but I honestly have no clue since I gave her the cold shoulder right after I dumped her. She probably felt discarded like a piece of trash. She probably felt used. Manipulated. And all of that is true. I saw her as a feebleminded girl before the tragic news of her mother's death, and as soon as that happened (I swear this part wasn't premeditated, it caught me just as much by surprise as it probably shocked you to read it, but it's true) some part of my mind realized I could exploit this weakness of hers and -- in an instant -- I decided to go through with it. And I just kept thinking on my feet, kept scheming, and -- surprisingly -- I just kept sticking the landing each time.
- From the moment I first caught up to her while she was a gross sobbing mess packing her bags and.... "comforted" her knowing she was already an impressionable girl and in that moment in a particularly vulnerable state, I knew I had my hooks in her.
- A week later, right after the memorial for her dead mother, I cumforted her again.
- And again, and again, in the weeks and months that followed till she grew dependent on me in body, mind and at heart.
- After that first month (i.e. about ~2 weeks after the funeral) it stopped feeling like a chore. Sure, she was still my mark and I was working her nonstop, but it honestly felt like I was on auto-pilot just responding with the words she wanted to hear or the gestures she needed to see -- I never felt bad about what I was doing to her, but at this point it didn't even feel like that much effort either.
- A month or two after that, i.e. a little under halfway through the lifecycle of our relationship, she was more often happy to be with me than she had manic depressive mood swings, and at that point I was outright enjoying myself. I never felt bad for what I did to her, and during this period I was get so much puss and tech and cuisine and I got to travel (no gas money either lmao) and just omg such a rich and lavish lifestyle, while I spent the absolute minimal pennies on the dollar.
- When that money stopped rolling in I almost prematurely cut her loose, but surprise surprise, I got one more month of near constant gratuitous servitude and sensual ecstasy out of her. It wasn't riches in the sense of financial gain, but I felt like an absolute fkin king not even gonna lie.
- And then... that last month or so? Yyyeeaahh, it was back to being. a chore trying to maintain her emotional stability while she went all crazy psycho suspicious of my motives and everything that, quite frankly, a few of the times we were doing it I was hatefking her. It got quite toxic, for the both of us.
I think the reason I didn't feel too bad for lying and manipulating her heart and body for my needs was she got some much needed stability and a seemingly selfless bf out of it. That's a victimless crime, right?
I mean, I stole something like ≤ 10K from her purse, but like, she was HAPPY to dote on me right?
FYI I honestly can't be sure about that 10K figure. Around ~$8K-ish, for sure - possibly more, but I can't be certain beyond that.
It's not like I was aiming for a specific number as a target, I was just focused on keeping her physically hooked and emotionally dependent upon me for as long as I could get her to spit out money. And she was damn easy to fool too, I just had to repeatedly reassure her that she's "my girl" and that I'm "proud of you" to reinforce whatever behavior that I wanted and like a bish in heat she'd happily comply. She was so needy, afraid of "not belonging" / "being alone again" after finally experiencing what it's like to have a "bf" who "loved" her that she was willing to do whatever to took to keep me around and make sure I was happy with her, no matter the cost... even if it meant there was a literal cold-hard-cash cost conditional to my feigned affections for herEven when she didn't have much more money to offer me as repayment for all that hard work I put into being the ideal bf she needed, I still let her feel useful to me in other capacities cuz it's what made her happy (and, incidentally, brought me a literal fkton of pleasure too on soooo many different levels lmaoo).
Sure, I'm an asshole for making her feel indebted and that she had to pay me back for all my many different "kindnesses" which were nothing more than calculated and tactical decisions of feigned friendship or passion, but she never once felt like the victim, she wasn't hurt, she was happy.
But that last month... without any more free gifts, much slower and stingier cash dispenses for expenses, and more than anything just the paranoid conspiracy theories she'd pull outta her ass about what I'm doing to her - even if she was still regularly bending over for me it just didn't feel right anymore. It wasn't pleasurable, even though she kept trying to please me, all the sht I had to deal with in between made what was supposed to be the dessert to my free meals feel laborious. She was a chore I had to deal with, once more.
Actually, not even "once more" because there was a clear reward coming I could focus on when I worked her up for me at the start. Now, she's just wound up for no real reason (
well, except for the obvious reason that her suspicions are spot on and she's right to be wary of meno reason at all, she's just a crazy bish) and expending all this energy just to soothe and unwind her felt less and less worthwhile.So, one day, just as instantly as I decided to go through with this sociopathic stratagem, I just decided to stop being her emotional crutch... a support system I knew she already sorely needed, and perhaps even more so after I just tornado'ed my way right tf through her life cleaning her out financially and using her up physically for everything she's worth. But I never checked in on her after that, so idk if she became a self-sufficient and independent woman or if she found some other poor guy to replace me in dealing with her near-constant whining and insecurities.
So... that's my confession. Lol. I probably should've just said that first para which sounded bad enough and left the details to your imagination, but... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I've never come clean about this to anyone before so I figured why the hell not.
For the record, I know what I did was wrong. I just... I can't explain it any better than there was a moment of sudden and pure ideation (I wouldn't even classify it as stereotypical "evil genius" lmao it just... sorta happened) and then, just as quickly, I decided to commit. At no point did I feel bad about it. I still don't feel bad about it, which is strange to say since I expected some sort of cathartic... idk, something, when I wrote all this up. But nope. I saw her as a weak sort of woman even before this transpired. And what led me to inject myself into her life was... idk, but it wasn't an emotional or "evil" impetus. Idk how to explain it really. I saw a critical 0-day vulnerability and decided to exploit that, and in order to do that the timing of my attack had to be immediate, calculated and crucial.
A + B = C
it's as simple as that. What's more, this decision and action all happened in realtime. I found out the news, I compiled everything I knew about her character in my head, in an instant. I decided to drop by her dorm room before she had a chance to leave town and drown surrounded by family's sorrows by clinically, in a carefully contrived manner, offering to fulfill all her needs instead.It's an admittedly despicable tactic, especially since I did it primarily for monetary gain (and at a certain point, I just kept continuing it for the physical benefits she afforded me by way of food and drugs and sex. No lavish lifestyle or expensive gifts anymore, but I still kept her hooked and kept the con going, just cuz... how could I stop when she made it so damned easy to wring out every single thing I possibly could out of her?!?) but I DIDN'T FEEL BAD and I STILL DO NOT FEEL BAD.
