As i get older I find it harder and harder to actually have a conversation with people.

  • Back when i was younger (16-21) I found it remarkably easy to just strike up a conversation with someone and become friends in not time at all, that's actually how i met most of my long standing friends. But over the past few years I've come to realize that's something i just can't do anymore. I now find it extremely awkward to try and talk to someone I barely know and try to have a lengthy conversation, i guess i just feel like i need to actually know who this person is and what their personality is like before i can even begin to enjoy having a conversation with them. Now i know you're going to say "But Nick the only way to actually get to know someone is to talk to them", and i know that is 100% true which is why i understand how irrational my logic behind this is. I suppose I'm just ranting about getting older but this whole mind set im stuck in really sucks :/. It definitely doesn't help when trying to go on a date with someone or actually finding a significant other lol.

  • Gamers

    @nick2525 I've found the same thing. Keep in touch with your friends people...!

  • @nick2525 Same, it's largely hit or miss. For instance, I got skipped on the private chat when telling a gal I was making nasty ass frozen mashed potatoes taste more gourmet.

  • yeah I get you. you simply become more cautious.
    I think that with time we get so much shit thrown at us. learn to not trust too much and tranform into this picky person.
    but as some genius dude said: its better to have a few real friends than a lot of rotten ones!

    • okay maybe the dude didn't actually say it like that. but you got me right?
  • Gamers

    I talk to people easy enough, but it's small talk. I don't let people in like I used to, even if I really like them. I even catch myself doing it and I don't know why

  • @boris said in As i get older I find it harder and harder to actually have a conversation with people.:

    le easy enough, but it's small talk. I don't let people in like I used to, even if I really like them. I even catch myself doing it and I don't know why

    League of Legends will solve your problem, go play online and make new friends, join a gaming voice channel and keep talking all day ...

  • @monsterdinos Very thoughtful tip, thank you :) I don't like MOBA's, but I'm sure there are other games with voice chat!

  • @boris Indeed :) After all with internet, the sky is your limit to reach any fellow human around the globe. Good Luck to you
