• @bye69 First of all, I don't ban for "no reason". I've warned you SEVERAL times not to be nasty to these kids on live chat. I've been super lenient with you. I'm absolutely tired of your pedophilic shit. You come on live every day and flirt with these teenagers. Why do you feel the need to call 13 year old girls "babe" and tell them about anal fisting and tell them that you're going to bang them, among other nasty things. That's fucking gross. I know you know damn well why I ban you. You're fucking gross and I'm tired of being nice to you. You just want mods gone from live so you can do whatever you want with these kids and that's NOT going to happen. Do us all a favor and go talk nasty to kids on some other site. TY ^_^

  • @Vycktoriyah prove that they are 13yo, then I'll shut the up then on.

    The culprit has appeared. You were the one who banned me for 3 consecutive days. Outrageous, demorilizing and an abuse of power. I didnt do anything in these past three days and why dafaq does calling someone "bebe" affects you so much? Maybe you're just jealous and deprived of love? pfft.

    Pedophilic? how do u even know their age? Can you prove that they are underage? Show the birth certificates!

    I dont want the mods to be gone, I specifically just want you gone from this site. Strip of mod powers. I am not your only victim here. I posted this to call other users who were "abused" by you.

  • @bye69 Is this really your argument? If you meet someone in real life and they say they're 13, are you going to say "SHOW ME YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE OR YOU'RE NOT REALLY 13. LET'S BANG AND I CAN SHOW YOU WHAT ANAL FISTING IS." And all of the users that were "abused by me" obviously did something wrong to get banned. Like I said, I don't ban for no reason. If someone says they're 13 - 17 in live chat, don't question whether or not they're really that age. Chances are, they're younger NOT older.

  • @bye69 said in A petition to abolish the MOD system in live chat:

    2). The sanctions/actions by the mods are not clearly indicated/stated here. There is no "ban on sight" order here. So make it clear. If you want to impose a stricter rule, then mention here explicitly.

    Clearly, who laid out these rules are bunch of amateurs pretending to be good users.

    The role of a moderator is an appointed position. The screening process for a user under consideration to be appointed involves a prerequisite level of observed and applied behavior as well as responsibility. After consideration for any particular user to enter the process of training to become a moderator, TalkWithStranger and the moderation team will already have a level of trust established with the candidate user through already said:

    • Observation of behavior and responsibility
    • Reputation and time spent on the site to which they get to actually know the candidate user themself
    • Extensive questioning and further getting to know the candidate through the screening process

    That having been said, any actions of enforcement executed which would not be stated in writing under any rules or terms of service would ultimately be a warranted judgement call by the moderator that falls within the expectations and obligations of the position itself. As with any position of authority, these warranted judgement calls are at the discretion of each and every moderator. This is done with any position of authority due to the fact that they were appointed to that position with that very level of trust in their judgement already established by TalkWithStranger and the current staff.

    In short, the response to your concerns which you stated in #2 of your post is that within the authority granted by TalkWithStranger through the aforementioned screening process is that moderators can and will impose enforcements at each moderator's discretion.

    An example of this discretion would be repeated offenses that show obvious signs of impending encroachment of users or chat and infractions on rules clearly stated. This is a quality that is obligatory for anyone within the appointed position.

    I hope that helped to clarify your concerns in these regards. Thank you.

  • @Vycktoriyah Are you that fvcking stupid? you are comparing the "virtual" and "real life". ha! it's like asking the existence of a god

    obviously, you dont do that in real life and you are getting out of context.

  • @bye69 You're obviously not getting it and honestly, I'm tired of wasting energy on you. I told you why you've been getting banned. If I see you again, I'll just ban you again. I'm done with this convo. Have a nice life.

  • @Vycktoriyah chances..again, based on your "guess"/"own opinion", which is fvckng stupid, especially in a virtual world without face to face contact. You're assuming right away...

  • @bye69 Did you know after ever time I ban you, users pm me "thank you" ? They feel uncomfortable with you in live.

  • @Vycktoriyah again..such stupid answer.."see again", how will you know if im the one on live or not? I can use VPN, I can even change name or act like someone else there.

    clearly reflects your low IQ here. Now, stay on this site forever. . You can act as if you own this site, the queen, or somethng else

  • @Vycktoriyah another stupid response..how should I know when I am already banned? noh?

