• Banned

    Hmmm good.. Thnx for response πŸ‘

  • Best to have known that feeling of love than to have never been loved before, my dear.

    She may be broken and in pieces, but whose to say that someone else won't come along and help her rebuild?

    There's always someone who will come along and mend what was broken and build something stronger and better.

    She doesn't need him. Hell, she doesn't even need anyone else. She's already capable of doing things herself.

    She's stronger than she thinks she is, and I hope she realized that one day.

    Time mends all wounds.

  • Banned

    I thought you forgot me, and maybe you are busy with your crush ..πŸ™‚πŸ™‚ @AAfro25-5
    Just kidding Thnx for response ❀

  • Banned


    I always love your feedback It always happens in a positive way and opens my mind..Thats why i love it πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚ and......
    Yes, She should control her emotions, she has need to get strong, and move forward.She should to come out of the false world..

    And yes she knows that she has to live present and has to say goodbye to the past and move forward ..It is tough for her but not impossible.

    She likes your thoughts. She will consider what she want to do..πŸ’›πŸ’›

  • @Katherine-k Of, course I always have time for you. Sometimes it just takes a little bit of time and searching to find the right words to convene my feelings to you.

  • Banned

    awwwwwww u two are so cute! hehe

  • Banned

    Thank you so much af.. How much do you care about me or the front..πŸ’•

  • @Katherine-k Enough to share a piece of myself with you.

  • Hey I m from Kolkata can we talk

  • @Katherine-k idk 😞😭

  • @Katherine-k is @AAfro25-5 and @albertora are same guy...?

  • @Katherine-

    **How can someone be so madly in someone's love.. ** that's because of possessiveness loving with condition also with rules and regulations..
    Why Today someone feel so bad. why she Doesn't understand that what should she do.😢
    Trying to fix the past for now it's impossible, can't accept it is gone long time ago
    she missed someone today. Good for her
    she never wanted to miss someone. 😞 Keep trying one day she might realise it !
    He said. He will Comes for her.. πŸ˜ͺ for what joy ? where he will come ??
    If she's in trouble he Will come. That's pure bull shit he is saying to her !! With some agenda
    He didn't promise to her. Wel fair enough some sense he has !!
    But she have some memories related to him that she doesn't forgetπŸ’˜ vicious cycle of sadness
    If he wanted to go so acceptance is good !!
    Why did he leave those memories for her. πŸ’”πŸ’”
    it's her in her past memories and living with it
    πŸ’”she's in deep painπŸ’” wow blaming some one else for her stupid mistakes !!
    Should he come back for her? but yeah I do not know ??
    Is it okay to remember him like this? remembering is good but living with saddnes for ever with past memories not good for her, very bad for health and mind !!

  • Banned

    @Clever_Fox no Fox both are different and no mention Anyone on my post.. Plz.. You can ask me in Dms.. Tk cr
