I think my friend is angry on me and I don't know what to do?

  • I feel like my friend has changed on me lately, it has been a month, she doesn't talk to me unless for some urgent things or briefly, and whenever I try to open some discussion as we used to, she doesn't really react on it, we were really close just a month ago, and suddenly she changed, once she said that whenever she get angry on somebody, she treat them like strangers, and that's really how I feel I'm to her right now, the thing is I'm sure I never did her bad or anything, I want to talk to her about it but I'm afraid to open the topic, I tried but I couldn't, I wanted to ask if she is angry and whether I mistake in something and if so I'd apologize, but I really couldn't bring myself to do so, there is that thought of what if she just changed and no longer consider me as her friend, her and I were really close friends and that thought is tearing me apart, recently she quite spoke some harsh words to me so I don't really know

  • its hard to think about but , if she really cared she wouldnt treat you like this. my girlfriend of a long time just broke up with me for nothing . blocked me , ghosted me. and im just left here wallowing in my own feelings. if she cares she will come back but man , dont let it get to you like i let it get to me. youll end up hurting your heart more than you need to. theres plenty of people out there , dont get stuck on one.

  • @Amel Ahhh.. To be brutally honest, you remind me of the similar stance I have been in for the last 6+ months, just looking towards the closer, of the various Why's ? How's ? etc.. But eventually, we return back with bare empty hands, silence, solitude.. Its possible, we were under the impression of having them as the best/close/dear ones to us, but on the contrary, they had their own perceptions regarding us and never felt alike.. Also, the energy, zeal and strength with which we were invested into them, could also have been entirely different.. "The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.. " Its hard, I agree.. But its how it is.. Maybe there are better plans up ahead.. Maybe we could have avoided the worst through this shattering a while ago.. All I can do is to request you to stay strong during this vulnerable phase and rest you will steer through it for sure. In case you wish to talk more about, drop me a text.. I'll try to be of help, if any required.. GBU

  • Fear of what, her no longer considering you her friend? Ignoring the signs and distancing yourself is a sure road to the decay of a friendship, whereas you asking her what is happening is yet to be discovered. There could be a myriad of possibilities - while your assumption could be right, what if she is going through hardships (which could affect her emotional state and thus explain her harsh words), and she needs you the most now? Take the initiative, show that you care - and if it doesn't work, at least you know you've fought for maintaining it.