I don't believe in heaven or hell, but if there does turn out to be an afterlife, I know there'll be a special circle of hell dedicated for assholes like me.
Or if I'm reincarnated, it'll likely be as a dung beetle.
If karma is a thing, I'll probably end up marrying a gold digger or something, and if that happens I'd say I definitely deserve it and some sort of cosmic scale of justice was finally righted. Fine
But... I just don't feel "evil" lmao. Intellectually, I know how f'ed up it was. But spiritually? I don't believe in that sort of thing. Emotionally? The worst I ever felt was frustration or irritation sometimes at how much maintenance her emotional needs required, I never actually felt I was a toxic influence on her and in fact when she started to suspect me of not truly caring about her I felt that SHE actually made this perfectly pleasant give-and-take dynamic of our "relationship" turn into something truly unpleasant and toxic with no clear benefits for either side.
Idk. I just know that I'm capable of this. I've never done anything like that before her, nor after, but not because the idea sounded abhorrent to me before nor because I found myself horrified by what I'd done after. I just never ever even thought along those lines before that unique opportunity, and when I did, it was perfectly in-line with my personality to try it just to see if I could pull it off. And... yeah, I guess I do know from experience now that I'm capable of something like this. But I've never felt the urge or impulse to do so again.
This isn't the only time I've been manipulative in a relationship, but it is certainly the "worst" as you normal humans might classify it. Likewise, I've cheated people out of money before, heck I've even done it (repeatedly) to my immediate family. I don't really feel guilt over it. I don't think I'm a sociopath, but I can't exactly pretend I don't have sociopathic tendencies. I'm generally an empowering sort of individual, but these are historical data points that clearly demonstrate I can rob someone of their emotional ability to be independent as well as steal their chance at financial independence. Heck, this very account that I made about 5 years ago was created for the express purpose of catfishing and toying with people, just for shts and giggles - though after registering it, I became a suddenly opted to become a silent observer rather than a wolf in sheep's clothing. On the other hand, once I finally became active on here about a month ago I've done nothing but be completely transparent about my perspectives and encourage others wherever I thought I could. I can't exactly predict or explain why I do the things I do, I just know that whenever I decide to go through with something I don't feel any regret/remorse nor pride/delight in doing so. It's just... so unequivocally "me" (even if I'd never considered that path prior to that point, as was the case of this story writ above) that I decide to follow through with it - whether that's 5 years of not catfishing y'all, a literal decade of not opting nor caring to be in a relationship with anyone cuz I got bored of the mind games, or the many different manipulative plays I made in all my relationships prior (including this incredibly lucrative 6+ month sprint I just shared), or even the genuine attempts at care and connection I made before that. I seem to oscillate between "good" to "evil" and sometimes even just "amoral" but in those moments, it feels like the most sane decision to adhere to.
I'm definitely not a saint, nor can you just oversimplify me to be a sinner as both "saint" and "sinner" are too reductionist in lieu of the truth: I am a bit of both (as, perhaps, are we all). Right now, in this moment, I'm clearly being an absolute tool... but transparently so. Is there value in being a transparent tool? I'm not sure. But it seemed like as good a time as any to come clean, so I just went with it, whatever judgements come my way ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Well 1st you clap for TM for reading this book ... 2ndly I have strong feeling that you don't regret what you did for this girl somehow I can smell it but I'm not judging who u really are just saying what i felt though , I don't know 🤷♂️
@The-Mods stealing once, trying to steal another time, also telling on my cousin about something that didn't happen and he got belted. I feel bad to remmeber such things.
@DaNii glad u realized what wrong u did and ur courage to say it and i hope nothing evil come from u again though i feel ur not that evil being lol 😇
@The-Mods no need to "feel" or "smell" that I don't lol, I say as much. A number of different times, actually.
So yes, assuming you can trust that I'm telling the truth, you actually do know I don't feel regret nor pride for my actions -- whether that's something y'all would consider "selfless and virtuous" like volunteering at a homeless shelter (which I've done) or "selfish and scheming" like shilling someone out of their inheritance (my answer to this question)
I act in accordance with who I am, through and through. I am not remorseful, nor am I prideful, I simply act as I am compelled to and I stay true to my nature whether that act is deemed to be "evil" or "benevolent" by others.
Also... why'd I get a downvote? 😅
Lol I was only answering your question truthfully and honestly! 😤
Are you punishing me for doing exactly what you asked of us? 🤔
- And besides, all this sudden activity and visibility on your topic/question is precisely because of that first post I wrote 📈
- There were 0 replies for the first 24 hours straight and then as soon as my reply goes live *boom* 5 or 6 posts back to back and a corresponding uptick in views 👀
- So... y'all are gonna try to bury my inconvenient and/or unpalatable answer (which was the cause for this traffic) now that this topic has finally gained some traction? 😭
*gasps in feigned revulsion* that is "the most evil thing" you could do 👿
Don't hate on me if you don't like the answer to this sort of a question 🤣
Perhaps you shouldn't have asked a question about the most extreme degrees of "evil" a person's actions can possibly take 🙊 if you simultaneously have a 🙈
"see no evil, hear no evil"
🙉 policy as well?Seems kindof counterproductive considering the sort of answers you know you're gonna invariably get (╬ ಠ益ಠ)
So once I went to an even where big show from wwe is going to come. That place was crowded. I went there with one of my friends. And there was guy with backpack in front of us. He had his handkerchief in side pocket of his backpack. I speak it out to impress my friend. We giggled. N then idk how to put it back. So I let it down on ground. Idk I told that guy that his handkerchief fell out or not. But that was one of evil thing I have did. -
@Ash33 I think thats more like a prank with no evil intentions in it 🙂
@erikagautney It was not me who downvoted ur reply ... and I didnt judge ur action cz I already assume it should be bad since I asked yall to mention an evil action u did ...
