Its what I have been saying Ash, it is one source, but it may be possible that also matter that isn't alive by it self, came from same place as life.
Basically it would mean that matter isn't necessity to life it self but simply a way to be observable as dimensional plane , something that life defines it self accordingly with.
Other possible outcome would be that first came matter, then as a willing partaking in continuity of "time" life started consuming resources as a way to turn it into a more profound expression . since complexity is something that continuously grows .
Its really hard to say what is life, from a perspective where we are aware just so much to what we thrives along side of, for example sun, and not aware how much other stars effect life's existence and moment where expression of one self takes place.
.Day and Night cycle? Or would you find it more correct that there is much more that dictates when something is in wakeful state or state of rest.
I will probably read up on the post you made, but just from what Lin said I am assuming that I'm not too much off topic
Don't jump to the conclusions when it comes to how complex things came to be.
So my little brainiac , be firm in the decision to have more alongside yourself, to have more things that describe your personhood , and grow to reach that point , grow and nurture from what makes you feel most alive right now, our home planet, then trough continuity you should be able to perceive more of those pillars that life builds it self upon.
I'd love to have any one self read this, and then correct some of the statements, like for example , word work, don't work on yourself, grow alongside , from personal place of being.