• @XD7 I prefer mathematics, number wins

  • @nightshifter are you serious ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  • @DennisJM Chem also contains Number everything is incomplete without Numbers ๐Ÿ˜…

  • Naice hand writing lol

  • @Pepsigurl Ay...๐Ÿ˜’

  • @XD7 well we All are chemical glob and carbon based life , so our head had receptor so we can enhance our abitily by artificial boost or substance so it's called drug only with label legal or illegal that depends on pharmaceutical company it's all about money fortune fame going insane !!
    Some poet a crazy rock star called Merlin mason Or curt cobin !! All teens like this band atleast use too !!
    I was drown in sea of liquor, steped to the beach made of cocaine,all trees are marijuana and opium , sky is done by LSD , all cactus belong to psylocibim. point to be noted, very important filed with all type of fruits and veggies herbs and spices and clear mountain natural spring water so I will be mr I !!
    so I'm my imaginary reality drugs can making me to belive, basically trippingg hard when I thought this in my past wondeful !! So point is I don't like the drugs but the drugs like me

  • Mah fav subject is Biology tho

  • @knownsense I like Medicinal drugs'๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

  • @Pepsigurl Wohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh๐Ÿ˜‰

  • @XD7 Not for that reason tho (You may be thinking about that reproduction chapter)๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @Pepsigurl ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚....you got High IQ!

  • @XD7 I told its a label perspective all are drugs..too much is too bad.. so now medical people is bunch of idiots who do not have sanity for themselves we believe beacause he is certified idiot, now shaman medicine man real knowledge experienced but no theory , but belive in himself and his Energy which has healing properties so no certificate, bit we told imprinted in out Brian to believe , because science say facts so I guess ?' H2O bunch of alphabet, but science made us belive says it's water magic isn't it!! How come I can put 2atom of hydrogen a gas and I atom of oxygen gas again mix comes as water I really didn't see how hydrogen looks like or oxygen..
    just few alphabets in front of a name Dr lessmesee m.b.b.b.d.s. I am .kate out c2b with PCP .d fuck. Do not mean anything to me .. yeah according to me spirituality and science is another side of coin !!

  • I don't say you should believe in me and my nonsense or shaman yeah hands up!! I am no one to you

  • @XD7 Thanks for mentioning me Samir.
    Mechanics is my fav subject for now but it wasn't untill i came into graduation, i liked physics since 9th grade and it was the easiest subject for me.
    But that doesn't mean i was bad in chemistry 9r other subjects infact i scored cent% in the subjects but biology ๐Ÿ˜‘

  • By the way buddha did talk about atom and sub atomic particle and gave clear description about it even he spoke about ameoba a singular cell organising 2500 year ago, no one understood no one was so highly intelligent to understand him still now people find hard to follow him .
    science is just in a first step of progress, proving it now few hundred years ago .. so it's a fact !! Ayurvedic natural herbs and medicine no body believe it because English medicine was effective instantly results were faster, damage was high now we know that before we did belive it's meracle.. cure with cost and herb take time but worked slowly and steady needed strict diet to work faster and depend on body type too.. main two reason Ayurvedic went flop that's because of jalousie and ego of this fact that Indian hate each other Aryans bhramans higher class godly folks came from heaven, racist to Thier own people divide rule Aryan ideology, all the knowledge, top of pyramid was in thier hands very greedy to share knowledge with each other and didn't want to write general about the progress too fucking greed die but not share .. lost most of the research second had a deciple teacher relationship and passed on knowledge with verbally without deep understanding only with memories by hearted..

  • @Bill-Dhivid okie quantum mechanics ?? Fluid mechanics ?? I do not know sound like made up shit

  • @knownsense lol, both but currently I'm not into fluid mechanics,
    Mechanics (Statics) and Classical Mechanics with lil of Quantum mechanics when it comes to explicit problems .

  • @Pepsigurl A random thought came across, if any one here know the knowledge of biology, chemical engineer , physicists pharmacist plus a Persian golden embroidery skilled workers ?? hypothetically in imaginary reality I would like to know how to skin human being without damaging the skin plus keep them alive ??

  • @knownsense Why you are So annoying..smh!

