Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.

  • @bushmurry when i was a 6 y.o. kid my sister would always go out with her friends without letting me come and i would always ask her to go but she never allowed me so i once put make up on my face and ran to my sister in front of her friends saying "Look! I'm a girl can i stay with you now?"

  • @alwaysstranger Makes sense to me! They were simpler times lol

  • @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @one said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @ragnar-lothbrok said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @ragnar-lothbrok said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @ragnar-lothbrok and they're wonderful ppl

    That means muslims are wonderful peoples.

    No it doesn't. 88% of muslims in egypt support the death penalty for ppl who leave islam like me. And islamic law is very violent. The only reason my parents are wonderful ppl is because they don't take violent verses in the quran seriously but they do take everything else seriously. They know I'm an atheist but they respect my beliefs which proves they don't take the hadith that seriously since it says that ex-muslims should be killed

    I agree with you. Somepeoples take Quran verses too serious, but leaving islam is something that needs tough desicions tho. I dnt knw why you decided to be atheist but i respect your decision.

    I didn't decide to be atheist. You don't chose what to believe, can you suddenly chose to believe that your name is bob? NO! I followed the evidence to where it went and the evidence and proof showed me that there is no reason to be so arrogant and think that my religion is the only true religion out of the other 4000 that are practiced today and the 1 million + that researchers say existed. If the evidence and proof lead me to a different conclusion then that is what i would have believed but i can't chose what i believe

    And just so @one doesn't call me a lier even though he doesn't understand what lying means. I know that researchers say there are about 4200 religions that are practiced today and I'm not 100% about that 1 million religions in human history thing, i think it's more but i read that it was 1 million in an article a long time ago

    Ok I'll explain..
    @one doesn't call me a lier even though he doesn't understand what lying means. What's this then..!
    Here's the definition of lying:
    "telling or containing lies; DELIBERATELY untruthful; deceitful;"

    Because last time you called my a lier but you clearly weren't using the right word. "Lying" wasn't being used properly since a lier is someone that says things that


    1st he knows they are wrong are wrong

    2nd is saying them in order to misguide/trick someone

    And i

    1st didn't know that i had mistaken the percentage of atheists in the world with the percentage of atheists in America

    2nd even if i used the correct number or the wrong percentage my statements would still be correct since the exact number wasn't relevant or significant. So i wasn't trying to trick/misguide anyone

    See again you started it not me...!
    I exposed you only and said only the truth nothing else...!
    You want argue again on that issue then it's ok let's start if don't then don't say it I don't know anything now everyone knows about you..!

  • @one said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @one said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @ragnar-lothbrok said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @ragnar-lothbrok said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @ragnar-lothbrok and they're wonderful ppl

    That means muslims are wonderful peoples.

    No it doesn't. 88% of muslims in egypt support the death penalty for ppl who leave islam like me. And islamic law is very violent. The only reason my parents are wonderful ppl is because they don't take violent verses in the quran seriously but they do take everything else seriously. They know I'm an atheist but they respect my beliefs which proves they don't take the hadith that seriously since it says that ex-muslims should be killed

    I agree with you. Somepeoples take Quran verses too serious, but leaving islam is something that needs tough desicions tho. I dnt knw why you decided to be atheist but i respect your decision.

    I didn't decide to be atheist. You don't chose what to believe, can you suddenly chose to believe that your name is bob? NO! I followed the evidence to where it went and the evidence and proof showed me that there is no reason to be so arrogant and think that my religion is the only true religion out of the other 4000 that are practiced today and the 1 million + that researchers say existed. If the evidence and proof lead me to a different conclusion then that is what i would have believed but i can't chose what i believe

    And just so @one doesn't call me a lier even though he doesn't understand what lying means. I know that researchers say there are about 4200 religions that are practiced today and I'm not 100% about that 1 million religions in human history thing, i think it's more but i read that it was 1 million in an article a long time ago