@erikagautney Plus u assume a lot of shit like " we are a gang coming together to fuck with u " lol I have no alliances tbh I'm cool with everyone and If have something against you I need no allies tbh so ur reply is welcomed 😉
@The-Mods said in Most Evil thing:
@erikagautney It was not me who downvoted ur reply
Oh... ok, well, fair enough @The-Mods
It happened right around the same time you replied, so it seemed to correlate ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But if you say so, I'll take your word for it 👍🏼
@The-Mods said in Most Evil thing:
I didnt judge ur action cz I already assume it should be bad since I asked yall to mention an evil action u did ...Plus u assume a lot of shit like " we are a gang coming together to fuck with u " lol
First of all, I was employing satirical humor lol. Secondly, it doesn't really matter tbh. And I wrote as much in my original post, that a lot of judgement might come my way simply because I chose to answer this Q as candidly as I did (and/or because I did so without showing remorse for my "most evil thing" too)
So in a sense I was already preemptively prepared for this sort of bias since most people would readily prefer your
evilsimple story about stealing chocolate bars or handkerchiefs vs stealing somewhere between $8K ≥ $10K from a girl in mourning by exploiting her (physical and emotional) needs, manipulating her inexperience (with relationships and money management), and preying on her fears (of not doing enough to "earn" my affections + constantly reminding her that without me she'd once again be all alone in this world)One is literally child's play, and is so generic that it could apply to anyone (though that also a strength since it means almost everyone could relate to some variation of your story) whereas the other story describes an individual with a "disturbing" lack of moral conscience (though I myself don't feel disturbed. Even over a decade after reflecting on the events and finally sharing it with the world, I still chose to admit in the present day that looking back I genuinely don't feel conflicted about it)
But here's the rub: On principle is not "stealing a handkerchief sticking out from their pocket / a chocolate bar while shopping at the supermarket" etc just as opportunistic as I was when I rushed to her dorm room an hour after the news to take advantage of her instability?
I'm not saying the scale or duration is comparable at all.
- Scale: one is a momentary slight of hand of a ~$1-10 dollar item whereas I played prolonged mind-games to steal ~10000-1000x times that value
- Duration: and after I successfully got my hooks into her posing as potential bf material during that closing window of uniquely lucrative opportunity (the day of + the following week, right after the memorial) I didn't decide to just sit back and wait to capitalize on her emotional investment in me at a later date.
- I let my little social-engineering experiment run it's course and play out over the following weeks.
- And when the money finally started flooding my way, I continued the con for months on end to get as much as I possibly could.
- Even when the money eventually dried up, I kept her hooked for the free labor and supplies around the house... plus other physically gratifying benefits
So, yeah, I get it. It's just not the same... when it comes to the degree to which I took it. But... y'all were operating on the same principle whenever you stole from your family and let your cousin or whoever else took the fall, whenever you decided this little snack-able bar will benefit me, or when you simply chose to pickpocket a stranger just to see if you could do it, just cuz, for the shts and giggles. Et cetera. Et cetera.
But hey, it is what it is. People will upvote the "silly, simple" moments of mischief, and they'll downvote my "cruel, callous" months of manipulation... even though the topic quite literally asks us to like the "
Evil thing"But let's be perfectly honest here, none of y'all can actually pretend to be better than me when the principle of the problem still stands: we will act selfishly (and/or throw others under a bus while doing it) whenever it suits our needs. Welcome to the human condition.
Friendly FYI that I've also acted altruistically.
- I've helped to build houses for the homeless in partnership with Habitats for Humanity in Houston.
- I've voluntarily worked at soup-kitchens in Dallas feeding the starving.
- I've donated money to charities in New York (liquidating something like ~85-90% of what I had, out of my own pocket, to do it)
- I've tutored college applicants and incoming freshmen students in San Francisco.
- I spearheaded an after-school comp-sci educational program at a middle-school.
- Also volunteered for their pre-existing summer-school program and took those kids on a trip to a robotics competition!
- I've even put on puppet shows for children in after feeding them in daycares.
- Temped at a nursing home.
- Also at a hospital.
- Not to mention the literal hundreds if not thousand plus hours I've put in for various churches over the years.
All for free, without expecting any form of compensation in return (okay, I did end up getting paid for the summer-school gig, but that's besides the point lol cuz that's not why I chose to do it)
And hey, I'm sure y'all have had such selfless moments as well. Good for you. Once again, welcome to the human condition.
The only key differentiator I've perceived (thus far, at least) is that I don't pretend to be evil when I'm using other people, nor do I pretend to be righteous when I'm helping other people. I'm aware that those are the classifications most people place on such actions, but there are a subset of people like me who don't do it because we're emotionally disgusted by / driven to such horrible / laudable actions. We do the "evil / good" things simply because we chose to, and the labels that get placed on them is really by the rest of society.
Of course, I live amongst you in such a society, so I try to keep my supposedly "wicked" deeds to a minimum and I indulge in "virtuous" acts whenever the whim strikes me, because -- once again -- that's what y'all seem to value... but take notice that, yet again, I'm doing so out of a self-centered sense of preservation (and, perhaps, to a degree it could be considered selfless too in that I'm promoting "do more good than bad" to others around me since I like living in this sort of society too. But that's more of a minor side-effect really of my selfish desire to survive amongst you emotionally driven lot)
Anyway, the TL;DR version is that I don't think I've ever been able to adequately empathize with another -- regardless of whether it's a morally righteous or morally reprehensible act I'm engaging in at the time. I'm not driven to volunteer at a homeless shelter because my heart breaks for the plight of the downtrodden. I just decided to do so. Simply being "good for goodness' sake" so to speak, is enough for me to act. Likewise, I didn't use a dead mother's money meant for her daughter to live rent free for a quarter of that year just cuz I am villainous or evil lmao. The schemes were merely a means to an end, period. I thought I could pull off a con pretending to be something she desired and needed, I decided to go through with the plan, and I stuck the landing. It really was as simple as that.
Now... if any of y'all think that my lack of empathy when engaging in such actions (whether the rest of you in society classify and label them as "good" or "bad, "right" or wrong", "Im/Moral" etc) is problematic, we can probably discuss that. That's a key differentiator that I've noticed over the last 15 years between myself and the vast majority of other people that I've met.
But setting aside the elements of emotional revulsion vs revelry in "Most Evil / Most Righteous" deeds (which y'all clearly experience and yet I do not) yeah lol y'all can't and don't get to pretend that you've got some moral high ground over me.
As difficult as this maneuver may be for some of you, try to climb on down from your holier-than-thou moral-high-horse and be level-headed with me. Look me in the eye and tell me none of you have ever acted in a selfish manner before. Or try to point your finger at me and pretend that I'm incapable of acting in a selfless manner. The second you do, I'm gonna call BS.
