• Banned

    @The-Mods why are you answering me with nonsense that doesn't related? why u no smart?

  • @TheRisingSun no smart boy this concept is radical af , cause a theif can be a theif and not a murderer and a poet can be a poet and not a philosopher and a comedian can pick the material and content of his comedy just like any other person who pick what he wants to represent his Idea . So stfu already . All ur trying to say here tha me ad a muslim is a backwarded fanatic person while Im open to any idea but respectfuly not like a dizzy mf who wants free speach to reach the highest peak even if it hits the point of radicalism . 😏

  • @The-Mods The fact that you're derailing this whole topic to make it about yourself and whine like a little child about being offended on the internet is what's actually sad,cry your fake Muslim tears in a different post if you feel the need to protest you 🤡

  • @swk a good answer can only be given to a good question . You said something not true and rediculous . U are connecting between a sacred place where people go to and people getting killed where is the common sense here ?


  • Banned

    @JessLila He has posted on this topic, so where will we talk about it? are you mod? he started, so stop him, tell him to delete pics, that's all...

  • Banned

    @The-Mods lemme ask again, which one is not true? people were killed while circling the kabaa? or they go to heaven? or no one ever get killed by circling the kabaa?

  • @The-Mods said in AWARD WINNERS!!!:

    @TheRisingSun no smart boy this concept is radical af , cause a theif can be a theif and not a murderer and a poet can be a poet and not a philosopher and a comedian can pick the material and content of his comedy just like any other person who pick what he wants to represent his Idea . So stfu already . All ur trying to say here tha me ad a muslim is a backwarded fanatic person while Im open to any idea but respectfuly not like a dizzy mf who wants free speach to reach the highest peak even if it hits the point of radicalism . 😏

    You're obviously not open to any idea 😏
    Cry harder.

  • @JessLila if the internet has no rules and everyone who protest is a cryer then why you put rules to start with ? 😂 You are contradicting everything here . If thats not offensive then what is ? If laughing over dead bodies and innocent people isnt a motive to report then what is ?

  • @The-Mods said in AWARD WINNERS!!!:

    @JessLila if the internet has no rules and everyone who protest is a cryer then why you put rules to start with ? 😂 You are contradicting everything here . If thats not offensive then what is ? If laughing over dead bodies and innocent people isnt a motive to report then what is ?

    SERIOUSLY my family is half Jewish. DO YOU SEE ME BITCH every time there's a JEW joke or a holocaust joke or a Hitler is cool joke


  • @Janet said in AWARD WINNERS!!!:



  • @TheRisingSun yes lmao

  • @The-Mods Kys already so we can laugh at your dead body next retard

  • @TheRisingSun aha so to be open means to accept anything and everything ? Which idiot taught u that ? We have the total right to accept or protest thats what the word democracy came for . To respect the will of eachothers . I mean wtf u want ? You want to insult religions under the cover of comedy or memes and say Im not oppen to " offensive conedy " lol thats radical my friend . Go read what being radical is . Its just like a barely limited extremity that only freedom control which in its turn might be limitless in concept .

  • I am really happy I get to blow shit up later!

    alt text


    @Janet Hihi, I got ittt :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :fire: :fire: Can't deny that I will be happy to see it on my profile :smirk:

  • @Janet Its about respecting the will of the user maybe you as a jewish dont find it insultive but other jews say NO .. isnt your role here make balance and be fair towards all without discriminating ?

  • ooh i got a lot of notifications lol, well everyone has a different personality and mindset but i think this site is just for fun so no need to use pictures or Messages that humiliate people's beliefs or religions even if you think it's just a joke but it means a lack of respect and discipline.

  • @The-Mods Oh yes it stings and can be insulting but I understand how humor works.

  • Banned

    @Eucalyptus congratz for the couple awards... my campaign!