@Eucalyptus lmao
@WtfDeckoFalls hahaha okaaay
Hahaha...I'm sure there are many people that misinterpreted that topic
@Kingsman007 what i mean is real cat. A pet.
@Under_Bar I know, was jus saying
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@Kingsman007 haha ok
@Celiaaaa aaaawwww so cuteeeee
hiiii do you like play with me
I have no cat
You are nice looking
@Under_Bar Nggak punya. Sejak kanak2 aku takut sama kucing, makin kecil kucingnya makin menakutkan buat aku. Denger suaranya aja udah ngeri. Asal liat kucing mendingan aku menyingkir. Dimanapun, kalo ada kucing ndeketin, reflek dah... teriak! Malu2in :cat_face_with_tears_of_joy:
@Under_Bar hello
You sexy 👙👠💋 -
@Under_Bar hi