lets all convert to hinduism

  • @Fahad-Hassan tell that to ISIS (Islam separatists/jihadists)

  • @FluffyCookie They are not in the circle of Islam. They are a group of people called 'Khawarij'. These people have the following characteristics:

    • These people do a lot of Takfir i.e they declare a lot of people (who call themselves Muslims) as non-Muslims without justification.

    • These people think that main-stream Muslims have been corrupted so much that they all must be killed. They judge the hearts of people.

    • They cherrypick Quran verses.

    • They follow the traditions of the Prophet as long as it meets their desires.

    • They rebel against Muslim leaders.

    The Prophet PBUH warned us by telling us that their will be a group of young people, with the traits listed above; where ever you find them, kill them, because they are terrorists! Trouble-makers, these people kill innocents over doubts on intention!
    Nowadays these people are ISIS, ISIL, IS, Al Qaeda, etcetera.

    Also, only a government can order to kill someone who is a Khawarij, we can't just go around and kill someone who we suspect is a Khawarij, doing so will make us a Khawarij ourselves!

  • @Fahad-Hassan Sooo basically if you follow the verses and you follow the traditions of the prophet and you make sure you heed all the details of the Quran verses, you become a Khawarij? Which is something bad? Am I getting this right? :thinking_face:

  • @Eucalyptus You are twisting and over-simplifying what I am saying.
    No. 1: I said they cherry pick verses, i.e they don't follow the whole Quran. For example the Quran in one verse says to kill non-believers, they only quote that verse only. However the context was that the Ayat (verse) was revealed during a war. Furthermore, the word non-believers was used to refer to their enemies, not all non-believers in the world. It is the same as if the Americans referred to their enemies in WWII as Japanese, like "Kill the Japs!" like this and not "Kill the Imperial Japanese Army!", I think you get what I mean.

    No. 2: Following the Hadith, by that I meant they only follow the things they want, its like No. 1, you can see what I mean.

    These Khawarij think that they are following Islam however they are clearly misguided.

    You said heed "all the details", now I think you can see what I meant, I am saying they do not heed all the details, they do follow some, but partially, which causes problems.

  • @Eucalyptus winderfull!! For what joy I need converting to hinduism ?? Ha ha ha,,,,,, First of all Hindu is not religion at all, its 5 veda , guidance for the people who do not understand or do not know to live thier life, with fear and greed can be controlled , it's a game played since man kind existed, its a manipulation also easy to keep in control with rules and regulation.. also there are lot of sect in Hinduism so can I convert to brahaman ?? If so I will convert !! People need something to hang on or want to belong some where... that's all mate if your are wise person and understand and respect 🙏 the space and time of your surrounding!! That all mate you no need religion at all

  • @knownsense I just like all the colours, the fuck are you talking about...

  • @Eucalyptus you stupid holy fucking beef steak ?? Do you eat beef?? Any way you are talking completely shit from your mouth and voices from your ass ok you should all convert to hindhu ...well done you stupid _____ fill in the blanks as it suits for you ... now what which God I need to belive in if I convert and what category I will belong schedule cast who pick brahamans shit and wipe thier ass to be born as brahaman in next life?? R u fucking serious ?? You have no clue what ypu day for yourself read some books and understand it . . You think Bhawath getha and ramayana is true yes of course in imaginary world of valmiki a crook head and I think he wanted to save his ass from death penalty so he came up with story with fear and greed ... oh poor boy grow up and take things as it is ??

  • @knownsense said in lets all convert to hinduism:

    well done you stupid _____

    well done you stupid hottest lady :fire:

    :grin: :grin:

  • @knownsense stfu and bend over daddy

  • @FluffyCookie fucking idiot if you kill a person your are wiping out whole humanity that's what it say in Islam, I hate Muslim fanatics but not Islam..it's two different thing and please h
    Keep your brain open to know all around to gain knowledge, there is nothing called holy fucking book

  • @Eucalyptus hey man I heard that Hinduism sucks. Is that right?

  • @knownsense a religion is believing and worshiping a personal god thats why Hinduism is religion because it makes u worship monkeys and 4armed 2 headed mutated creatures

  • @Fahad-Hassan I think u don't understand urself. U were told about Quran by ur parents in ur childhood thats why u believe its absolutely correct but there are 4200 religions out of which ur religion(Islam aka terrorism) is only one. Think for urself , not blindly believe ur parents words.(believing parents outta respect but respecting ur own thinking)

  • @Eucalyptus no not really it's just an ideology of some stupid fucking idiot manipulated in the name of religion, giving limited information, not studied well also can't be wise to think in o
    Your own brain yeah, until you read and understand quran you never know what it is ?? It's a teaching to live life most of people do not know how to live life without disturbing the surrounding poor idiot no sense to make sense to give space time and respect for surrounding also cannot accept as it is?? So everyone want to belong some where that's all,there is a saying in all religion empty mind us devil's worship why it is?? Do you know it, well I mention to you intelligence no one like it specially when it comes to religious axpect so yeah take it easy dear, all will realise but no one want analyse thier realising that's the problem

  • @thinkerman how stupid you are my think Ink man ?? Super helerious ha ha ha I can't stop laughing about ypu comment, so my dick is God for you, I guess so worship it mate kiss it all your dreams come true

  • @thinkerman I have been thinking for myself, that is the reason why I am still Muslim. My parents never forced me to pray regularly, never forced me to be pious.
    I came to Islam and started following it properly eventually, my parents didn't push me, no one forced me. There were times I was going to leave, but every time I found an answer. I have spent so much time, and given in so much effort to get answer to everything, any doubts. I have been thinking, quite a lot.

  • @Eucalyptus If you look at the mirror do u see a half reflection of ur image ????????????????????????? No You don't ! Suprise from uncle TM : Khawarij Do 🙂 If I write for example : Kill eucas if they kill innocent people ! And some mf came quoting from me saying : " prophet TM said to kill eucas " and he didnt continue the sentence what that person will be doing ? 1st : encouraging people to kill innocent eucas . 2nd : fucking TM reputation . 3rd : converting and brain washing people In the name of TM and god . Got it now ???


    @The-Mods you're no prophet :joy:

  • @Eucalyptus I know 😂 and there are no Eucas but only 1 😉


    @The-Mods and there are several mods, and you're not one of them 🤪