Share your problems with Pappi Nousername

  • @nousername said in Share your problems with Pappi Nousername:

    @barez There has to be a reason. What is it that you left islam for? Belief my friend is the most important, don't matter what it is, be it a person or god.

    He probably found the idea of believing that an invisible man in the sky created a man from dirt (and the man could have evolved from other species) and then took one if his ribs to make the first female. After putting the guy and the lady who's made of the guy's rib the invisible man in the sky put them in a sky garden whilst knowing all the options they're going to make but yet he punishes them when a talking snake convinced them to eat a fruit

  • @thestrangest Then again, the idea of believing that human beings formed because of due to a series of physical reactions in the oceans isn't too logical as well. What is logic even? When you're allowed to think about anything and everything, who can stop you? Where does freedom go in this case? The thing is believing in a god is as difficult as believing that you exist in a parallel universe in a completely different form. Yet some believe that too. Its not about what you believe in. Its about how much belief you have. Thanks.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @nousername said in Share your problems with Pappi Nousername:

    @thestrangest `Then again, the idea of believing that human beings formed because of due to a series of physical reactions in the oceans isn't too logical as well.

    NIGGA. NO ONE EVER SAID SUCH SHIT( well kind of but not really)

    And i never said it wasn't logical. I said it was ridiculous. Difference

    What is logic even?

    Dumb question

    When you're allowed to think about anything and everything, who can stop you?


    Where does freedom go in this case?

    Freedom doesn't exist. Everything is predetermined

    The thing is believing in a god is as difficult as believing that you exist in a parallel universe in a completely different form.

    Both are crazy and have no evidence behind them

    Yet some believe that too. Its not about what you believe in.Its about how much belief you have.

    Belief is binary. You either believe or you don't. There isn't a more or less in this one


    You're welcome

  • @thestrangest
    You don't believe in god, means you don't believe in anything that you can't see or prove. How do you believe in fate then, considering you said everything is predetermined.

  • @nousername said in Share your problems with Pappi Nousername:

    You don't believe in god, means you don't believe in anything that you can't see or prove.

    I CAN'T BELIEVE ANYTHING FOR NO GOOD REASON. Sight isn't a good reason always because you can be hallucinating. I don't believe in anything without proof/evidence

    How do you believe in fate then, considering you said everything is predetermined.

    Because i have scientific reasons. By the way. I don't believe in fate. I believe in determinism. Faith does not equal determinism

  • @thestrangest
    From what I understand, determinism and fate are two faces of the same coin. Both say human beings don't possess a free will. Whatever is done has a cause or a purpose. Doesn't matter if you call it something else. Its still the same thing.

  • @nousername said in Share your problems with Pappi Nousername:

    From what I understand, determinism and fate are two faces of the same coin.

    Not really

    Both say human beings don't possess a free will. Whatever is done has a cause or a purpose.


    Doesn't matter if you call it something else. Its still the same thing.

    NOPE. Fate says that nomatter what you do you will always have the sane result so if your fate is to be a black belt in BJJ you can go sit in front of a tv and eat fast food and somehow you'll get it. Determinism says that to get the black bilt you'll still have to work but if you succed or not is predetermined, the fact that you decided to work is predetermined and everything else is predetermined. Difference

  • @thestrangest
    Bro, You gave a stupid example. Fate is unknown. How can a person who is supposed to win a black belt, come to know he's gonna get one, before time? If his fate says he's gonna win it, it'll also say he's gonna work for it.

  • @thestrangest all your posts now appear as guest. Very sad news

  • Lol are you trying to copy @Sir-Devil ;)

  • @girlnextdoor
    Give me mod bitch.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @nousername said in Share your problems with Pappi Nousername:

    Bro, You gave a stupid example. Fate is unknown. How can a person who is supposed to win a black belt, come to know he's gonna get one, before time? If his fate says he's gonna win it, it'll also say he's gonna work for it.

    That's not the point dumbass. Both things are by definition not the same. Look up the definitions man. If you didn't like my short explanation find a longer one

  • @thestrangest they increased the timer for notification pop up. U happy now?

  • @girlnextdoor said in Share your problems with Pappi Nousername:

    @thestrangest all your posts now appear as guest. Very sad news

    I don't care. Did you read my reasons for deleting my account. I had a good reason to give up on this site

  • @nousername ask the admin. Not me.

  • @girlnextdoor said in Share your problems with Pappi Nousername:

    @thestrangest they increased the timer for notification pop up. U happy now?

    Yus. I'd be happier if they fixed the reasons for why i deleted my account

  • @thestrangest I know u had stupid reason that others were down voting u. But really no. Just ignore the negative people and focus on positive people ;)

  • @thestrangest inbox me the reasons

  • @girlnextdoor said in Share your problems with Pappi Nousername:

    @thestrangest I know u had stupid reason that others were down voting u. But really no. Just ignore the negative people and focus on positive people ;)

    THOSE ARE NOT THE FUCKING REASONS. Didn't i link you 2 times to the reasons. God damn

  • @thestrangest I was busy. Tell me now