@Janet innit
What's the quickest way back from going mental?
@Indrid-Cold Your editing skills are commendable ..
@Kana Editing. The last great industry that the UK has left :winking_face:
@Indrid-Cold There is no way back! Fortunately in time it becomes normal, that is something I suppose.
@Scottish Thoughful face. Thumbs up. :thinking_face: :thumbs_up:
@Indrid-Cold Watching or making people suffer calms me down
@Vlad20 Mmm. Just be careful they don't get the upper hand and come after you, m8.
@spaceboy We're hurtling headlong down a street that has no turns, and the driver is a sad, sad, mournful monkey, and our destination is Mental Town.
@Indrid-Cold They are not able no more. If you lnow what I mean.
@Indrid-Cold now i know you have lost it Indrid, that is no way to observe social distancing. No doubt you intend to lick a few windows too. Tut tut
@Scottish Licking windows ...is good for morale. Plus if it's good enough for Aphex Twin.
@Indrid-Cold I'm not sure Richard James was thinking of covid when he dropped those beats. Though he did advise us to breath through didgeridoos so perhaps he is the cornish nostradamus, his visions induced by acid pasties? Sounds plausible
@Scottish Aw. You namedropped cornish pasties just as the shop is closing. :disappointed_face: But yeah. If I wasn't back at work 2morrow, lockdown'd be the ideal time for acid...