Pure love is bisexual. Yes or no(and the meaning of it if so)

  • @Nah I think you're just defining love in your own way. What you're saying makes me think of when people say "things never touch" & the atoms repel.

  • @Allison All I'm saying is it's true for every relation of "Love" or "love at first site" starts with lust.

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  • if you are asking of pure love, it doesn't exist here in this world..be it between man and a woman or man and man or woman and woman. Love is not bounded by sexes, but before that you must know what pure love looks like and where do we see it? so, pure love is selfless and unmotivated by any personal selfish desires. what we see about so called "love" in today's world is merely few millimeter deep, because skin is in mm. we don't see a person running after an ugly or fat girl, even though she might be perfect in all of her attributes. people are after slim, crisp bodily features. moreover, they are basically after their selfish desires( which is lust) and once they have enjoyed the that person, the lust sets off and the people starts to realize incompatibility with their partners..that's why they end up in separation! the idea of "love" in the begining is motivated by looks(lust) which covers one's intelligence and the person is not able to think right..even though he might say the opposite. people are often together for what they can get from others and not because of what they can give. pure love is selfless, not depended on sexes, or looks. In this whole world this selfless love you will find only between a mother and her newly born child. whatever the mother does is selfless, all she cares about is her little infant. she voluntarily accepts discomfort for her child and all her activities are meant for her child's satisfaction. That's what love is. this same idea of love can be extended to each and every living beings. This pure love has one aspect though- "compassion". just like fire is hot, sugar is sweet, similarly, this pure love when expressed, comes out as "compassion" not that you try to rub your genitals with some person and call it to be love.. that's pure lust! so, to answer your question whether it is bisexual.. well, it is beyond that and can be extended to other living entities.. which is expressed as compassion and desire to serve selflessly for the satisfaction/happiness of the object of our love. so, what you feel normally is Lust.. we call it to be love because that's how our modernism has propagated it( in a perverted fashion). hope this helps.

  • love does not exist #feelingedgy

  • wow u must have been hurt by some one i think true love does exists my parents have been married for 51 years now its the hope single people have

  • I would like to suggest that love and desires are two different entities. Spiritually Love is the source of everything. Everything can be explained with love . Love is selfless,. Chemically it may be a neurotransmitter sprouting beautiful thought and butterflies in your stomach but psychologically love is just like square root of -1 to a machine. Love is never for personal benefit or desire. It demands sacrifices like a mother makes for her kid and in fables a lover do for his/her beloved. Love is in short going to all extents and never asking anything in return but what benefits the beloved the most. Meanwhile desires are personal. Desires mix with love that is present in every action and everything. Simple example is greed and materialistic approach to life which is simply love for wealth or the current standard. Sex is human desire. We are enslaved to our desires. You can love someone who you find very dear and do not have sex with them if you really care about them or you can claim you want to live with someone forever and break up with them because of a stupid argument. To free ourselves, we need to free ourselves from desires, only then we will see a greater image. This is my understanding of love and desire.

  • @Allison like u say , "spread da love without spreading da leg " .

  • @An-Evil-Clown excuse me?

  • @An-Evil-Clown love has nothing to do with sex. it's bodily attraction!! we confuse that with love. gay or not gay, that's not the point.