    Ok I'll explain..
    @one doesn't call me a lier even though he doesn't understand what lying means. What's this then..!
    Here's the definition of lying:
    "telling or containing lies; DELIBERATELY untruthful; deceitful;"

    Because last time you called my a lier but you clearly weren't using the right word. "Lying" wasn't being used properly since a lier is someone that says things that


    1st he knows they are wrong are wrong

    2nd is saying them in order to misguide/trick someone

    And i

    1st didn't know that i had mistaken the percentage of atheists in the world with the percentage of atheists in America

    2nd even if i used the correct number or the wrong percentage my statements would still be correct since the exact number wasn't relevant or significant. So i wasn't trying to trick/misguide anyone

    See again you started it not me...!
    I exposed you only and said only the truth nothing else...!
    You want argue again on that issue then it's ok let's start if don't then don't say it I don't know anything now everyone knows about you..!

    Exposed? Exposed what? Everyone knows what about me?

  • @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @lucifer_ said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @AlwaysStranger @one Please argue in PM's.
    Its a very beautiful post to be argued in.

    True. Sorry

    No no I'm not arguing omar it's started it again then don't tell me tell yourself... if you really cares for others then why u started th topic again...!
    If you really knows it's very beautiful post then why u started again u r diplomatic person bro...! Sorry to say

  • @one said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @lucifer_ said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @AlwaysStranger @one Please argue in PM's.
    Its a very beautiful post to be argued in.

    True. Sorry

    No no I'm not arguing omar it's started it again then don't tell me tell yourself... if you really cares for others then why u started th topic again...!

    I didn't start shit. @Ragnar-Lothbrok asked me question and i answered

    If you really knows it's very beautiful post then why u started again u r diplomatic person bro...! Sorry to say

    I didn't start anything. I just answered @Ragnar-Lothbrok . Even he said that i just answered him. Please stop this stupid nonsense

  • @one i don't have time for your waky stuff again

  • @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @one and you ruined a perfect debate over such a simply misunderstanding, you didn't understand because you're English isn't perfect but you still didn't have to be such so rude about it to drive me to the point where i disliked your posts about 80 times (yes. This time i was actually lying when i said that it wasn't me) and to say "fuck you" 80 times. Got it? But anyways, you created a fake account called ( @Alex42 ) to dislike me 100 times and flag my profile so we're even. And i have been up voting some of your posts so those about 80 down votes are 40 or 30 now.

    No bro I didn't lie ever I said only th truth dude i dont want to expose you but it happens when you debating with me if you don't lie on every topic then it wasn't happnd and I didn't downvoted ur posts bro... you downvoted ma posts it's not cool man imean it's not way only caz I exposed you u downvoted my 100 posts... wats wrong with you
    I don't have fake account only have this one...don't lie again bro... be a man

  • @one said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @one and you ruined a perfect debate over such a simply misunderstanding, you didn't understand because you're English isn't perfect but you still didn't have to be such so rude about it to drive me to the point where i disliked your posts about 80 times (yes. This time i was actually lying when i said that it wasn't me) and to say "fuck you" 80 times. Got it? But anyways, you created a fake account called ( @Alex42 ) to dislike me 100 times and flag my profile so we're even. And i have been up voting some of your posts so those about 80 down votes are 40 or 30 now.

    No bro I didn't lie ever I said only th truth

    I didn't say that you lied

    dude i dont want to expose you but it happens when you debating with me if you don't lie on every topic then it wasn't happnd and I didn't downvoted ur posts bro...

