• @Ladydoall30 he’s been banned before? (Am new here, but am sensing a dictatorship)

  • I think I may have touched on something here, every one of you have made some good points and before this goes completely astride and start bickering amongst ourselves. Let us just agree that the well-meaning ppl seem to actually take the time to voice an opinion showing how so few of us still care. Kudos! Now if only the mindless heard would just open their eyes and actually step up even just a little.

  • @Scottish sssshhhh 😂😂 dont mention that, i am doing such undercover here. Dont reveal me up please 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @Ladydoall30 i think you may do something that can not be tolerated or you break the rules here. Thats why they banned you.
    Like before this, 2 of moderators asking why do you have such files on your signature right? It may be not stated fully/bluntly, but you already start a mistake.

  • @Andrés no I've never been banned Andrés. I did however leave for a couple of months as i was fed up of my good friends feeling compelled to leave due to the constant deluge of unwanted sexual approaches they were receiving. And I got bored of being catfished on a daily basis. I came back due to corona lockdown boredom and there were a lot of good people on here i missed

  • @Andrés scottish? 😂 oh yes, he made a funny protest letter with Sarah_The_Magpie also 🤣 now i remember a funny story in January 2020
    It is not dictatorship, you just have to follow the rules btw.

  • @Nibba-18 i made no such letter, i had already left when Sarah made that post. Get your facts straight and while your at it maybe actually read what ladydoall is saying, strikes me you're missing the point entirely. I was actually very civil.and polite in my goodbye message

  • it depends how serious the moderators are, but this is the internet sooooo it's hard to tell whether they take this business seriously or just don't have the effort to put a security feature into their web site.

    They are around probably different shifts, all lurking, you know how it goes......

  • @Scottish 😂 nah scottish, do you know why they banned ladydoll?
    Coz she made a signature with a link of something in her computer. It may be not a biggy deal, but for them (moderator) who has concern of hackers attack/porn link or whatever spam/bad links, it is obviously triggered em to banned this user.

    I dunno the previous case coz i never met this ladydoll in pubchat, LC or even Global Chat, but i think i can relate why they had that decision. Coz this Ladydoll may misuse link here. As one of rules in here, users are not allowed to share/post such inappropriate link. Please relate this first before you go to ask another question lel.

  • @Nibba-18 rules? It feels like it’s a free-for-all when it comes to posting. I’ve never seen a post confined to the category it belongs too. This entire site is a mess, and the mods are seemingly unable to keep up with organizing/moving posts to the correct category.

    Furthermore, as a new member, I find it weird that I am unable to flag certain members (there is a bot that’s been spamming in every fucking category and I can’t report it because I lack “privileges”!?)

    If I were to assume that Ladydoall30 is telling the truth about her reason of being banned, then it falls on admin/moderators to follow the same guidelines and ban every user for breaking the rules, not just her. If they lack the manpower/money then they should take this site down or merge it with another, bigger site in order to create a safer/more pleasant online environment for the users.

    Lastly, if Ladydoall30 did have an inappropriate link, well then, she’s been banned and it’s done. But once again, why won’t the mods deal with the bots? Their rules are clearly inconsistent.

  • @Nibba-18 you're still missing the point. Ladydoall kept receiving unwanted messages including the one she posted. She repeatedly asked moderators to act but nothing happened. She then posted that as a protest and got banned. Ironic don't you think? As a long time user of the site you will know yourself what a meat market it can descend into and how much solicitation and inappropriate advertising/marketing (by users, not the site) goes on here. I am happy to note that more people seem to get banned now than before but it is still rife

  • @Andrés the keyword there luv was/is "Money" more eyeballs more money, the more money made the weaker the things get so more money can be made with more eyeballs ....and the slide downhill goes

  • @Andrés i can tell you that ladydoall is most certainly telling the truth Andrés. She is a personal friend of mine and i was in dm conversations with her about the situation all the way through it. She had actually asked repeatedly for her account to be deleted but her wishes weren't followed. So she then began posting the links as a protest in a deliberate effort to get banned. A sorry tale no?

  • @Andrés said in Where have all the Moderators gone?:

    @Nibba-18 rules? It feels like it’s a free-for-all when it comes to posting. I’ve never seen a post confined to the category it belongs too. This entire site is a mess, and the mods are seemingly unable to keep up with organizing/moving posts to the correct category.

    Then what you expect? They have to maintain +10.000 Posts about nudes and stuff then you cant post whatever you want here? As long as it is not a link that directly lead you to "suspicious site like this ladydoll did in her signature, it is not a big deal.

    Furthermore, as a new member, I find it weird that I am unable to flag certain members (there is a bot that’s been spamming in every fucking category and I can’t report it because I lack “privileges”!?)

    Of coz, it is not that easy, bruh. You have to get at least 1K reputation to do such flag. It is a breakthrough that this site has since 2019. As a new user, you may have to understand it first rather than protesting. Oh, dont forget to mingle!

    If I were to assume that Ladydoall30 is telling the truth about her reason of being banned, then it falls on admin/moderators to follow the same guidelines and ban every user for breaking the rules, not just her. If they lack the manpower/money then they should take this site down or merge it with another, bigger site in order to create a safer/more pleasant online environment for the users.

    Nah. This ladydoall did something like i said previously. If you think that they did not put their best effort, they already did. But it is too much users here, they even have to banned underage users here. If you want such safer/more pleasant environment, may be this is not the place that you can find your expectation, as this site is free, even administrator and global moderator aint get payment for their roles 😂 i suggest you to find your great heaven of internet outside there rather than you say this thing that they may not concern that much lol.

  • @Nibba-18 why do you feel the need to be such a smarmy sarcastic prick? Actually the status quo suits you. I know about you, people talk in private messages here, reputations get around. You are not someone whose opinion i would value

  • @Scottish said in Where have all the Moderators gone?:

    @Nibba-18 you're still missing the point. Ladydoall kept receiving unwanted messages including the one she posted. She repeatedly asked moderators to act but nothing happened. She then posted that as a protest and got banned. Ironic don't you think? As a long time user of the site you will know yourself what a meat market it can descend into and how much solicitation and inappropriate advertising/marketing (by users, not the site) goes on here. I am happy to note that more people seem to get banned now than before but it is still rife

    Do you want my honest judgement, as if i were a moderator here? I will banned her, for no matter her reasons or her protest letters here. Why?

    1. I dunno her. Why i have to care?
    2. She did report, but why that things happen, i may do deep check and convo till she answered all of my question.
    3. I may check her IP Address coz it seems like this person do catfishing xD
    4. I never saw her around, like mention before. What kind things of proof that i have to convince that she is existing human being?
    5. If you refer that i may do catfishing too, i have posted a lot of pictures in here, with stamp mark there xD
    6. They have their own privileges, then if you dislike such things, may be, i suggest you, to find your own heaven like idealistic things Andres mention before but seriously, there is no site like you wish xD

    Good luck btw.

  • @Scottish go ahead xD at least, i am trusted user here and i know this place better than you, who just come and dunno about this community culture. You also have a high expectation but then you want it free like all of things can happen coz of miracle?

    What a funny life xD

  • @Nibba-18 you really are an immature callous person. I have no desire to have a war of words with someone so lacking in intellect.

  • @Scottish xD at least i dont have to defend a catfish that i dont know her own purpose here. Good luck btw, may @TalkWithStranger listen you well. Lol.

  • @Ladydoall30 hiiii