• Freedom Writers

    Just got fed up with those Detroit become human memes... so anyway, answer me:

    If you own an artificial intelligence that grows up to the point of becoming as sentient as humans and asks for freedom, will you grant it or not? Is it considered a part of nature from that point? Does it deserve the same rights as us people? Lemme know your thoughts...... :))

    Edit: If you can't comprehend or find it difficult to imagine this scenario, replace A.I with some other "animal" that is a part of nature.....

  • @kakashi said in O Humanity, Imma test you:

    If you own an artificial intelligence that grows up to the point of becoming as sentient as humans and asks for freedom, will you grant it or not?

    I would.
    If they are sentient beings they deserve to choose.
    They deserve to have the element of free will.

    Is it considered a part of nature from that point?

    It should be natural as it evolved by itself, learnt by itself.
    Humans create smaller humans called babies.
    Those babies still count as natural right?
    So they do count as natural.

    Does it deserve the same rights as us people? Lemme know your thoughts...... :))

    If they are sentient they should have the same rights as humans.
    I mean we even have animal rights and rights for terrorists and serial killers,
    So why not A.I ?

    In the Dredd Scott case in US judge ruled that contemporary african american people couldn't be considered citizens and they were relegated to the level of property.
    Denying a sentient being the right to choose or the basic right to life is unnatural and unbecoming of people as humans who deny them those rights.

    Aristotle says justice is treating equals equally and unequal ones unequally.
    Any other form of treatment would lead to revolt from the oppressed.

    And as numerous literary works and movies have proved before...

    We don't stand a chance against the machines.

    So If an AI were to become sentient we would be better off treating them fairly and letting them free rather than trying to oppress them.

  • @obviouslylucifer interesting.....

  • @kakashi Oof!Tough one. :sweat:

  • @obviouslylucifer I thought something along the same lines as you, but I think we can never be creators, and that we're just a tool to create things.. We're a part of nature, so that means they belong to nature as well..