• Do you know what is knock 99 knock 99 ?
    Centipede walking in wooden shoes

  • @Rissa_TheBest wondeful I look me it it made me laugh like hell 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • I could even type it properly

  • LurkersForLife

    lol! 😁😂😋😉 my pleasure

  • @Lazz Worrying about it is not worth anything, I won’t let fear and anxiety become pandemic too. I take reasonable precaution and follow advice from the experts or the health service to help me stay safe until the situation returns to normal. I live in Indonesia, the virus has spread to all of the country's 34 provinces. The only safe place is nowhere. Hope it will soon be over. There is God, who provided us with solutions to yesterday, and will similarly provide for what is to come tomorrow.

  • @kaia_ Thanks for your thoughtful reply. Yes, I agree there's been as much of a panic pandemic, as a viral one. Good to be responsible, exercise caution, as well as take precautions. No-one knows what tomorrow will bring, but soon one tomorrow may brings us a sense of normalcy, again. There's that hope. :pray:

  • @knownsense Negativity can impact mood, appetite, sleep. Sadly, with many areas in lock-down and not used to being idle, tensions do tend to flare. But we can hope that the flare-ups don't lead to a fire.

  • @Celiaaaa During the week you can chill, take it easy, and relax. but when the weekend comes, get ready to DANCE. Even if you're not in your PJs, and it's not 3am LOL. :grin:

  • @Lazz
    Yes indeed It effect all mind body soul ..and I am the one to create it.
    All we talk about past and most of time things which not fulfilled, may be bad or good..good positive things is fulfilled and it had a full stop it's complete satisfaction, bit I talk and crib about lot and live with it thinking should have could have would have is negativity, plus my surroundings like to joing and give advice up on that past which is not fulfilled. Completely forgetting about now.. larger number wins so that's negativity easy to manifest, for example going to relegious sites and all feel same to all of being because mass hallucinating and vocalising, all the Energies believing in single Energy is full power..
    If i understand now and Conscious about it there no flare, fire is out of context..its me who create it and give idea of my negative to my surroundings and I ask myself to join for my negativity.. so all I have to breathe , observe, let it go may be if I need with agenda act or react with Consciousness.
    Its wonderful for me not being attached for any kind words or images

  • @knownsense All good things to all good people. Positivity is key. Good vibes do resonate

  • @Lazz

    I do agree for all good people and good vibes nice and good. All religious preaching is not bad at all it's good for everyone one comes with favour likes attachment, rules and regulations agenda so for me it's hard to take sides because too good is also bad example too much sugar cause diabeties..
    I am okie for me all well and I accept it as it is , nothing is positive or negative to it's just a pure vibe I experience something new and if I label towards it then I am stopping myself to know and can't make out in my brain is it good or bad for my surroundings because I am aware not to hurt my sorrundings, and I am concious I live in it. we shall all accept it as it is without like and dislike and love the self, selflessly..
    Life is wonderful isn't it ??

  • @Lazz perfectly fine. Only 50 cases in 50 thousand square km with about 250000 people I'm good now the economy is what will be scary and literally no one under the age of 40 will know how hard the struggle will be

  • @Canadian-guy Ahhhhh more to miss about Canada.

  • Hello guys hope you all shall be free from manic panic by my tiny little friend Mr. covid19,....
    I have no idea it's true but I found some news about the covid19 make you own research yeah hands up I don't know !!

  • @knownsense Potentially very good news. I hope for positive results!

  • @Lazz lol yup life's a lot less stressful and you get to smoke weed lol

  • @Canadian-guy I lived up in AB for a bit. Still miss it.

  • @Lazz I can't manipulate universal facts and truth and I shall not, or oppose my idealogy as facts I do not trust or believe news agencies. it's sensational for me Any way I am glad it sounds sense to you happy to hear that and I shall make enquiries regarding this and shall get back to you soon with proper research .. have a wonderful day !! 🙏😊

  • @knownsense I follow these stories, but if you find you'd like to share, please feel free to. With an uncertain future, it is good to at least be aware of what we can be, in the ways we can be. To you, as well, good day