Where did it all go wrong, a thread for people who miss real content

  • @sup um bro you are literally insulting every good and bad person here🙄 .
    I got masters in mechanical engineering and im decent . Literally proving you wrong

  • @Alireza-iran said in Where did it all go wrong, a thread for people who miss real content:

    @Alicey2k thank you! Finally, someone has said sth about this shit.
    Also as fun as the sexual desires are, not all of us are here to experience them with strangers. Im myself only here for chatting for afew minutes a day. And just finding someone to talk to when i feel by my self. Anyways respect to your point of view

    I may be cocky, edgy, straightforward or whatever you may call it but I'm honest with myself and the people around here. There's no need for me to act like a nice guy and say the loveliest things to be accepted here.

    @sup um bro you are literally insulting every good and bad person here🙄 .

    I got masters in mechanical engineering and im decent . Literally proving you wrong

    First, your degree(s) are trash to me. They don't make you likable or a better person in my eyes. And just to "prove you wrong" Ill leave these screenshots here. I have no intention to embarrass you but to teach you a sweet little life lesson.

    Screenshot (16).png

    Screenshot (15).png

    Screenshot (14).png

  • @sup said in Where did it all go wrong, a thread for people who miss real content:

    @Alicey2k Not very smart of you to look for some decent conversations and a level of intellect here in our glorious nation of tws. It's like entering a brothel, hoping to find Mother Teresa.

    that was a brilliant analogy, how dare someone downvote it ;-;

  • @Matt_Aranha said in Where did it all go wrong, a thread for people who miss real content:

    @sup said in Where did it all go wrong, a thread for people who miss real content:

    Also, you really can't expect intelligent people to approach you with Feminism and Climate change being your top interests.

    You're gonna have to explain the purported correlation there for me...

    If I wanted to, I would have explained it in the post itself.

  • @sup The level of intellect you speak of existed in the past, so it's normal to look for it. And my post was more highlighting the harmful sometimes illegal stuff that is posted here. Seems like the mods with brains jumped off a sinking ship and those that remain are quite happy dwelling in a cesspit of hateful bullshit. Thanks for your reply and I respect your opinion, but for someone who claims to not care if they're likeable (don't worry you aren't) you seem pretty insecure to reply as many times as you have in the way you have.

  • @Alicey2k said in Where did it all go wrong, a thread for people who miss real content:

    @sup The level of intellect you speak of existed in the past, so it's normal to look for it. And my post was more highlighting the harmful sometimes illegal stuff that is posted here. Seems like the mods with brains jumped off a sinking ship and those that remain are quite happy dwelling in a cesspit of hateful bullshit. Thanks for your reply and I respect your opinion, but for someone who claims to not care if they're likeable (don't worry you aren't) you seem pretty insecure to reply as many times as you have in the way you have.

    What past are we talking about here? You've barely been here for what? 7 months? I have never encountered any signs of intelligence here whatsoever. Not from you, not from those pedophiles.

    Also, Stop pointing out the obvious. Just stop. It's the internet and illegal stuff gets circulated. You better be prepared or just stay out of websites like these. Find something more interesting or relevant to do while you're here for a short while than grumbling about pedophiles and sex addicts or whatever. You cant change them and you can't control what is being posted here. You're not the first one to protest about this issue.

    The mods have better things to do than "make a difference" on some random stranger websites And that too when they are not being paid for it. Post something funny, surround yourself with fun people, and enjoy your time. People like me thrive because of our "nobody gives a fuck" attitude on here.

    Lastly, you cant regulate the amount of bullcrap I utter. You're not that powerful yet, lady.

  • @sup said in Where did it all go wrong, a thread for people who miss real content:

    The mods have better things to do than "make a difference" on some random stranger websites And that too when they are not being paid for it.

    Folk who aren't going to take the mod role seriously oughtn't accept it. It's not a status badge, it's a responsibility. That's why I've never gone for it. No denigration to the ones who do as much as they can, they've been fighting a battle with little support. It just seems to me to be somewhat sad that there are people who don't want the place to be safer, kinder, more altruistic. Without tackling bullying and "bullcrap" at this level, the world is never going to bust out of the rut it's in in time to save itself.

  • @Alicey2k Oh nice of you to insult us for no reason...the brainless mods that are still here have our own lives to deal with,we dont get paid for keeping this site clean,it's physically impossible for me to sit and watch every single topic looking for pedos,spammers and all that Illegal stuff you talk about with the time I have.
    If some people would take the time to flag and report posts like this instead of creating the 10000th "Tws is sooo bad now but yet I'm still here😭 topic" then maybe things would be a little better.

  • @Jess said in Where did it all go wrong, a thread for people who miss real content:

    If some people would take the time to flag and report posts like this instead of creating the 10000th "Tws is sooo bad now but yet I'm still here😭 topic" then maybe things would be a little better.

    This. So much this ❤

  • @Matt_Aranha I agree simply with this, I mean no insult to anyone, but I think it's kinda the point in the job, why choose to do it if you lead a busy life or don't care regardless. As stated there are less active than there were and I do not expect 1 or 2 people to do the work of 10

  • @Jess I don't actually disagree with you and never meant to insult anyone directly. I appreciate it's a thankless task but I don't get why if it and your life are as you say you would choose to take it on? I had no intention of being insulting or whiney and wasn't suggesting it should be eradicated of all possible offences etc. etc. blah blah but like I literally scan the topic titles of popular posts on a non frequent basis and notice; there was evidently time to find and be offended by my post anyway. Good luck anyway, i wouldn't do it

  • @Alicey2k

    "Seems like the mods with brains jumped off a sinking ship and those that remain are quite happy dwelling in a cesspit of hateful bullshit"

    That was pretty direct considering that you know how many mods are still active.
    I chose to take this on at a time when I still had plenty to spend here,I dont think you realize just how many topics get deleted that you don't see but ofc since we arent robots some are going to slip through the cracks
    Like I've told you twice already,if you see an offensive topic report it and I promise something will be done about it instead of making another rant post that doesn't help anybody

    there was evidently time to find and be offended by my post anyway.

    Um nobodys actually offended I'm just correcting your completely ignorant statement so you can stop trying to be passive aggresive for literally no reason.

  • I just wanna say @Jess thank you for all that you have done. I get why posts go left unnoticed and yes they should be flagged more often so you do not have to babysit the forums. What you do is really a thankless job dealing with all the drama and fake accounts let alone watching every thread that is made looking for topics that go against the TOS here. <3

  • those images went downhill fast 😂

  • @sup thats fun and all but do you praise our lord and saviour jesus in your spare time ¿

  • Now if the whining is over, let me just confess my love for @nejo :heart: ILY.

    @Nejo said in Where did it all go wrong, a thread for people who miss real content:

    @sup thats fun and all but do you praise our lord and saviour jesus in your spare time ¿

    I'm more of an Allah guy :shrug:

  • @sup hahhahahah?

  • @sup <333 alaaaah aaalalalal just dont put on the vest and go boom boom ok

  • Gamers

    hey im new here i know im 2 years late but can we talk ? i already followed you and im in hopes that this could give you a notification so you can find it.

  • TWS needs to recruit Slenderman, and whenever anyone starts typing something frivolous or thotty, he materialises in their home and bothers them.