@janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly

  • @sup i am with you, bro

  • @ssll-sg I feel bad for the people that have to deal with you every day. You clearly weren't blessed with a brain like the rest of us. Hopefully, for your sake, you'll grow a brain :)

  • @Piggy_Na

    are you having fun kissing @Janet 's ass,boy?????

    take a look in the mirror.
    theres some brown stuff on your lips.
    you went too deep!


    oh,pass a message to @Janet .im still waiting for her to give a semi coherent response....you can do that,right?

  • @Janet That's the sexy angel we are talking abt.. Phone numb ? Hahaha

  • @ssll-sg I'm not religious but there has to be some higher power to help you.... I just have no words. A wise man once told me, never argue with stupid people. They just don't get it, and you'll never make them see eye-to-eye. So consider this my last reply and I hope you take my advice. Get some help. You really need it.

  • @The-Mods

    Abstraction sickens me.Gasoline says hello.A cranky old lady is belief in the interrelatedness of all things.That stolen figurine will take you to places you never expected not to visit!

  • @Piggy_Na said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    A wise man once told me, never argue with stupid people.

    thats a bummer.you shouldnt be muttering or talking to yourself now,wouldnt you?


    hey! before you go.wipe off that BROWN STAINS on your lips.its kinda disgusting TBH.


  • @Piggy_Na said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    @ssll-sg I'm not religious but there has to be some higher power to help you.... I just have no words. A wise man once told me, never argue with stupid people. They just don't get it, and you'll never make them see eye-to-eye. So consider this my last reply and I hope you take my advice. Get some help. You really need it.

    Well said. This is the exact reason I stopped responding as all he does is make things up.

    Can't argue with stupid... love it

  • @ssll-sg Stfu you Idiot , I bet ur Mom got pregnant from a pig , to bring such a pathetic trashy kid.

  • @The-Mods

    He appeared to be confusingly perplexed.
    At that moment I was the most fearsome weasel in the entire swamp.
    He had concluded that pigs must be able to fly in Hog Heaven.

  • @Janet said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    . This is the exact reason I stopped responding as all he does is make things up.

    well well well.
    look who is back!
    did your goon came to you and whine because they got their ass whooped?
    what can i say?
    im a word maestro.
    its easy to win in a debate against people.....like you who surrounded yourself with incompetent goon!
    just yesterday,i have the honor to meet one of your goon, @YourMomToo who is only capable of repeating the same word over and over again.is she right in the head? im just curious.her limited vocabulary indicates that she might be 'special'.well,good for you for befriending special person,jenny!

    you can think whatever you want,jenny,mboy!
    it doesnt change the fact that you have no solid ground to back up any of your arguments.people who read our correspondence will come to that conclusion on their own.

    only you and your fellow goons would think otherwise because of your false sense of comraderie : protect each other even though one of you said something dumb.

    its not healthy,jenny,mboy!


  • @ssll-sg said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    @Janet said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    . This is the exact reason I stopped responding as all he does is make things up.

    well well well.
    look who is back!
    did your goon came to you and whine because they got their ass whooped?
    what can i say?
    im a word maestro.
    its easy to win in a debate against people.....like you!

    you can think whatever you want,jenny,mboy!
    it doesnt change the fact that you have no solid ground to back up any of your arguments.people who read our correspondence will come to that conclusion on their own.

    only you and your fellow goons would think otherwise because of your false sense of comraderie : protect each other even though one of you said something dumb.

    its not healthy,jenny,mboy!


    No you twist things I say into LIES. I never said 90% of the things you post. You put statements into my mouth that I NEVER SAID.

    I refuse to continue to give you anymore attention you obviously crave in your life.

    You think you won? Won what? You won nothing other than many people ignoring you now.

    Sorry but users here can read and see what you are doing here. I do not need to call anyone for help. People have minds of their own.

    Your fixation on me is flattering but move on already.


  • @Janet said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    You think you won? Won what? You won nothing other than many people ignoring you now.

    youre talking about the 6 goons whom you sent to harrass me that having nothing to argue except that false camaraderie to protect your gang if one of you are attacked?well,jenny,mboy!thats simply pathetic!

    like i said.
    i believe my arguments are solid.
    in case youve forgotten,you were making a statement that implied to FOLLOW THE LAW UNCONDITIONALLY from this comment that you wrote

    '''In fact, the court looks at what is best for the child, and considers a child's best interest to be served when both parents provide financial support.laws are laws so your opinion is irrelevant'''

    it just astound me to see you blatantly LIES and DENIES what you wrote and pretend as if it doesnt exist.

    like i said.other people aside from your GOONS will see how WRONG you are,jenny,mboy!

  • Banned

    @ssll-sg did you get a good sleep or you couldn't sleep at all thinking bout what you should type the next morning, those not too long sentences Indicated the fact that you're still upset.

    so you're upset because of me harassed you by asking if you're upset or telling that you're upset?

    are you still upset?

  • @ssll-sg what are u talking abt u Idiot ? You don't even know what logic Is ,and you pretend to understand what freedom Is . Non of what you said Is logical . You where turning and turning around the same silly point !! You never even looked to the Main point which Is : both male and female In this case AGREED to have sex , so they agreed to trust eachother on handling the outcome ... here where the decision to take responsibility started not from where you saw It . The outcome In this case was pregnancy , they both should have expected It even if They didnt want It . Solution = 1st either they both agree to abortion (If It's safe). 2nd or both agree to take full responsibility of providing a healthy life for the baby that will come on all levels . 3rd Or the party that want to keep the baby take responsibility of keeping the baby with him/her but even in this case the one that refused should be present and available to fill the gap the child's need cz whether he/she liked it or not they created this baby . End of discussion. The freedom shit you talked abt Is like saying I want to play fireworks in my room , cz its mine !! What abt the sound ? Is it yours?????????? It's not. The fire that may burn the house Isnt your responsibility?? Freedom In the way u understand It is In GTA šŸ¤«šŸ˜

  • @ssll-sg You Idiot should make a difference between LAW and what came through out the history by Judges who served the laws or people that created bad laws . The word LAW represents justice In all countries but this word "Justice" Is arguable and seen diffrently according to what a particular country or state sees It , Which they based It on the values they have . If you are going to bring for me laws that abuse the women's right , or laws that allows a 50 yrs old man to marry a 12 yr old girl then you are fucking around with nonsense forcing an exceptional radical bad law Into the word "LAW" that most people follow and try to apply In their countries . You can go shave ur arse hair now šŸ˜‚

  • @YourMomToo

    awwww...my special little guy is back!
    youve learned some new words.
    at the very least,you are not asking the same question

    you:durrrr......are you upset.....durrrr???

    over and over again

    good job,buddy!!!!!!!!
    expand your vocabulary.
    read more.
    that is how you can communicate better with other people.
    remember! youre my special little guy!

  • @The-Mods

    Did the relevant score really last the debate?
    The anguished growth pokes into the immaculate general.
    Did the motionless bell really program the structure?
    What if the attentive hair ate the rip?
    Is the rain stand better than the go?
    The kaleidoscopic partner sprays into the lumpy incident.

  • Banned

    @ssll-sg after 18 hours, you're still gutted?

  • @YourMomToo said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    after 18 hours, you're still gutted?

    awwwww....you can do better,my special little guy!