We're all human here, and as such every single one of us is perfectly capable of both. My motivations might differ from yours (for the record, I feel that emotionally motivated acts of charity or crime are inconsistent -- you're just window-shopping ...which is probably why I have no problem going to the extreme lengths I do when volunteering down in the ditches selflessly or selfishly manipulating people in my past relationships for physical or financial gain) but neither one of us can escape the impetus to "evil" nor the impulse to "good"
So go ahead everyone, give me the "most downvotes" for truly representing the "most evil thing" this question specifically asked us to reveal lmao. I may take it farther than some of you do, but you're no different from me because you're all capable and willing to do it to whenever it suits your needs, wants and desires (albiet, in smaller degrees, cuz pretty soon y'all tend to "feel bad" smh. And then, somehow, I'M considered some lower level of sub-human? Simply cuz I stuck to it and acted consistently unlike the rest of you?? lmfaooo nope I don't think so, y'all are just as despicable and deplorable as me, you just save face after doing it and I don't care cuz I know exactly what I am and I stay true to form ☯️
) -
@Ashish_ said in Most Evil thing:
- It's been 10+ years since those events took place, and I hadn't told a single soul till now. I think my self-imposed vow-of-silence affords me some leeway in being as vocal as I choose to be when I finally spill the tea.
- More generally speaking, this user is... using a.. forum. An open forum. A public forum. A place where people can post as much or as little content as they so desire.
The site isn't called "Talk with terse strangers" it's "Talk with strangers" so expect to come across a myriad of widely and wildly fluctuating variation of people from all different walks of life expressing themselves in a plethora of ways.
If you're not quite ready to face that music, I suggest you take a break from the internet, cuz it's not gonna get any easier for you the deeper you dive into it ¯_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
I am not even gonna read this reply , it already looks big 😂
Charlish Animal Lovers Music Lovers MORBHEADlast edited by Charlish Mar 2, 2022, 3:23 PM Mar 2, 2022, 3:23 PM
@erikagautney yes , this gives good vibes for the first time from ur replies. Idc what it means but finally something short from your side 🙂
@erikagautney I have an issue with ur long replies tbh , It doesnt mean I don't read them cz I do everytime cz I like reading .. but the problem is that I have a lot of comments or critical opinions to say but I don't feel I should do because it will not end soon since u opened hundreds of topics with this long reply that looked so much like an analysis ...
@erikagautney You should learn the difference between general and specific terms to start with .. When I said my most evil thing i did was stealing a choclate bar , that doesnt mean that this action by itself is " The most evil " but since it's related to me it becomes so because I didnt do something that bad like you did to mention it ..
i commit evil if im weak at anything .. so i try my best
@Lake-Bodom That's a philosophical reply hands up 🙌 we can write books abt what u said bottoms 🧐
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The Engaging Landscape of Talk With Stranger's Recent Page"
The "Recent" page on Talk With Stranger serves as a hub where users post new content and updates across various topics. It enables members to engage in free chat rooms, share experiences, and reconnect with chat partners. View this post on Tumblr Members can chat in free public chat rooms, share suggested experiences, and join their chat buddies back. When you visit Reddit Chat, then the next thing to do is go through different posts, from finding new friends and random chats to random chat rooms. This allows community members to message, aid and learn from others in a robust, interactive environment. The page encourages an interactive platform by linking between people who really have nothing to link but their willingness for spontaneous interactions around the world.
The Recent Page on TWS Website
Recent page in Talk With Stranger (TWS) can be a static or dynamic place where all users who are looking for recent thoughts, ideas posts and chat with past people. This page serves as a live feed of activity alerts users to new user actions, conversations and chat invitations. The "Recent" page is the core of community-centrism, providing running participation that allows users to quickly participate in free chat rooms and random charlatan index
This page is just as important for new arrivals as it is for users who have been lounging in TWS meta-mall since December, because it captures the pulse of a community. It does not only pin the last posts but also permits followers to respond at lightning speed, either by replying to someone else or starting a new thread.
In this post, we will address the details of how users are active on the Recent page, what types of content they share mostly and how incorporating free chat rooms or random chats level up their experience. In this series we will explore the keywords chat, free chat, chat rooms, free chatroom and random chats at the heart of each of the dynamics that constitute Talk With Stranger.
The Role of the Recent Page: The Catalyst for Live Commerce
The importance of the Recent page on Talk With Stranger cannot be overstated — it serves as a key place where new and previous content can both be discovered and interacted with. This is one such useful page as it displays all the posts in a chronological way which reflects what is really happening on the platform. Whether it be a follow up to the new conversation you just engaged with or ongoing discussions on the topic, there is always something for users to talk about instantly. There are many posts by strangers who want to chat with strangers and talk to strangers online in private stranger chat.
By simplifying the process of connecting, the "Recent" page aims to promote community involvement. Rather than having to go through many areas of the website to locate ongoing conversations or chat rooms, visitors may visit this page and immediately become involved in the most recent exchanges.
Typical post categories on the "Recent" page consist of:
1. Private notes to get in touch with former conversation partners.
2. Requests to join particular chat rooms for talks or games.
3. Queries on a range of subjects, from technical inquiries to life guidance.
4. Friendly salutations or requests to start casual conversations with new users.
TWS makes sure customers don't miss any action by offering a single, user-friendly page, which makes it easier for them to keep informed about current discussions and community developments.
The Foundation of Interaction on Talk With Strangers: Free Chat Rooms
The free chat rooms on Talk With Stranger, which let users text and converse with individuals all around the world, are the center of the community. Because they give users an adaptable and convenient way to meet new people depending on their common interests or needs for impromptu conversation, these chat rooms are an essential feature.
To accommodate a variety of tastes, free chat rooms are separated into several categories. There is something for everyone on TWS, regardless of whether users like the excitement of random talks or would rather join a themed room focused on technology, music, or lighthearted banter. Some chat rooms' randomness enables members to meet individuals from different backgrounds and step outside of their comfort zones.
Common Categories of Free Chat Rooms
1. General Chat Rooms: These rooms provide an informal setting for discussion on any subject. These rooms are great for casual conversations, whether someone wants to share a strange idea or speak about their day.
