• I would like to officially welcome our new members @Ruth @luna and @Thomas to the Live Chat Moderator Team.
    You’ve been a great addition to the team, we are looking forward to work with you three.
    We sincerely hope that you’ll live up to the responsibilities entrusted to you. Thank you!!


  • Wishing you all the very best, I hope you find it fulfilling and enjoyable

  • @liyah thank u lily and live chat moderator team for giving such an important responsibility 😇... i assure u that i will do my best and will work harder to maintain a good environment in live chat 😊...

  • Live Chat Moderator

    @liyah said in Our new Live Chat Moderators !!:

    I would like to officially welcome our new members @Ruth @luna and @Thomas to the Live Chat Moderator Team.
    You’ve been a great addition to the team, we are looking forward to work with you three.
    We sincerely hope that you’ll live up to the responsibilities entrusted to you. Thank you!!

    Thank you Lily for the warm welcome :). I likewise look forward to working with you and the rest of the team. I hope myself and the others live up to the expectations and obligations inherent to being a staff member in general and particularly within the context of our appointment as moderators here on TWS. It means a lot to me that I was even considered for the role, let alone instated. The trust shown to me by you and @Aimee has not gone unnoticed nor unappreciated and I will do my utmost to never betray it. The camraderie, friendship and understanding displayed by not only senior staff such as yourself, @Aimee and @SleepySaint but by my new coworkers @Ruth and @luna has been very heartening, as has the open communication and discussion amongst the team, the free share of information, and the involvement of new staff in decision making is all commendable and conducive to the positive enviroment we find ourselves working together in and I hope such practices will continue. I thank you all for the help you have given me over my trial period, I also thank @Janet for the kindness she showed me before I was staff and the help she gave to the other trial mods before I joined the team the advice she gave the others was incredibly professional and I found the information quite helpful as both a reference and a general guide to moderating when I first started. I'm proud to work alongside you all and to say without reservation that I consider you all dear friends of mine rather than simply colleagues or fellow staff members. I wish you all the very best both here, and in life. I can promise that I will be here to help for as long as I'm needed and as long as my prescence here is tolerated. I hope this is simply the beginning of our work together and although, in moderating, (as with anything in life), there has, and will continue to be ups and downs I have confidence that I will enjoy all the time spent here together with you all, and I hope you enjoy the time spent here together with me as well.

    Sincerely Yours,
    ~Thomas Mekler

    @Matt_Aranha Thank you for the support Matt! I likewise sincerely wish you all the best and look forward to interacting with you in chat. If you need anything don't hesitate to reach out to me.

  • Live Chat Moderator

    Damn you two, @Ruth @Thomas; I was just going to leave a 🖤 and thank you, but now I feel bad

  • We can trust to be see many chick like emoji's.