• @Sans-Undertale no, calling a white person cracker isn’t racism, it’s prejudice. omgggg what do you not understanddd? you have no comprehension skills whatsoever.

  • @Sans-Undertale remember love cant be racist towards white people.

  • Hey man I just think from my perspective racism has nothing to do with status. Sure, status helps make your unseemly views become more normalized and enforced, but the general rule to me is you spit on someone for their differences in an unreasonable and false manner, it's racism. And when one race is seen as the pinnacle of evil I think it's fair to say that most will see members of that race as the stereotype given to them by society, no matter what their status is, those people will always be seen as a racist cracker.

  • Racism is far deeper than that - that is prejudice. Racism - or say, anti-semitism is when your prejudices have legal precedence and the victim cannot be guaranteed fair representation. So when we say There is systemic racism in America, we're not saying that all Americans are racist (on purpose), but that the legal system they're voting for continues to uphold laws which do not guarantee legal representation for all Americans.

  • "calling white people cracker isn't racist"
    The slang was specifically made to be derogatory towards whites, you can't just make whatever definition you think a word is, that's racism. Do you not understand words have their own meaning?

  • @Sans-Undertale no body sees all white people as racist. you’re trying to feel oppressed soooo bad. and even if everyone saw all whites people ass shit, no one is going to pity them because of what their ancestors did. they will just have to deal with it just the way black people have to deal with racism everyday.

  • are you that fucking color blind you still think i'm white just for having an opinion

  • also wow cause some shit great great grunk did their descendants have to suffer for it? wow fuck you i'll just say the egyptians are cunts then

  • @Sans-Undertale the word cracker originated from slave masters who cracked the backs of blacks with their whips.

  • Yeah, then the word evolved and now people think of either the food or the slang. Like how pussy isn't about vaginas, it's about cats.

  • Now people call whites crackers cause it's to poke fun that albinos are whip cracking racists, and that is more generalization kids are taught from an early age now.

  • @Sans-Undertale white people just need to understand that nobody will pity them and nobody will praise them for not being racist. i see some whites people saying, “i hate being white because of this” just because you aren’t racist doesn’t absolve you from white privilege and racism. self-pity is centering the situation around their white tears.

  • @Sans-Undertale who do see calling white people “crackers”? literally no one says that anymore.

  • It's still just prejudice. If you're called a 'Cracker' by a bunch of black kids, that's probably not going to affect your life in any meaningful way - but once you're called a 'ner', to that person, and likely many of the people they know you'll always just be a "n*er' and "so what?" you might say to yourself... but, when you represent less than 10% of the community in any given average - it has deleterious affects.

  • "muh muh white fragility"
    "you are born white so fuck you"
    That's a great example for the dictionary. Give praise to the black man for shunning the snowman who oppresses us, he is great. Also African Americans make up 14% of the population Bob.

  • @Bobbi-Will-Burn OMG YES I LOVE YOUUUUUU. can we be friends please? you‘re the first person EVER on this site to understand my side.

  • Bro I understand your side I just think it's fucking stupid you believe it.

  • Thankfully, you no longer represent the majority of your 'sides' opinion, but a bunch of tired, old, angry people who can't stand to see even a modicum of justice.

  • @Sans-Undertale you think it’s stupid that i believe that whites can’t experience racism?we and bob are right though so i don’t care if you disagree with us. stay ignorant.

  • @Sans-Undertale you are punching the air right nowwwww A5919F70-A361-46A0-83A6-0E61BF6EC3BF.jpeg