2. Themed Chat Rooms: A lot of people want to participate in discussions that are tailored to their interests. Users may interact with others who share their interests in relationships, technology, gaming, movies, and other topics by joining themed chat rooms.
3. Random Chat Rooms: One of the TWS platform's most well-liked features is its random chat rooms function. Users are paired with random people in these rooms to have impromptu talks. Random voice chat rooms provide an element of excitement and unpredictability, whether you're wanting to meet someone new or just want to have a surprise conversation.
Random Conversations: A Special Way to Speak With Strangers
One of Talk With Stranger's key features is its random chat feature, which matches users with random people from all around the world. Users never know who they'll be conversing with next because of this feature, which gives the site a sense of surprise and originality.
The popularity of random conversations has increased for a number of reasons:
1. Spontaneity: Random conversations offer a totally unexpected experience, in contrast to other chat platforms where users may join particular groups based on interests. Users who like making new friends or who just want to kill time by striking up a random discussion will find this appealing.
2. Global Reach: Due to the platform's global user base, casual chats frequently result in discussions with individuals from other nations and cultural backgrounds. Because of its diversity, the user experience is enhanced and learning and cultural exchange are made possible.
3. Anonymity: Because TWS random conversations are primarily anonymous, participants are able to express themselves honestly without worrying about disclosing personal information. Because of their anonymity, users may be more at ease and authentic.
The random chat function improves TWS overall by encouraging special and impromptu relationships that would not occur in more formal conversation environments.
Actual Instances of User Engagement on the Recent Page
There is a wide range of active engagement on the Recent page. Users share a variety of content, such as invites to games or group discussions and personal narratives. The "Recent" page can be used in the following typical ways to facilitate connections:
Seeking Former Chat Partners: A lot of people utilize the "Recent" tab to post in an attempt to get in touch with someone they previously spoke with. This is especially typical in situations when participants are chatting randomly and may not have had time to share contact information before the chat ends. As an example, a user could post:
"Searching for the girl who spoke about Harry Potter the day before." Message me if you see this, please!
2. Inviting Users to Join Group chat conversations in group chat rooms: Some users invite others to themed or group conversations by going to the "Recent" page. These entries may provide an overview of the subject matter and an open invitation to participate for everyone who is interested.
"Hi everyone, today we're playing a game of truth or dare in the "Random Fun" chat room. If you're ready for some fun, please feel free to join!
3. Asking queries or advice: Users frequently post queries on TWS in an effort to get advice from other members of the community, which is highly helpful. These might be more serious questions about life, personal recommendations, or suggestions for movies or literature.
"Hey, I need some guidance on how to deal with a challenging circumstance at work. I'd be delighted to hear your opinions!
4. Sharing Personal tales: Users can also share tales or personal experiences with the community on the site. These posts frequently start conversations and bring people together via similar experiences.
"So, last night I had this strange dream. Just curious if anyone else has had something like it." Let's talk about weird dreams!
The community is kept alive and active by the diversity of involvement, which guarantees that there is always something fresh going on the "Recent" tab.
The Influence of Inclusive and Anonymity in Free Chat Rooms
Talk With Stranger's dedication to anonymity is one of its best features. Because sharing personal information is not mandatory, users are able to converse openly and without fear of repercussion. Those who might be reluctant or bashful to express their opinions in more conventional social settings will find this option very intriguing.
Additionally, anonymity creates a level playing field by removing prejudices and preconceptions from interactions between people from different backgrounds. It promotes candid and open discussion since users may voice their opinions without worrying about the consequences.
The website is also quite inclusive, providing free chat rooms that accommodate a wide variety of hobbies and backgrounds. You'll discover a room that works for you whether you want to play games, have in-depth philosophical discussions, or just chat about music.
How to Use the "Recent" Page and Navigate It
New users may easily navigate the "Recent" page.When you log in to the site, the website transforms into a live feed featuring the most recent posts. Here's a little tutorial to help you make the most of it:
1. Look for interesting topics. To see the most recent posts, navigate to the "Recent" page, which is often updated.
2. Post Your Own Message: All it takes to initiate a discussion or pose a query is to make a post. This area can be used for asking for guidance, inviting others to join a discussion, or sharing a thought with the group.
3. React to Others: One of the simplest ways to participate in the community is to reply to other users' postings. Reacting to postings, whether by giving counsel or just jumping into a conversation, promotes deep ties.
4. Invite People to Chat Rooms: You are welcome to publish an invitation on the "Recent" tab if you would want to start a chat room or if you have a particular one in mind. This is a fantastic method to get like-minded people together for games or conversations in groups.
The Significance of Community Engagement and Feedback
Initiating discussions is only one aspect of engagement on the "Recent" tab; community members' feedback and interactions are equally crucial. Feedback can come in a variety of forms, such as answers to queries, supportive comments during conversations, or even helpful critique.
Promoting Positive Criticism
1. Establishing a Safe Space for Sharing: It's critical to have an environment that is encouraging when people offer feedback. Constructive criticism promotes users' confidence in voicing their thoughts, which might result in more in-depth conversations.
2. Encourage Active Listening: Active listening is necessary for participating in discussions on the "Recent" page. Before replying, users should carefully read the posts made by others. This exercise aids in creating pertinent responses that significantly advance the current conversations.
3. Acknowledging Contributions: It's critical for other community members to recognize the insightful viewpoints and helpful counsel that others have shared. To help people feel appreciated, a brief "Thank you" or a more thorough answer might be quite beneficial.
Activities to Foster Community
Community contact is essential for Talk With Stranger to flourish, and the "Recent" page acts as a spark for a variety of community-building events. In addition to maintaining user engagement, these activities help participants form enduring relationships.
Games and Tasks for Groups
By using the postings on the "Recent" tab, a lot of users take the initiative to set up challenges or group activities. These exercises, which encourage cooperation and healthy competition, might be anything from quiz contests to creative writing assignments.
1. Trivia Nights: Users can suggest a trivia night and extend an invitation to others to attend. In order to ensure that everyone may participate, regardless of knowledge level, questions can cover a variety of topics.
2. Creative Writing Challenges: People who love to write in the community often organize writing contests in which participants are required to come up with short tales in response to suggestions. This encourages creativity and gives individuals a platform to demonstrate their writing abilities.
3. Collaborative Projects: people may work together on projects, including starting a blog or community newsletter using content from different people. Everyone feels more invested in the community and more engaged as a result of this team effort.
