• Putin has simply turned Russia into a kleptocracy - you don't have any real choices but Putin now & he controls everything of any consequence that goes on in Russia. He's nothing but a former KGB thug spy. The Russian economy is mostly dependent on oil prices now, and you can't even exploit those resources effectively.

    America is not & never will be afraid of Russia and your puny military, which will always be a shadow of your former Soviet selves...lol...Russia has done next to nothing against ISIL. Most of the fighting against ISIL was done by the Kurds & the Iraqis with help from the USA. All Russia has done in Syria is prop up another one of Putin's dictator buddies who kills his own people - with the help of Russia. Bomb civilians much? Please...

  • @RexGreeley Putin turned Russia into a powerful country once again. And please be serious. You are telling me that USA played any role in a victory against ISIS? How? Maybe by supporting their allies? By funding them? By stopping Iranian and Hezbollah military operations against ISIS? Also you are calling Assad a dictator who kills his own people? Don't tell me you believe in that stupid story. There is not a single valid evidence of that and it's completly illogical since he would gain nothing from it. USA is afraid of Russian military and the fact that you ran out of Syria when Russia joined proves it. It's really sad that you still believe your country's propaganda after so many countries were destroyed, so many civillians killed and so many terrorist groups created by USA. USA is nothing more than a big bully and a zionist puppet.

  • @IVAN-V-SINČIĆ said in Happy birthday to Vladimir Putin:

    Putin turned Russia into a powerful country once again. And please be serious. You are telling me that USA played any role in a victory against ISIS? How? Maybe by supporting their allies? By funding them? By stopping Iranian and Hezbollah military operations against ISIS? Also you are calling Assad a dictator who kills his own people? Don't tell me you believe in that stupid story. There is not a single valid evidence of that and it's completly illogical since he would gain nothing from it. USA is afraid of Russian military and the fact that you ran out of Syria when Russia joined proves it. It's really sad that you still believe your country's propaganda after so many countries were destroyed, so many civillians killed and so many terrorist groups created by USA. USA is nothing more than a big bully and a zionist puppet.

    Russia is the opposite of "powerful" my friend...it's a sad country that's on the long, slow slide to irrelevancy...lol...

    Iran & Hezbollah have done NOTHING against ISIL...all they've done is fight on the side of Russia's buddy Syria against it's own people...please...learn some recent history! Assad & his family have been killing Syrians who oppose them for decades...wake up!

    Even the Turks aren't afraid of the Russian military...they shot down a Sukhoi Su-24 in 2015 and Russia did...wait for it...nothing in response, because they can't go up against the USA & NATO...lol...

    Take your anti-Semitic nonsense elsewhere please...

  • @RexGreeley I do know recent history, but you don't it seems. It's really sad that you still believe your government is fighting for good in the Middle East. You trust the people who openly supported Al Qaeda, who brought the Taliban to power in Afghanistan, who killed millions of innocent people... You saying that Russia isn't powerful just proves how brainwashed you are and btw i am not an anti-semite, but anti-zionist. Learn the difference.

  • Yea, "who openly supported Al Qaeda"? Not the USA, that's for sure. "who brought the Taliban to power in Afghanistan"" Everyone knows that we wouldn't have the Taliban if Russia hadn't needlessly invaded Afghanistan in a blind game of conquest in 1979.

    "i am not an anti-semite"...sure, sure...because Russia doesn't have an extremely long history of anti-Semitism...lol...take your lies somewhere else, loser...

  • @RexGreeley thats not true.😑

  • @Max256 What part isn't true?

    weak...only bullies who are afraid themselves treat people the way that Putin does.

    scumbag...see above.

    dictator...tell us where there is real opposition allowed to Putin's dictatorship in Russia. Be careful though...if you speak out, you might "fall out of a window"...lol...

  • @RexGreeley wow,what part isn't true?
    everything you were saying till now.smh

  • Anyhow I too wish him a him happy birthday(I know its late still yeah)

  • @Max256 Nice rebuttal...moron...lol...

