• Ok well my friend whos a girl asked what would I do if a girl liked me and if they said they wanted to date me. She also mentioned to me that she's bi. And then they said it was just a question and not think that I like her but then she joked around and said "what if i did jk." I feel she was just asking but i dont even know. AHHHH

  • @hobii as much as I can see this as a pressing question for you to answer, honestly this is all yours to deal with as it’s a personal question for you and only you, I can’t offer any help on this

  • i think she was jk. so laugh if off for now. she wud come back if she want u...

  • Maybe she was messing with you, but she said she was bi then said "what if i did jk".... that sounds like she might be flirting with you a little. I think she might be kind of getting in your mind to see if might possibly have a chance.... she did say "what if i did". .....but, then again i was not there and do not understand the whole context, maybe she was joking if she is a joker, maybe she really wanted to know but didn't want to make it too obvious, Just my thoughts....