The Value of Restraint and Safety Procedures
Despite the typically warm and inviting attitude on Talk With Stranger, it's critical to have policies in place that safeguard users and promote a constructive environment. Moderators are employed by the site and are vital in maintaining civil and entertaining interactions for all users.
1. Active Monitoring: Moderators keep an eye out for improper conduct or content on the "Recent" page and in other chat rooms. Their presence guarantees that users feel secure interacting with others and helps discourage bad interactions.
2. Giving users more power: Users are urged to help keep the group honest by sharing any questionable behavior. We can make sure that everyone is responsible for making the workplace nice if we all work together.
4. Educational Initiatives: Another area of the community's concentration is instructing individuals on safe online behavior. A safer environment is achieved by consistently reminding people of the value of preserving personal information and having polite conversations.
Establishing Consistency in Building Trust
Any community needs trust, and developing that trust requires patience and steady work. Users may cultivate trust through their interactions and communication dependability on the "Recent" page.
1. Consistency in Engagement: Engaging in conversations on a regular basis contributes to building a presence in the community. Those who often offer insightful commentary and assistance are likely to establish lasting bonds with one another.
2. Keep Your Words: Users must keep their word when they agree to join a group chat or take part in an activity. Reliability in keeping promises sustains credibility and entices people to interact with you.
3. Transparency in aims: Establishing rapport during discussions can be facilitated by being forthright about one's aims. Clear communication creates a trustworthy atmosphere, whether one is looking for companionship, guidance, or just a good conversation.
Individual Development via Community Involvement
Talk With Stranger conversations offer chances for self development in addition to social connection. Through networking with a variety of people, users may broaden their views and improve their social skills.
1. Improved Communication Skills: Having talks on a daily basis helps users improve their communication skills, making it easier for them to express their thoughts and actively listen to others.
2. Broadened views: Engaging with others from different backgrounds exposes people to a range of countries, ways of life, and views. Having this exposure may increase one's understanding and empathy.
3. Enhanced Confidence: Taking part in discussions, particularly random ones, may give people a boost in confidence. Users could grow more at ease expressing themselves in real and online contexts over time.
The Future of Virtual Communication: Chat Community Trends
The community's ideals and interests are reflected in the content that people have contributed on the "Recent" page. This user-generated content, which ranges from artistic creations to personal narratives, acts as a mirror to the users' varied viewpoints and experiences.
By identifying what appeals to users most, analyzing this content may provide light on the community's collective identity, promote a feeling of community, and inspire others to share their perspectives.
Future developments in technology and user behavior will probably have an impact on Talk With Stranger and other similar services as online communication continues to change. Users' interactions with one another might be influenced by innovations including more individualized chat experiences, AI-driven moderation, and improved privacy options.
Communities will also need to change in response to the increasing desire for inclusiveness and diversity in order to continue being welcome places for people looking to connect and have a discussion.
Concluding Remarks on Engagement Techniques
Here are some last ideas to keep in mind while customers explore the ever-changing "Recent" page to improve their experience:
1. Remain Curious: Enter into discussions with an open mind. Deeper relationships might result from posing questions and demonstrating an interest in the experiences of others.
2. Be Respectful: Regardless of the outcome of a discussion, always show others respect. It is possible to avoid misunderstandings and create a pleasant environment by acting with respect.
3. Promote Inclusive: Try to interact with users who could come out as more reserved or uninvolved. Encouraging everyone to participate contributes to the development of a well-rounded community.
Users may enhance their own and others' experiences on Talk With Stranger by adhering to these rules and helping to create a vibrant and encouraging community.
Talk With Stranger's "Recent" tab is a hive of activity where people publish updates, participate in free chat rooms, and exchange content with one another. People come together to engage in real-time interaction in this melting pot of concepts, feelings, and relationships. The page's lively interaction demonstrates the platform's function as a global discussion center, making it a fun location to make new friends and get in touch with existing ones.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
Q1: What does the Talk With Strangers "Recent" page entail?
Answer: Users may share their most recent updates, re-connect with others, and have discussions in free chat rooms and sporadic chat sessions on the "Recent" part of the website.
Q2: How do TWS free chat rooms operate?
Answer: Users may join or establish free chat rooms to converse on a variety of topics without having to pay anything. Everyone is welcome to use these rooms, which encourage impromptu conversations.
Q3. Is it possible to locate particular people on the "Recent" page?
Answer: A lot of people do post on the "Recent" tab in an attempt to get in touch with someone they spoke with before. Users can use this function to look up friends or conversation partners from past sessions.
Q4: Is there no cost to utilize Talk With Stranger?
Answer: Users do not need to pay to access random conversations, free chat rooms, and other services on the site.
Q5: What kinds of subjects are covered on TWS?
Answer: A broad variety of subjects are discussed by users, such as dating, movies, technology, life guidance, and more.
The "Recent" tab on the Talk With Stranger platform embodies the spirit of contemporary internet conversation. TWS creates an atmosphere where community members feel linked even when they are geographically separated by providing a place where users may participate in random conversations, have free chat sessions, and post updates. The platform provides a dynamic and varied area to satisfy your social requirements, whether you're looking for a brief chat or a deeper conversation.
Recent Posts
Engaging Popular Topics and Daily Topics in Online Chatrooms
Online chatrooms have given rise to an animated platform, the beauty of which is that people can freely express their views on an infinite number of topics. This makes the chatrooms more appealing than ever. There are many aspects of the popular topics in the chat where people come to share their thoughts, ask questions, or even just talk, whether it is about daily life, fun, issues relating to people, or even news. No matter how quickly the world changes, and how fast paced the world of the internet becomes. These chatrooms make it possible for that ever-new wave of active discussions to take place, ensuring that there are new daily topics on which people will talk. Free chat with other strangers and make new friends online on Talk With Stranger by talking to strangers.
Specifically, in this article, we will look at the most common popular topics and the typical daily topics that sustain chatrooms and their relevance to users worldwide. This guide is designed to walk you through the focus areas that attract the greatest interest and where exactly in today’s reality, they have chatrooms turned into a melting pot of relations based on the commonality of interests. Chat online today on TWS (TalkWithStranger) free chat sites.
