• What are you currently daydreaming about?

  • I can go one better and tell you of an actual dream I had today. I was in hospital last night and didn't get home and to bed until 10.30am so crashed out for a few hours today.

    When I woke (a little over an hour ago) I'd just been having a dream where my Nana and I were onstage in a play together. She passed away over thirty years ago and although I was doing theatre at that time she never did. I'm not sure what age I was in the dream, I feel as though I was a lot younger. So that was nice. I don't remember ever dreaming about her before.

    As an aside, the play we were in was the first short performance in an evening of three, all of which were being directed by my mother. And during our play, behind the scenes where things were being set up for the second, my Nana and I could tell things were going wrong and my mum was scrambling with backstage crew to fix stuff in time.

    In terms of daydreaming, I'm just looking forward to my health and home life getting back to some sort of normality.
