• @Katherine-k said in AWARD WINNERS!!!:

    @TheRisingSun or seems according to your pfp Shit guy

    💩Yay spread me all around yay hurray 💩

  • Banned

    how many people were killed because of kabaa? that thing is a killing machine. but lucky for those, they straight went to heaven.

  • @JessLila you Idiot dont even make a difference between protesting on a offensive content and crying over getting humiliated . I am following the rules of this site more than you ad a mod and thats ironicaly sad .

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @The-Mods said in AWARD WINNERS!!!:

    @TheRisingSun The comedian never put shit over a sacred place or say the word shit on any religion , they might mention it in a respectful way not totally offensive . You are putting a sign of shit on a place considered to be sacred for all muslims . What is funny about it?

    It's not a sign of shit. It's MISTER poopie to you.
    Be a little respectfull to my persona and pfp which happens to be sacred to me. Niowniowniow

  • @swk I would debate with you about what you said because its historicaly wrong and not accurate at all because I can put any earthly place on mind and say the same thing like : how many people where killed because of politics ? How many people where killed because of resources ? Etc . So stop pretendindg to be smart here cause ur point is lame .

  • @TheRisingSun stop trying to get out of the main line which we both know Its way more important for a religious human than a pfp . So I can say white people are sacred to me and start saying shit about black and say shit is a sacred thing too hahaha wake up smart ass

  • Banned

    @The-Mods i am already smart, i dont have to pretend. what's not historically accurate about my reply? the fact that many people were killed while they circle around the sacred kabaa? or they go to heaven?

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @The-Mods said in AWARD WINNERS!!!:

    @TheRisingSun stop trying to get out of the main line which we both know Its way more important for a religious human than a pfp . So I can say white people are sacred to me and start saying shit about black and say shit is a sacred thing too hahaha wake up smart ass

    You're nothing but a stereotypical muslim having a stereotypical reaction because i just took a dump on your religion. Either you can make fun of everything, or you can't make fun of anything. Get that in your narrow minded goatfucker skull.

  • @swk It's never been like you understood because people might be killed for just doing their own rituals and religious duties , so circiling around the kaaba isnt by anyway the reason of people getting killed . So many other people were victims to similar or different reasons just because some radical minds couldnt accept the freedon of belief of others .

  • Banned

    @The-Mods why are you answering me with nonsense that doesn't related? why u no smart?

  • @TheRisingSun no smart boy this concept is radical af , cause a theif can be a theif and not a murderer and a poet can be a poet and not a philosopher and a comedian can pick the material and content of his comedy just like any other person who pick what he wants to represent his Idea . So stfu already . All ur trying to say here tha me ad a muslim is a backwarded fanatic person while Im open to any idea but respectfuly not like a dizzy mf who wants free speach to reach the highest peak even if it hits the point of radicalism . 😏

  • @The-Mods The fact that you're derailing this whole topic to make it about yourself and whine like a little child about being offended on the internet is what's actually sad,cry your fake Muslim tears in a different post if you feel the need to protest you 🤡

  • @swk a good answer can only be given to a good question . You said something not true and rediculous . U are connecting between a sacred place where people go to and people getting killed where is the common sense here ?


  • Banned

    @JessLila He has posted on this topic, so where will we talk about it? are you mod? he started, so stop him, tell him to delete pics, that's all...

  • Banned

    @The-Mods lemme ask again, which one is not true? people were killed while circling the kabaa? or they go to heaven? or no one ever get killed by circling the kabaa?

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @The-Mods said in AWARD WINNERS!!!:

    @TheRisingSun no smart boy this concept is radical af , cause a theif can be a theif and not a murderer and a poet can be a poet and not a philosopher and a comedian can pick the material and content of his comedy just like any other person who pick what he wants to represent his Idea . So stfu already . All ur trying to say here tha me ad a muslim is a backwarded fanatic person while Im open to any idea but respectfuly not like a dizzy mf who wants free speach to reach the highest peak even if it hits the point of radicalism . 😏

    You're obviously not open to any idea 😏
    Cry harder.

  • @JessLila if the internet has no rules and everyone who protest is a cryer then why you put rules to start with ? 😂 You are contradicting everything here . If thats not offensive then what is ? If laughing over dead bodies and innocent people isnt a motive to report then what is ?

  • @The-Mods said in AWARD WINNERS!!!:

    @JessLila if the internet has no rules and everyone who protest is a cryer then why you put rules to start with ? 😂 You are contradicting everything here . If thats not offensive then what is ? If laughing over dead bodies and innocent people isnt a motive to report then what is ?

    SERIOUSLY my family is half Jewish. DO YOU SEE ME BITCH every time there's a JEW joke or a holocaust joke or a Hitler is cool joke


  • Global Veteran Banned

    @Janet said in AWARD WINNERS!!!:

