• @emilyyyyy it was a baby, you created a baby and you shouldn't be having sex if its to big of a responsibility to have a child because thats always a risk, you could've given it to someone who wasn't able to have a baby. Its your baby's life, so many girls have miscarriages that truly have been trying to get pregnant for sooo long, you took away a life that could've been what some people's ideal is to make a happy family.

  • @gianna_16 yep. i agree.

  • @emilyyyyy said in I'm pregnant, need advice!:

    @John-Snow-007 tbh there are so many guys dming me telling me to abort that just dont want to get any hate on this thread lol

    and yes i asked for opinions, that does not mean i need to do what u think is right

    Your thread is really interesting!

    I read this post of yours after scrolling through the whole thread... and not remembering any hate expressed against anyone who spoke out for abortion, I read the whole thing again. And really there was no hate expressed against any of the people who spoke for abortion. There were people abusing and trolling you, but they usually spoke out for abortion, if they sayed anything on the topic at all. So this warping of perception really intrigues me...

  • @gianna_16 said in I'm pregnant, need advice!:

    @emilyyyyy it was a baby, you created a baby and you shouldn't be having sex if its to big of a responsibility to have a child because thats always a risk, you could've given it to someone who wasn't able to have a baby. Its your baby's life, so many girls have miscarriages that truly have been trying to get pregnant for sooo long, you took away a life that could've been what some people's ideal is to make a happy family.

    I'm actually surprised to see so many people speak openly for the protection of life on a site like TWS... And I'm glad that most of them, are not actually using any harsh words at all.

    @emilyyyyy You need to be aware, that people who tell you that abortion is murder, do not automatically judge you. I for one do not judge you, even though I too think it is killing (not murder). They are stating their believes and are trying to speak out for the one who has no voice yet. And usually they get a lot of hate for that...

    Which brings me to another interesting thing about your thread: those who spoke out against abortion did not get any hatred either. This is a good sign I believe, that there is hope for our generation.

  • So one last thing... Do you believe in anything other than the material world? If you do for example believe that you might live on after death, then... you believe that you have a soul, and are not just a thing, that is there to be used by men, and to use men.

    St. Thomas of Aquinas taught, that boys get their soul with 3 months and girls with 4 :joy:... He copied that from aristotle. But all of that is ofc nonesense. If you believe you live on after death, then you believe, that your soul does not need a single functioning brain cell to live. Ergo the baby also does not need a functioning brain to have a soul and be a full person. Which means the only moment that makes logical sense as to when the baby gets its soul is conception.

    That is why every non-materialist who has thought this through is against abortion. And why they speak out for the innocent. If they judge and hate the mother, they do nothing good though, because who is against the mother is obviously also against her child. Protecting life means protecting the mother, giving her warmth, support, and actual real life help with the pregnancy and everything around it.

    You might change your view of life one day, you are still very young. So if the pain over not having given the poor thing a chance ever emerges, then don't keep it to yourself. Those who really want to protect life, they will not judge you, they will receive you with open arms. Because they know, that it isn't easy. And many of them have actually aborted a child as well and realized their great error.

  • @emilyyyyy damn girl, ur still 15 and already pregnant... don't see that much these days tho, anyways who am I to judge if it's true or not right? If you rlly want advice, look to what YOU want and what your heart tells you to do. Like they say 'follow ur heart' bc that would be the most satisfied decision for urself.

  • @emilyyyyy good luck

  • I will help u

  • @emilyyyyy if you don't want to get pregnant... Just have a surgery... You will never get pregnant again. Have sex with as much men as u mant.. without any fearā¤ļø

  • @emilyyyyy if you don't wanna get pregnant ever... You just go to the doctor... Have surgery. And after that... You can have sex as much as you want... And with anyone you wanna have fuck...

  • @Zeeshan-Rana she's lying . Don't believe her.

  • Who is the daddy? Dont say u dont know, its more terrible. Does he want to take responsibility? For me, when u already did it, u should take the risk. U should know this can be happening before u did it. So accept it as ur baby and be responsible

  • You shouldn't have been fucked down earlier if you've asked for an advice now you're fucked up and a big one. Just keep the child else you might just die while flushing it out

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @emilyyyyy sell that little bastard.

  • Hope you feel ok now

  • First of all congratulation ......and ask your partner what he wants

  • I am pregnant

  • @Rex2020 damn what u gona do?

  • Hey guys

  • if you aren't enthusiastic about raising a kid, don't do it. people would kill to be in your situation. looking after a kid isn't easy and quite frankly you don't seem like the type who is anywhere near ready to do so.