The Appeal of Popular Topics Available in Chatrooms
Interesting features include the extensive range of interesting topics available, which appeal to many people, in the chat rooms. Users on such platforms log in to participate in various topics. It includes news, entertainment, and personal life issues where one seeks advice. The interesting thing about these services is that they are very flexible. One can look for a particular chat room for a particular interest or just join general conversations on everydayevery day topics that are suitable to most members.
What Brings People’s Attention to Popular Topics?
Many factors make certain topics interesting in chat rooms:
Users’ temptations: There is a tendency among users to love taking part in topics that appeal to them the most. This could go like my favorite sport, my best friend, my way of life, etc.
Topics that grab people’s attention: Such topics would be politics, maternal care, and discussions of trends that are of the moment, the amount of response generated is always impressive.
Communication: It is often the case that many people from different walks of life have something in common in terms of subjects of interest. Chat rooms provide the perfect medium for enhancing the attainment of the objective given the chances of being supportive.
Popular Topics: Chat Room Examples
Some topics tend to be focused on in chat rooms every time. The topics include:
Entertainment: Most of the time, some topics revolve around movies, television shows, music, or video games. It could be an advertisement for the most recent movie or a review of the music tabs. One thing that is guaranteed is that entertainment is always booming.
Personal Relationships: Most of the time chat rooms are used to air relationship challenges, seek assistance, or even share very amusing dating experiences.
Health and Wellness: Most people seek participation in chat rooms from textbooks or fitness programs for sporting or health advice. Members will often share information concerning the different aspects of healthy living.
Hobbies and Interests: Chat rooms are great for passionate individuals to unite and talk about photography, trips, or gaming.
The Dynamic Nature of Daily Topics
While popular topics help users join conversations, it is the daily topics that engage users in chat rooms that are activerooms active and interesting all the time. These conversations tend to be more relaxed and light-hearted. They enable users to log in every day and have something to say without feeling overwhelmed by the need to give a detailed response. These daily topics are also particularly useful in helping people form social bonds over ordinary daily enterprises.
How Daily Topics Maintain Interest in Chatrooms
Daily topics are introduced in every chat room to enhance user interaction in each room. These topics revolve around something going on in the current and global environment. Users can share how their day is going, offeringgoing offering their thoughts about any holiday or other memorable day. This strategy I believe aids in making the members active and hence making them wish to come back to the room more often.
Common Types of Daily Topics on Free Chat sites
Daily Check-Ins: It’s common in most chat rooms to find a thread titled “How’s your day” where individuals post what has been happening to them.
Current Events: A hot talk is a topic that arises from breaking news the most popular politics of the day or a hot global issue.
Personal Milestones: Users like to express their achievements, presenting such events as a successful promotion, a new relationship, or losing extra weight.
Lighthearted Fun: Coveted daily trivia and other everyday topics encourage users to take their time and look for lighthearted and funny themes.
The Change in Trends in Chats and Subjects in Chatrooms
With the advancement in technology, so do the topics in the chat room. Most people talk about the same things over the internet, like entertainment, relationships, health and so other aspects that are popular with the majority. The chat rooms of today are such that members are as likely to engage in understanding tech advancements and sharing thoughts on cryptocurrency and responsible living as much as they do about fetishes and lifestyle fads.
Trending Popular Topics in Modern Chatrooms
There has been the development of popular topics in chat rooms, especially with the emergence of social media and the quick spread of information. Some of these niches that are becoming increasingly popular in chat rooms include:
Tech and Gadgets: Since the technology era is ever getting advanced, some users just can never stay in a room without chatting about the most recent devices and applications thatapplications, that are revolutionizing the world today.
Sustainability: Now more than ever, many people are conscious of environmental concerns and chat rooms are also more about modern living, climate, and sustainability as well.
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: Many are still catching up with the crypto world and as the market for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum continues to grow. Many chat rooms center around the same helping users provide areas where they can talk about the latest in crypto, and even help investors time the market.
Integrating New Trends
It is one of the outstanding virtues of the chatrooms to incorporate new trends that come up. As new interests develop, chatrooms tend to adopt these changes by adding fresh popular topics that occupy users and keep the subject of the platforms. These trends in popular culture allow abandoning the claim that chat rooms in the modern world no longer have any reason to exist.
Inclusion of Popular Topics and Daily Topics in Building Community
Every active chatroom seems to be vigorous mostly due to the sense of community residing in it. Users do not simply engage in conversations; they relate with persons who have common interests with them. Popular topics become the points where users can strive to begin making conversations while daily topics aim to make the chat rooms more engaging and colorful.
Importance Of Popular Topics In Relating Users
Beginning from the fact that users in a chat room engage in certain popular topics quite frequently, certain bonds start forming. This can either be as a result of a common favorite show or advice given on personal stuff, these talks create an aspect of closeness and attachment among the members.
How Moderators Influence the Nature of Popular Topics
Moderators help scrutinize and enhance what is being talked about in the chat rooms. They keep the closure with users by topping and pinning some hot topics to avoid unnecessary diversion from the subject of discussion.
The Influence of Trending Topics on the Traffic of Chat Rooms
The variation of popular topics is one of the features that is responsible for the constant return by users to the chat rooms. Some topics, once they become popular, are known to draw an even bigger audience and hence create a lot of movement into the platform. This is particularly true of chatrooms which are mostly focused on current discussions concerning trends that are fascinating enough to pitch a large number of people to walk in and join in the talk that is actively going on.
User-Generated Content and Its Effects on the Popular Daily Topics
The nature of all the user-generated content is also one of the things that appeals more to popular topics. The main weakness which traditional media hosts is that it is very rare and poorly structured by active participants which are the members and audiences of free chat rooms. This therefore explains why popular topics are referred to as fluid and flexible to the will and wishes of people.
Some of the most common user-generated popular topics that have been known to attract traffic include:
Live Event Discussions: Large events containing competitions like sports, award ceremonies, and others, are all great topics because they usually attract large numbers of users to chat rooms to discuss these events as they are happening.
Viral Challenges and Trends: It could be an internet challenge, a viral meme, videos, or animations; chatrooms are channels that enable users to engage and talk about such trends.
Advice Columns: It is no news that threads and discussions seeking to offer or request advice on matters of relationships, career choices, and even health are some of the most actively participated areas in chatrooms from their popular circles.
