• If never met a person, and suddenly you met the ideal partner, what are you looking for, is that manifestation.

  • ...y-you've "never met a person" before? Really?? 😲

    You need to get out more mate!!! There are ~7 billion people roaming about this planet right now, you're bound to bump into a few of us we eventually 😁

    And idk about "manifestation" or whatever, but if you're living under a rock and you've successfully avoided contact with everyone -- then subsequently met someone, anyone at all... I'm pretty sure that person would seem the most "ideal" since you'd have no frame of reference prior to that point to judge from or compare to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    isolationisolationthat's a human personthat's a human person

  • I like your idea mate, I will think about that