  • @RexGreeley Your government is more than open about supporting Al Qaeda in Yemen and allies of Al Qaeda in Syria. Start using your brain.

  • @RexGreeley It seems that you don't follow Russian politics. There is real opposition in every single election, but people choose Putin. Only Nemtsov was killed and the guy who killed him is in prison for life. Putin had no connection to it.

  • @RexGreeley You are calling him a moron? You can see on his profile that he is 13 and you still personally insulted a 13 year old. You don't deserve to call yourself a man. Unlike you Max is using his brain and doesn't trust everything he hears on television and also he didn't insult you personally despite you being a garbage to him. Well done @Max256 , i'm proud of you.

  • @IVAN-V-SINČIĆ said in Happy birthday to Vladimir Putin:

    Your government is more than open about supporting Al Qaeda in Yemen and allies of Al Qaeda in Syria. Start using your brain.

    No, we really don't support AL-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, especially since they have plotted to attack us in the past, moron. The USA only supported the Kurds in Syria, which - of course - did almost all of the heavy lifting against ISIL there.

    "Start using your brain"...LOL...physician, heal thyself, moron...what a complete & total liar & loser you really are...

  • @IVAN-V-SINČIĆ LOL...Putin took "personal control" of the investigation into Nemtsov’s murder...so no wonder someone else was convicted of doing Putin's dirty work! Boris Berezovsky...killed after accusing the Kremlin of orchestrating the killing of Alexander Litvinenko. Sergei Magnitsky...killed in police custody in November 2009 after being brutally beaten, then denied medical care. Alexander Litvinenko...a former KGB agent who was killed after drinking a cup of tea laced with polonium-210 by Russian agents Andrei Lugovoi & Dmitry Kovtun, who were acting on orders that had been approved by Putin - in fact, Putin gave Lugovoi a medal for "services to the motherland" in 2015! Sergei Yushenkov...gunned down outside his home in Moscow while investigating whether the Putin government was behind one of the apartment bombings in 1999. Yuri Shchekochikhin...died from a "mysterious illness" in July 2003 while investigating the same 1999 apartment bombings - his medical documents were deemed classified by Russian authorities. Alexei Navalny...poisoned several times (in 2019 & 2020), once while in the hands of Russian authorities. Mikhail Lesin...killed by "blunt force trauma to the head" in November 2015. Anna Politkovskaya...murdered by contract killers who shot her at point blank range in elevator outside her home. Natalia Estemirova...abducted from outside her home & killed in a nearby woodland with gunshot wounds to her head. Stanislav Markelov & Anastasia Baburova...Markelov was Politkovskaya's lawyer who was shot by a masked gunman near the Kremlin while walking with Baburova, who was also shot when she tried to help him. Paul Klebnikov...killed in a drive-by contract killing.

    Putin was only initially elected after concocting the 1999 wave of apartment bombings, which he - of course - helped orchestrate. Putin was "elected" in 2004 only after massive ballot box stuffing. In 2012, Putin was "elected" only after numerous instances of his supporters being driven around in order to vote for him in multiple constituencies (carousel voting), which were documented by video monitoring systems installed at most voting locations. In 2018, Putin was elected only after yet more massive ballot stuffing, which was caught on tape again.

  • @IVAN-V-SINČIĆ said in Happy birthday to Vladimir Putin:

    You are calling him a moron? You can see on his profile that he is 13 and you still personally insulted a 13 year old. You don't deserve to call yourself a man.

    I'm calling him AND YOU both morons, moron....you don't deserve to be called a human being, you lying scumbag! LOL...

  • @RexGreeley i will repeat. You called 13 year old a moron.

  • @RexGreeley Someone who is against Putin dies and it must be that Putin is somehow connected to it? And i actually read books of Anna Politkovskaya, she herself said that Putin has a support of large majority in Russia. So even Putin haters admit it.

  • @RexGreeley I am not talking only about the war in Syria. But if we are focused on Syria you still supported Al Qaeda. You were very open about your support to FSA and they did ally with Al Qaeda.