    What did i lie about. I didn't lie and you didn't expose anything

    you downvoted ma posts it's not cool man imean it's not way only caz I exposed you u downvoted my 100 posts... wats wrong with you

    YOU didn't expose anything. What are you talking about? And i didn't downvote you because you "exposed me", i downvoted you because you were being a complete violent asshole

    I don't have fake account only have this one...don't lie again bro... be a man

    I'm not lying. @Ragnar-Lothbrok told me that an account called @Alex42 flagged me and then i realised someone downvoted me 100 times and then @Alex42 told @Ragnar-Lothbrok that he flagged me because i told him "fuck you" and stuff like that so i am 90% sure it's you. And even if I'm wrong, the fact that you would say I'm lying because I'm pointing out what i think is true means that you DEFINITELY don't understand what lying means

  • @one please go away. I don't have time for your waky stuff. This topic doesn't welcome you. Go home, you're drunk

  • @alwaysstranger and @one I'm starting to feel like you two must be married. But have a thought for the person who started this post

  • @bushmurry LOLOL. Dude, i would love for him to stop talking but he won't. The person who started this post @Ragnar-Lothbrok and @Lucifer_ both agree that he should shouldn't be doing this here and that he started it but anyways. If he's gonna attack me publicly then I'll defend myself publicly. Damn him, he's a rude asshole

  • @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @one said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @one said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @ragnar-lothbrok said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @ragnar-lothbrok said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @ragnar-lothbrok and they're wonderful ppl

    That means muslims are wonderful peoples.

    No it doesn't. 88% of muslims in egypt support the death penalty for ppl who leave islam like me. And islamic law is very violent. The only reason my parents are wonderful ppl is because they don't take violent verses in the quran seriously but they do take everything else seriously. They know I'm an atheist but they respect my beliefs which proves they don't take the hadith that seriously since it says that ex-muslims should be killed

    I agree with you. Somepeoples take Quran verses too serious, but leaving islam is something that needs tough desicions tho. I dnt knw why you decided to be atheist but i respect your decision.

    I didn't decide to be atheist. You don't chose what to believe, can you suddenly chose to believe that your name is bob? NO! I followed the evidence to where it went and the evidence and proof showed me that there is no reason to be so arrogant and think that my religion is the only true religion out of the other 4000 that are practiced today and the 1 million + that researchers say existed. If the evidence and proof lead me to a different conclusion then that is what i would have believed but i can't chose what i believe

    And just so @one doesn't call me a lier even though he doesn't understand what lying means. I know that researchers say there are about 4200 religions that are practiced today and I'm not 100% about that 1 million religions in human history thing, i think it's more but i read that it was 1 million in an article a long time ago

    Ok I'll explain..
    @one doesn't call me a lier even though he doesn't understand what lying means. What's this then..!
    Here's the definition of lying:
    "telling or containing lies; DELIBERATELY untruthful; deceitful;"

    Because last time you called my a lier but you clearly weren't using the right word. "Lying" wasn't being used properly since a lier is someone that says things that


    1st he knows they are wrong are wrong

    2nd is saying them in order to misguide/trick someone

    And i

    1st didn't know that i had mistaken the percentage of atheists in the world with the percentage of atheists in America

    2nd even if i used the correct number or the wrong percentage my statements would still be correct since the exact number wasn't relevant or significant. So i wasn't trying to trick/misguide anyone

    See again you started it not me...!
    I exposed you only and said only the truth nothing else...!
    You want argue again on that issue then it's ok let's start if don't then don't say it I don't know anything now everyone knows about you..!

    Exposed? Exposed what? Everyone knows what about me?

    What is this Omar you know All and after that you asking again and again twisting your words I mean just accept th truth man... not expected from you bro...!

  • @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @one said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @lucifer_ said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @AlwaysStranger @one Please argue in PM's.
    Its a very beautiful post to be argued in.

    True. Sorry

    No no I'm not arguing omar it's started it again then don't tell me tell yourself... if you really cares for others then why u started th topic again...!

    I didn't start shit. @Ragnar-Lothbrok asked me question and i answered

    See again you lieing I mean why you mention previous topic in that he's just asked you simple question he don't asked you about what happened yesterday then don't lie brother for gods sake don't lie plz..!

