• Bruh guys I'm bored in quarantine Just ask me anything but not how I spend time:expressionless_face: And Make some friends here I'm New You Know

  • Could be worse I guess. In my country we are still pretty free so life hasnโ€™t changed as much as it has for other countries. (Good or bad, time will tell)

    Tell me about yourself. Country? What do you normally do? School/work? Interest? The first thing you are gonna do when the quarantine is over?

  • @Sara-B IM bored we have 1.1k so we are not allowed to go to school or go outside I used to skating but now Oof just sit all the day in my bed lmao

  • Doesnโ€™t sound good. Do you like reading, a good book passes time :)
    Otherwise watch TED talks on YouTube and learn new things.
    Or do what I do - Watch British comedians and their stand-up on Netflix and YouTube ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™ˆ

  • @Sara-B My sister doing the same you do I love to read books but when I grabbed a book I think I'm wasting my time but my sister do she has a library in her room