  • @bye69 More power to you. I'll still know which user you are... Trust me. & I am a queen. Thank you very much

  • @bye69 Literally almost every mod has been observing you and none of the mods straight away ban for no reason. Warnings are always given. And you have been warned multiple number of times. I even warned u so many times in pms so that you behave and don't get yourself banned. You join the chat and call most of the users Babe. Not knowing what their age is. You start abusing most of them for literally no reason and that causes a huge distruption and chaos in chat. Like Silly said, all users thank us later when she or any other mod bans you. You create this drama everyday Lili. Everyday! Asking every user to bang, being a racist, many more sexual comments in the chat and abuse. If you aren't going to realize and keep ignoring the warnings, then it's probably best if you leave and go to some other site if you want to talk about the horny shit all the time. You of course have your freedom to talk but you can't always take it for granted and save yourself. Freedom of speech also goes along wit the rules. So many users complain about you and get pissed at your behavior. Yet you question why we ban you. And even after all this you're gonna sign up a petition to ban a mod policy, it's really stupid. Admitting your own faults is hard lili, but judging anyone else easily is very easy and everyone does it. And we didn't even do anything wrong. We're totally doing what we're supposed to. Jan wrote so many times about the rules yet u question, Morf explained the whole theory yet you don't understand and silly explained why you're getting banned and the scenario of live yet you're gonna blame us. It's jus you not understanding and a random pedo for girls and probably for drama.

  • @Morf yep. looks clear to me.
    This is one of the problems of this site, which we have pointed out many times in the past.

    TWS gave too much "power" to the mods, which most of the time leads to abuse of that power. This is not the first time I experience such abuse of power by the mods.

    How can we, regular users complain about such abusive mods? Clearly, no room for that here because of the so called "trust" by TWS and the mods.


    Well personally after reading this post my thoughts are mod are doing a pretty good job protecting live. According to me most people would leave live if there were no mods due to shit that happens there regularly. I have been a mod and know how tough it is to deal with people like you plus i don't think you should be saying anything after the things i have seen you do in live๐Ÿ‘€

  • @bye69 said in A petition to abolish the MOD system in live chat:

    @Morf yep. looks clear to me.
    This is one of the problems of this site, which we have pointed out many times in the past.

    What I and a few other users brought to light in the past was clique-like behavior, bias, division and drama within the team of global moderators and admin back in 2018. Moderation has drastically improved in cohesion and professionalism since then, with maybe a rare exception or two.

    TWS gave too much "power" to the mods, which most of the time leads to abuse of that power. This is not the first time I experience such abuse of power by the mods.

    Some users repeat the same infractions of rules and exhibit a pattern of problematic behavior over and over, which in turn results in repetition of outcomes. Which in layman's terms would mean: Repeating an action and then complaining of that action incurring the same reactions.

    In regards to TalkWithStranger giving power; it is my belief that the site is instead doing the bare minimum to achieve the goal of the site running on its own without creator input. To which that is from a business standpoint.

    How can we, regular users complain about such abusive mods? Clearly, no room for that here because of the so called "trust" by TWS and the mods.

    Emailing TalkWithStranger via [email protected]
    That is by far the best way I have found to contact or get their attention. I have also found that method to get the quickest turnaround responses.

  • @Morf yes.thanks morf. I already emailed them.

  • As a "regular user" - albeit not necessarily of chat - I'd like to raise a voice on behalf of those of us who don't want dragging into the ridiculous grievances of someone trying to claim we feel the same as him. Can I start a petition to get this clown banned?

    What a fascinating thread to use as an example of boorish self-centred pig-headedness, I am befuddled that there are people so dense as to think breaking rules are okay because of such limp arguments as not knowing for certain how young a user is - like that matters when you're being so crude and disrespectful. Rules is rules - no likey? Fuck offee.

    Thank you Mods for all you do to keep the chat/site users safe - particularly the younger members of our community. That you've managed to refrain from giving a permanent ban when he clearly has no remorse or understanding of what he's done wrong and is only going to persist is a testament to your patience.

  • no , i enjoy order

  • i'll vote if you pm me some hawt noods @bye69

  • @Peek_A_Boo at moment @Janet has my vote cuz she said she will supply if we win ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‰