"ive come to talk with you again"................:)
Posts made by mikeJB
RE: hello darkness my old friend. let’s talk!
how i can make you a better person in 5 steps
you dont have to liveby these rules, but you will help so many if you do
USE AND REUSE: use something til you cant anymore. take those napkins home from fast food place if you didnt use them and now you have extra kleenex. that soda bottle, dont throw it away, cut it in half and you can use it for plants. etc etc
STOP BUYING STUFF! do you really need that? ask yourself. can you buy a used one? i have an mp3 player that is 15 yrs old! runs on batteries! got it as a gift. why do i still have it? because it still works and i dont need to listen to 200,000 songs library!
REALIZE CONSUMERISM IS A PYRAMID SCHEME. think about it. if capitali$m is so great, why do i have to buy something stupid at your store, to keep you in business, and to keep your workers paid, and to keep the manufactuers of that stupid stuff i buy in business and so on. why would you think being forced into something like that to keep an economy going is a good thing????
YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU OWN. always remember you can't take it with you anyway. i hardly own a thing and i am quite content. be rich in ETHICS not MATERIALISM. the greatest and closest example of a person living like God, was Karl Marx. read about him. he encouraged people to live with almost nothing....and be happy
LASTLY, IF IT IS BROKE...FIX IT!!! stop running out and buying new shit all the time! can what you have in your hand be fixed? so what if it's older, so what if it is not the latest damn model! i use things til i literally cant. we all should. consumerism is the monster we feed every day. it is going to then consume us
RE: do you use Facebook ?
fb used to be good, alot like myspace. but sadly people take things that are good and ruin them, always. like myspace adding on so much crap it became a horrible web page disaster/billboard, fb is now just people posting endless memes. memes have destroyed the internet. say whatever you will. i would just be happy using LINKS on linux and reading every page txt only these days. most of the vidoes do nothing for me anyway. wtf cares about what kim K is wearing to the ball, etc
RE: Solving Problems
how the hell do i stop yawning all the time? feel i get enough sleep but next day mouth is open like a whale!
RE: Fashion and glamour .. whats current trend ?
one thing about me (among others) that is odd
i am not horny over nakedness. i dont wank it off to boobs sitting in my face. i like tight clothes on a sexy body. why? i have always beleived with nakedness in front of you, you already have the gift. i like to unwrap my presents :)
RE: What are the 5 qualities that characterize you?
RE: Fashion and glamour .. whats current trend ?
ill reply with this and i know i will get laughed at. i have always found preppy girls sexy. like classy clothes on a tight , sexy coed body. slutty attire does nothing for me. give me a girl in leggings and a nice cardigan with a nautical look anyday :) and one thing i have always liked, and i never heard any other guy say this....i have a fetish for cute girls in stirrup pants. it accents all the right places so well :) and you look classy and sexy without slutty
just me having to vent!
a message to GOOGLE:
thank you for ruining every damn thing you touch. you took YT, somethign i loved, and have destroyed it. with endless ads no one cares about, your constant waste of time tracking down copyright infringment on some fkn show hardly anyone even watched from the 60s, your filling the damn YT page ful of 900 different scripts and buttons and attention getters. you did this to google hangout and everything else. why couldnt you just fkn stay a search engine or even a browser! you became like everything else, a monopoly, which them means you become a monstrosity. one day the best damn thing for me might to finally bid this thing they call the net a goodbye. and i prob wont even miss it. it is a giant billboard sitting in a swamp now
RE: seperate the IM HERE FOR NUDEZ/ vs FRIENDS
this is no lie Pardis. i would take a log lasting , wholesome, slow and simple relationship over a thousand hoes at my feet naked. there, i said it
RE: advice? thoughts?
i want the body of a swimmer/gymnast. might even do pilates. i have always admired male ballet dancers. some of the strongest guys on earth! and not all bulky
advice? thoughts?
since im here, see what you think on this and have to offer. i have a goal this year to get more in shape and fit than i ever have been. i am not that overweight but my belly could use some work. tired of being out breath climbing simple stairs! so i have already started my lifting and running/walking
the advice is here. i am starting that new rave diet the intermediate 8/16 hr fast. you eat your calorie intake in an 8 hr window then you dont eat for the remaining 16. just drink alot of water. so since i have never fasted, when should i get my workout in? will i get sleepy? how healthy is this on the heart? and how long til you start to feel the benefits? supposedly the body loves this and it helps everything organ wise, etc
any thoughts?
RE: What do u think about the most probable WW3
im sick of Americans and their "regime change". it's like when they marched into Iraq toting their guns in front of kids shoving it in their faces saying "we saved your asses, we're here now, thank us damnit!" i have hated bullies my whole damn life. the American ego (especially when he has a gun in his hand) in the worst ever. orchestrated by perhaps the worst leader ever
RE: anyone in Canada?
visited Canada once and fell in love with it. my girl att and i wanted to then live there
RE: Internet sites you are crazy for..........
putlocker, to watch my movies. only you have to go through endless redirects and annoying pop ups. and they make you turn off your ad blocker also so you cant even use that!
the next time you think you are the most devoted lover....
read this story and realize you are not. THIS is what true and forever love means. i have this story on my fb and i always look at it from time to time to remember what lasting love really means
RE: please post your saddest song ever
@Maggie-Mae i love! she sounds so damn adorable! reminds me so much of singer ingrid michaelson
exactly what is REPUTATION on here anyway?
so i could have a number of 400 and yet be a complete a-hole? what is the significance of this number? and how do you earn it anyway?
RE: time to call out idiots
did you read that b4 you posted? so i would just randonmly come up with "mike" when i have many many other options for a name? ok then