What was the moment where you felt most motivated?

  • Chocolate Lovers ;)

    I had an immense wave of motivation when i first met someone distant from my family, i was going through a tough time, someone's presence in my life, had an effect on me in a positive way
    i come from an indian household, staying abroad
    though we are far away from the society, my parents still have those strict parental rules towards me, motivation can come through in any form, as a person, or by doing something you like
    if you are however, feeling lost with things, then try to focus on things one at a time ^_^!

  • I got motivated most when I decided to write s book when I was 16 It did start well but ended up bad cz I couldnt publish it.

  • .. for me getting motivated is when you feel HAPPY.

    No matter what it is, if your HAPPY you wanna do things.

    The thing is for you to be HAPPY is to seek for it. Right? siGh 😑


    @tanshh the thing is in real life i am not a very extrovert person! Sometimes all of the sudden i feel these waves of unmotivated energy


    @TM So basically if i write about things it could help me feel motivated? 🥺


    @babychic But you cant wait for happiness to motivate you! There might be less happy days compared to sad days right?

  • SLEEPY.. and that's why you need to do things for you to find out right?

    It wouldnt be easy, it would be gaining more efforts, struggles, puzzling time consuming wondering what is it that your looking for, but hey where's the fun in that if you wont have those right? Though its easy said than done, but hey thats just how it is i guess.


    @babychic i used to do thinks that used to distract me from my problems ( not sure about motivation tho) but cant do them anymore due to some issue. Maybe ill find something new to do. Thanks for the advise tho🥺

  • SLEEPY.. when doing so dont overthink that your doing something to get rid of something else because that would complicate even more.

    Just do things whenever you feel like doing without any reason. Like, a sudden distraction i mean.

    Or better yet, find strangers to talk to.
    Go to a park. Do things you once like and maybe youll like it again. Stuff.

  • @SleepySaint It helps release some of the negative thoughts or feelings you have sometimes ..

  • @SleepySaint It helps release some of the negative thoughts or feelings you have sometimes ..