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  • The design is based around dynamic chat urls: pastebin.com/raw/L1bCwezZ
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    .z {
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
    <title>test server for tws</title>
    //if users change name or change img url
    //it will update latest changes
    //if its blank, no changes
    // cur : { ide : {'name':'','img':''},
    // ide : {'name':'','img':''}
    // }

    var servername='tws1920';
    var info={};

    function parsethat() {
    //do stuff with info
    alert(info['newroom']); //comment this

    var controls = document.getElementById('modcontrols');
    if (controls.style.display == 'none' && info['ismod']) {


    function loadchat() {
    var frame = document.getElementById('jitsiConferenceFrame0');
    var chatide='';

    if (frame.src != null) {
       chatide = frame.src.split('.com/')[1].split('?')[0];
    if (chatide != info['newroom'] ) {
    if (Number(info['kicktime']) > 0 ) {
      //remove chatframe
      //show countdown until kick time over
      //if user knows jitsi URL they can still
      //technically get in, but it could change in 5-10 minutes
      // or whenver mod wants
         //ie: blocking spammers


    function getinfo(forcenew=0,kick='',call='') {
    var f = new FormData();
    f.append("name", username);
    f.append('kick',kick); //userid
    // f.append('call',call); //userid

                   //name of the room user is in
            f.append('forcenew',forcenew); //1 for forcenew
              //this forces everyone to load a new newname of chat
                      //possibly redistibute mod powers randomly
                          //if creator is not in room
                //server auto determines who has authorization to dothis
          // ie: whoever first is in room (creator) if they're still in it
                 //else whoever was there first
              //you cant abuse this, server is too smart
        xhr11 = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xhr11.open('POST', 'https://'+servername+'.pythonanywhere.com/tws');
        xhr11.onload = function() {
            if (xhr11.status === 200) {
                var zq = xhr11.responseText;
                if (zq!='-1') {
                  alert(zq); //comment this
                    info = JSON.parse(zq);
                  // use this info somewhere else
                    return true;
            else if (xhr11.status !== 200) {
               // alert('Request failed.  Returned status of ' + xhr11.status);
                  var dude = 'hi';

    //point of this server is to automate a spam free environment
    //also adding features like number of users online
    // which rooms people are chatting in
    //there are mod controls like kick and force new chat
    //HOWEVER, it is not necessary to use them
    //new_chats will load automatically as dictated by server
    //every 5-10 minutes
    //automatically blocking spammers and mod hogs
    //this is automatic

        //if a person is kicked, they will load a different room
          //than the people who are not kicked
        //they will not know whether they are kicked or not
             //and have the opportunity to talk with other people
              //while they their kicktime happens
         //later i will emply different types of kicks available
         //ie: kid kick, if a person is underage, then they all get pooled into an underage room
         //spam kick, all spammers get sent to their own room where they cant spam anyone
    //for custom control, mods can kick users &
       //load new room by force

    //at MINIMUM, all u have to do is change iframe.src behavior
    //on parsing info json, user names, images, other things
    //are there for later development

    var username=''; //can be blank

    var userimg = ''; //can be blank
    var userid=''; //can supply or leave blank
    //know what you're doing if u supply this
    //that means YOU identify useride instead of server
    //easier to let server manage it
    //or not your choice
    var roomname='the room name';

    getinfo(); //on first load

    // getinfo(1); //force new room ide
    //ie: on a (load new room) button
    //for moderator

    //setInterval(getinfo,15000); //every 15 seconds
    //integral that this is used
    //to update info for all users


    <div class="z" style="display:none;" id="modcontrols">
    <b>mod controls</b><br>
    <span onclick="getinfo(1)">force load new chat</span><br>
    <div id="kickarea">loop through info['cur']<br>
    show name/img, then onclick to getinfo(kick=ide)</div>


  • sry delete

  • Yes, please delete, we are not in need of web developers, but rather real ones.

  • It's a working solution, do you have a question about it? Do you understand it?

  • .....nmaq

  • I agree with that guy, dont fix anything. Where am i going to go to spam?

  • nmkzksggst

  • @NathanOnFire rip the tongue out

  • @Vietnameses temporally it works also expensive so ripping a tongue off is better .. if you don't want to get caught lots of idea, in Vietnam there r beautiful jungles whereot of wild animals and pyrhon exist also active land mines so rest get a wild imagination .. lovely

  • In Vietnam , most of the bars restaurants hotels saloon has Angelina Jolie's name Funny innit ??

  • @Thales_BG said in How to mute users on TWS VOICE CHAT:

    @sexywaterpants yo man. I will try it out as soon as I get on my PC tomorrow. I will let you know if it works


  • Oh this place has a voice chat too 😂

  • ismail![alt text](image url)

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