Does the word 'death' scare you?

  • TBH It does scare me a bit though..

  • honestly? sometimes I'm feel so bad as I want this. No, I'm not afraid to die. I don't know why. But if death mean also lonely... I'm scare like hell

  • @annabel96 god engrish me bro. Sins wn hav yo ben lernin engalingish?

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @amron24 said in Does the word 'death' scare you?:

    TBH It does scare me a bit though..

    There is no reason to fear death. As the great Mark Twain once said, i was dead for billions of years before my birth and i didn't seem to be bothered by it one bit. The epic philosopher Epicurus also said something i really like which is that death doesn't concern us because as long as we are here, death isn't and when it finally arrives we will no longer be here :)

  • Not really. You mean the actual word itself? That's silly

  • @cincin said in Does the word 'death' scare you?:

    Not really. You mean the actual word itself? That's silly

    I'm pretty sure he is also talking about the idea not just the word assigned to it

  • @cincin if he is then no. I actually like dark words like death or suicide, homicide, drive by's...
    Whatever you wanna call it all you bitche's gonna die

    P.S. this is a reference to a song

  • I haven't seen those quotes before, but I love them!

  • I mean, I don't exactly believe in heaven and hell. I only assume, when you are gone, you're gone. So to answer your question, the fear of death feels quite unreasonable.

  • @amron24 Better to have a superficial reason for existing than having no reason at all, though "better" is subjective and a bias on my part ;)

  • @ndezdaya said in Does the word 'death' scare you?:

    I mean, I don't exactly believe in heaven and hell. I only assume, when you are gone, you're gone. So to answer your question, the fear of death feels quite unreasonable.

    Yeh there is no reason to believe there is anything after you die so the logical thing to do is to believe that there is nothing after you die since that's also what science leans towards

  • Hey dm xx

  • Yes it does. death

    How can we escape death?

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @roni said in Does the word 'death' scare you?:

    I haven't seen those quotes before, but I love them!

    Cool. You're welcome

    Here they are in picture form

    Mark Twain's uote





    Quote from the philosopher Seneca The GREATEST(Younger)


  • @girlnextdoor we will probably reach an average life span of 1000 years by the year 2100 or something

  • Not anymore. I had a near death experience from a vehicle accident that happened back in 2006.
    If it ever happens again I am even more prepared for it. So there's that.

  • @cincin Not the word itself, the idea behind it.

  • @thestrangest What song is that?

  • @zombiecat Couple of years back I had a near death experience myself. Now just like you i'm quite prepared..

  • @thestrangest I highly doubt it.
