• @Janet
    Did i fart love on ya? 😏😂

  • @Janet said in this is again my question:

    @A20 said in this is again my question:

    Lasts, still if i have to choose a virgin or a non-virgin, i will stay to choose a virgin girl. Why? Because it is my principle and value.

    This was all you ever needed to say in the first place but you had to add that you will not marry a whore. Basically you insulted every female that has had sex before marriage.

    I have always said people have a right to their beliefs but you had to add insults toward women who choose to have sex before marriage.

    Well, when a girl in here (in my country) lost her virginity, we call them as whore 😂
    So basically, i still have that kind of "thought" too.

    Uh, Janet idk about others ya, for me, i cant imagine that i have to sleep with someone who ever did "sleeping / more than sleeping" with anyone else, everyday, every night, all days and i call her as my wife. It will take time to accept that kind of things i g. However, seriously i'd rather to do divorce, i wont insist to fight for her anymore. This is a case for "a single girl, who never get married but do sex before married and willingly to give their goddamn virginity to someone that she does not ask for marriage" - this is a disclaimer. A widower, a single mom, a rape victim, etc, i think it is still tolerable.

  • @Ash33-exe OMG OMG OMG !!

  • @Janet You should go smoke some weed and put high Volume music and dance while cleaning ur house , you will have more fun lol

  • Wow , just came here to read replies with popcorn 🍿👀😂

  • @reviewer_1 said in this is again my question:

    Wow , just came here to read replies with popcorn 🍿👀😂

    I came here to upvote everyone without reading a single word 👻

  • @TheRisingSun
    We need more people like u

  • @The-Mods said in this is again my question:

    @sup How am I disrespectful ? After your comment I'm 100% sure that ur so Ignorant.

    By referring to people who have sex outside of marriage as pigs and dogs.

    Plus - Pigs and Dogs don't ever get married, genius XD they cant wait till they get married to reproduce, that would ensure their extinction (please dont respond to this its just trash-talk)

  • @Janet said in this is again my question:

    @A20 said in this is again my question:

    Lasts, still if i have to choose a virgin or a non-virgin, i will stay to choose a virgin girl. Why? Because it is my principle and value.

    This was all you ever needed to say in the first place but you had to add that you will not marry a whore. Basically you insulted every female that has had sex before marriage.

    I have always said people have a right to their beliefs but you had to add insults toward women who choose to have sex before marriage.

    Yes exactly what I was saying

  • @sup We eat , drink , sleep everyday does sharing those usual actions with animals makes us like them In value? Definitely not , but when you CHOOSE to walk on 4 this makes you similar in value with those animals who walk on 4 , when you CHOOSE to jump from 1 partner to another following ur sexual Instinct with no self control this makes ur value drop to their value. We simply developed an evolutionary system in every matter to keep on ascending our values from level to a higher level not to see eachothers as " sex toys " or not control our sexual desires like animals do in the end . Virginity is not about opening that pussy or using that dick , It's a high value of body , emotions, human respect that stop you from being "Available" surrenderering ur body for people that consume It to fulfill their Instinct and move on leaving u behind , which is ultimately disrespectful and humiliating in my opinion ,It's like saying " I used you for sometime and you don't deserve more than that , your sexy body was mine all night and I enjoyed It, so I guess I will find a ebony now or a thick blondy hahaha!! " this Idea is disgusting for me , i can't and will not think of myself as cheap , nor accept a girl that think It's ok to be that cheap. It's a matter of human value in the end. That's how I think of It. BTW not using google lol and won't write 20 paragraphs ;)


    @A20 said in this is again my question:

    Virginity is a big deal "for me". Yes, i marry her, i pay her dowry (indeed), then i grant her for whatever she wished, so what i get? Firstly i will demand her virginity, thats how i play the rules here.

    So basically you are paying her for sex? Isn't that the definition of a prostitute? :thinking_face:

  • @Eucalyptus He's not paying her for sex, but for her right to be preserved and for playing a role of being responsible to fulfill her needs, and she's playing her role in return of being a virgin as a proof that she is only for him as a husband.


    @The-Mods Soooo, after marriage you're gonna stay virgin.. noted

    The comments here really amaze me, when are you guys gonna realize that women are not 'things' that can be payed for or your employees that you pay and then expect a 'service' from them?

    Is sex considered a mutual act for you guys or is it something that is to be demanded by the man and given by the woman?

    I don't know if y'all realize, but you sound stuck up as fuck

  • @Eucalyptus
    Or sugar baby xD

  • @Eucalyptus No actually you sound up not understanding anything I said !! The Idea of being virgin is not only about women but both men and women should have respect towards their future 1 time partner as a sign of trustworthiness and purity and human self value. Paying money before marriage is for preserving rights and showing commitment and is usually made the man since he in most cases leads the family.

  • @Eucalyptus I don't understan why ur saying after marriage I will stay virgin lol It's like excluding the sexual part just bcz I said virginity is not abt fucking !! I didn't say it is not including sexual activity!! But u as smart as usual concluding It but not this time smart girl , u messed up lol

  • @Eucalyptus actually you should say those words for your bf , he literally said "would you buy a car without testing it?" he see you as an object for consuming not me. :)


    @The-Mods you are the one not reading what I said, since I very specifically replied to one thing and you're talking about something else entirely now. And what do previous relationships and previous sexual partners have to do with trustworthiness and self-value?

    A person who has had sexual partners before their current partner can still be trustworthy and value themselves, that literally makes no sense whatsoever...

    Paying money before marriage is for preserving rights

    you do realize you are talking about sexual rights here, right? Thus confirming my initial statement...

  • Sarah's Fan Club PM MORBHEAD

    @Lake-Bodom when i used to be religious, i didnt believe in having sex before marriage. Since im not religious anymore i dont really care but i understand why someone wouldnt want to have premarital sex :)


    @The-Mods I say that because you act as if the virginity is what you 'pay' for.. As if you don't mean it's actually the right to be the only person that has sex with the person you're paying for..
    Don't come at me with that bs..