How Chatrooms Evolve Around Daily Topics
As time goes by, chatrooms change in their structure and contents. This is because the trends and preferences of the users also change over time. Daily topics are essential as they keep chatrooms functional as a channel of instant communication. These days, most of the chatrooms are adding up new technologies and features to meet the increasing expectation of instant communication.
The Rise of Real-Time Interactions
With social media being the key to communication, chatrooms also adopted a real-time interaction facility that allows users to participate in a conversation that has already commenced. Daily topics such as current affairs, news, or what is trending at that time can be used for such calls for discussions. This is the essence of immediacy and it is arguably why people would want to participate and interact with other people.
Mobile Chatrooms and Their Social Aspects
Mobile devices dominate the internet today and chatrooms have adapted their systems to this trend. The change has had a notable effect on the way people consume the questions of the day and interact with them. It is now possible for users to get into chatrooms from any location which ensures that conversations about questions of the day remain ongoing and current in real time.
Some of the factors that have contributed to the emergence of mobile chatrooms include:
Push Notifications: Additionally, notifications will notify users about a daily topic of interest that has been posted and will enhance user engagement.
Instant Messaging Features: For instance due to social mobile app chatrooms incorporating messaging features instant messaging features make convenient discussions around daily topics easier.
Popular Topics and Niche Communities
While most chatrooms deal with broad-based popular topics that capture thousands and thousands of users’ interest, the same cannot be said of niche communities which constitute an integral part of the chatroom ecosystem. Usually, people cluster in small groups with specific topics or interests that are more specific than just the broad original topic. It could be a fan club dedicated to this or that serial or the IT trends. These focus communities allow their users to address such a trend in more detail rather than attract a wider audience.
Why Niche Popular Topics Are So Trending Today
Niche popular topics are on the rise owing to how different chatrooms can cater to the individual user’s needs. As users are looking for more focused content, such specific forums enable discussions that are not just skin-deep. This approach effectively sustains user interest by allowing them to interact with those who share their interests and have different spheres of passion.
Some other examples of niche popular topics are:
Science and Fantasy Fiction: Chatrooms that are dedicated to everything from the latest picture books and motion pictures to fan artfanart creation.
DIY And Crafting: These boards help people exchange tips, tutorials, and projects and form a constructive activity-oriented community.
Fitness And Wellness: In recent years niche forums focused on fitness training, meal plans, and mental health discussions have become quite popular as well.
The Future of Popular Topics and Daily Topics
Popular topics as well as daily topics will always be at the center of interaction by the users. The competition for live and engaging content has been fuelled as many more lounges introduce real-time elements. This transformation brought to light the relevance of chatrooms in bridging the gap between physically distant people while engaging and maintaining the chat as to the current needs of internet users.
An Overview of How AI and Automation Boost Popular Topics
With the growth of AI technology, it has become common to see chatrooms coming up with more automated features to contain conversations that revolve around trending topics. For instance, with the use of AI, most chatrooms can now predict the topics that will be relevant at a certain time and recommend which threads to place or which subjects to discuss. Not only does this improve the experience of the users, but also it keeps the discussions being talked about new and more active than at any other time in history.
Some AI-driven strategies that help maintain popular topics include:
Intelligent Topic Recommendations: When users feel at ease sharing topics with others, they call upon popularity prediction strategies, which are employed by AI algorithms seeking user trends and behavior toward potential arguments within the community.
Moderation: As more users join the chatrooms, particularly due to topics of the day or interest, there is a need to create and maintain a positive ambiance in the chatroom. Chat moderation tools based on AI will keep out inappropriate content during the day to ensure that topics remain respectful.
Gamification and User Rewards for Engaging in Daily Topics
Chatrooms are looking for ways to attract users’ attention towards the daily topics, thus, trying to include gamification features in topics. These features include but are not limited to, awarding users with points, badges, and leaderboards to individuals who contribute some reasonable discussions daily to increase and retain users. This makes chatting fun and encourages participation in all activities of the chat community.
Key gamification elements observed in contemporary chatrooms include:
Star Contribution Leaderboards: Top contributors of the day for these topics are displayed.
Badges: Users are rewarded with virtual badges for inverting or contributing in to hot debatable subjects.
Exclusive Education: The best users are allowed to participate in special sections of the website’s top level based on their activity.
Predicting the Next Upsurge of Popular Topics
Both the chatroom administrators as well as the users constantly seek future prevailing subjects. If it is a burning social issue, new technology, or entertainment, being able to do so is precisely what may bolster the attractiveness of chatrooms to their users. Persistent growth in the volume and activity of these audiences will be experienced by those resources that promptly create therapeutic forums for trending topics.
Most Popular Chatroom Topics That Will Certainly Emerge In the Future:
Sustainable Living and Eco-Friendly Practices: With the increasing global awareness of climate change, there will be a shift in the direction that chat room discussions will focus on sustainable living. They will focus mainly on sharing ideas, and materials, and talking about ways of living sustainably.
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency: The technology of blockchain and the whole trend of cryptocurrency is still likely to be an ever-enticing subject among fellow forum members.
Mental Health and Well-Being: As the world continues to focus on mental health issues, there will be more and more discussion forums on the sources of the problems self-care, and support which will be a very popular subject
The reason many chat rooms are still being used is because there are always interesting issues and current topics. It is through these conversations that users can interact with each other and share their experiences and people even establish relationships. Busy discussing current trends in newscasts, participating in comparative analysis of the newest dramas, or just posting their most important events, chat rooms have finally emerged as a hub for almost everyone who goes online. Talk to strangers in free chat rooms online without registration and meet new people and make new friends in anonymous text chat rooms as well as voice chat with random people and video chatrooms online. Talk With Stranger gives you access to thousands of free chat sites and free chat apps where you can talk to strangers and chat with strangers online without making any account. You can also make audio calls to strangers and phone call strangers online and chat free with random people.
A popular topic serves as a lure for a majority of newcomers, while a daily topic prevents the conversation from going stale. They constitute the keystones of a new order where the peripheral theoretical boundary actively exists as users all over the world converge, interact, and seek connection.
The landscape of chat rooms is very broad, rapidly changing, and accurately represents the current level of interest of the users. No matter whether you want to participate in discussions about popular matters around the world or express your opinion concerning other topics of the current day, a random chatroom like TalkWithStranger represents a great opportunity to stay in touch with diverse people.