    If you really knows it's very beautiful post then why u started again u r diplomatic person bro...! Sorry to say

    I didn't start anything. I just answered @Ragnar-Lothbrok . Even he said that i just answered him. Please stop this stupid nonsense

    See again lieing when he said you just answered I mean he's not asking about what happened yesterday then why you telling him what happened yesterday an all I mean everyone can see who started's you then I request you don't lie and don't make good things worst...!

  • @one said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @one said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @one said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @ragnar-lothbrok said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @ragnar-lothbrok said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @ragnar-lothbrok and they're wonderful ppl

    That means muslims are wonderful peoples.

    No it doesn't. 88% of muslims in egypt support the death penalty for ppl who leave islam like me. And islamic law is very violent. The only reason my parents are wonderful ppl is because they don't take violent verses in the quran seriously but they do take everything else seriously. They know I'm an atheist but they respect my beliefs which proves they don't take the hadith that seriously since it says that ex-muslims should be killed

    I agree with you. Somepeoples take Quran verses too serious, but leaving islam is something that needs tough desicions tho. I dnt knw why you decided to be atheist but i respect your decision.

    I didn't decide to be atheist. You don't chose what to believe, can you suddenly chose to believe that your name is bob? NO! I followed the evidence to where it went and the evidence and proof showed me that there is no reason to be so arrogant and think that my religion is the only true religion out of the other 4000 that are practiced today and the 1 million + that researchers say existed. If the evidence and proof lead me to a different conclusion then that is what i would have believed but i can't chose what i believe

    And just so @one doesn't call me a lier even though he doesn't understand what lying means. I know that researchers say there are about 4200 religions that are practiced today and I'm not 100% about that 1 million religions in human history thing, i think it's more but i read that it was 1 million in an article a long time ago

    Ok I'll explain..
    @one doesn't call me a lier even though he doesn't understand what lying means. What's this then..!
    Here's the definition of lying:
    "telling or containing lies; DELIBERATELY untruthful; deceitful;"

    Because last time you called my a lier but you clearly weren't using the right word. "Lying" wasn't being used properly since a lier is someone that says things that


    1st he knows they are wrong are wrong

    2nd is saying them in order to misguide/trick someone

    And i

    1st didn't know that i had mistaken the percentage of atheists in the world with the percentage of atheists in America

    2nd even if i used the correct number or the wrong percentage my statements would still be correct since the exact number wasn't relevant or significant. So i wasn't trying to trick/misguide anyone

    See again you started it not me...!
    I exposed you only and said only the truth nothing else...!
    You want argue again on that issue then it's ok let's start if don't then don't say it I don't know anything now everyone knows about you..!

    Exposed? Exposed what? Everyone knows what about me?

    What is this Omar you know All and after that you asking again and again twisting your words I mean just accept th truth man... not expected from you bro...!

    I don't know what you're talking about. What did you expose.

  • @bushmurry said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger and @one I'm starting to feel like you two must be married. But have a thought for the person who started this post

    Hahaha you are crazy

  • @one you should really get off this post. Go away

  • @ragnar-lothbrok said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @bushmurry said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger and @one I'm starting to feel like you two must be married. But have a thought for the person who started this post

    Hahaha you are crazy

    I think you are using the wrong words. He was saying a joke dude. Calling him crazy is rude. I think you didn't mean it

  • @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @one i don't have time for your waky stuff again

    Ok if you don't have time then my brother why you pulled out it again and you also said in your previous state @one your welcome in debate here but don't talk about previous topic and I accepted it then why you started it again by talking about previous topic... it's not cool..!

  • @alwaysstranger said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @ragnar-lothbrok said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @bushmurry said in Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.:

    @alwaysstranger and @one I'm starting to feel like you two must be married. But have a thought for the person who started this post

    Hahaha you are crazy

    I think you are using the wrong words. He was saying a joke dude. Calling him crazy is rude. I think you didn't mean it

    I ddnt mean it, i was joking, i usually use that word when someone makes a joke.
