• @Sans-Undertale we have systems and institutions that produce racially disparate outcomes, regardless of the intentions of the people who work within them. when you consider that much of the criminal justice system was built, honed and firmly established during the Jim Crow era. an era almost everyone, conservatives included, will concede rife with racism, this is pretty intuitive. the modern criminal justice system helped preserve racial order, it kept black people in their place.

  • @Sans-Undertale I don't know if you know what it feels like to be a target just because of the way you were born... then have that shadow follow you over every good and bad thing that has ever happened to you in your life - and then have it brought up any time you do something bad, or you achieve something great. There are a lot of people out there that want to kill us just because... whether we achieve good things or bad things... our existence is a mistake to them - and many of them walk our streets and enforce the laws that we have don't have large enough numbers in overturning. We all feel the rage, and the indignity because we just want to exist without presumption.

  • hey man i dunno about you but pretty much everyone is sympathizing with the black struggle, honestly though fuck black lives matter, all lives matter

  • @Sans-Undertale whites are the victims? you’re trying SO HARD to feel oppressed. no one said all whites are racists, no one thinks all whites are racist. my friend is white and she understands her privilege. you should do the same.

  • yeah dude i get the stereotype of blacks being gangstas and thugs is fucked up, but that does not justify doing the same to others, instead of patronizing the community how about we help them instead, correct the police system, end gang wars, shit man does no one notice these parts anymore, why does it always have to be black and white huh

  • dumb bitch did you just assume i'm white, fuck off racist piece of shit check your own privilege, may as well redefine the word to "prejudice against blacks"

  • @Bobbi-Will-Burn 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  • @Sans-Undertale you’re giving off white supremacists vibes.

  • it’s honestly so much fun debating about this. you guys honestly make yourself look dumber every time you comment. A6A2C852-E3F4-426E-B26D-356B7F316966.jpeg

  • cunt get off my case, i want equality for all people, i'm simply addressing the reality of it all, black individuals in the us have the mindset cops are not to be trusted, and cops are being taught black neighborhoods are dangerous, which simply is not true as a whole, and if you assume someones race for a simple opinion you certainly have a bit of racial hatred yourself, if not prejudice, not all whites that argue a case like this are supremacist, and i'm just trying to down the idea that whites and blacks can't enjoy being different together, also fuck off with your gay ass emoji, cum dumpster, go back to fucking your dog

  • @Sans-Undertale only white people fuck their dogs hehehehe

  • @Sans-Undertale “gay emoji” & “cum dumpster” so i see you’re homophobic and a slut shammer.

    "only white people fuck their dogs lmao"
    those aren't exact facts therefore you are racist and mentally deficient, checkmate libtard

  • and yes i am most certainly a slut shamer ya whore

  • @Sans-Undertale i never said all white people are racist lmaooooooo. whites can’t experience racism. fucking a dog gives off white hill billy vibes 🤷🏾. and i’m HIGHLY against animal brutality so you can miss me with that nasty ass shit.

  • @Sans-Undertale if i’m gonna be a whore i’m gonna be a bad ass one. 422F6778-7020-4898-8F9F-CD18F9482F20.jpeg

  • also note how i just said "white people are racist" and not "all white people are racist" you need more education you illiterate skank, no one wants your stds, also racism is defined by any form of racial prejudice, by anyone anywhere, did you make the fucking dictionary i don't think so

  • @Sans-Undertale you put it in quotes like that’s something that i said when it wasn’t. nowhere in this post have i said “WHITE PEOPLE ARE RACIST”

  • "white people cannot experience racism"
    are you implying blacks are above racism cause feefees, no one race should be treated with so much pity, also funny, corrected someone on spelling earlier and now i could barely read what you said

  • There's a difference between prejudice and racism - Prejudice is when you're treated with disdain by a group of people who are different than you, racism is when you are prejudiced but with the means to legally enforce your prejudices on that individual and the victim has little legal recourse.