• @Hyde can i have wings, then?? lmao i'd be a badass pika-chan ngl lol 😂

  • @Sweet-Skylines86 Ye i have also wings in irl (tattoo)

  • One Woman Army

    feel like learning a new language....welcoming any teacher ...

  • @Hyde YEAH I STAN TATTOOS even tho im too young to have one lol 😑😎😏


    @Hyde you are amazing and I understand everything u write. Keep up the great work. Whoever commented on ur spelling maybe should try writing in Japanese. 😂 You’re awesome, Hyde, and I always enjoy talking with u.

  • You genuinely don't need to apologise Haido... Practice with a few share of mistakes are the fundamentals to learning. I? think it's awesome you are able to speak two languages, just one isn't easy! But if you're unsure, never stop asking questions. "curiosity has its own reason for existing" - Einstein

  • @Mia-x Thank you a lot i am thankful to you !

  • @IGGYbop Thank you so much !!! i appericate your words

  • @Sweet-Skylines86 Tattoos are a nice thing believe me :)

  • @Hyde as I've mentioned before, I think it is a lot in the eye of the beholder. Yes, I do notice Grammer and spelling mistakes when I read your (and other people's) messages and posts, but personally it doesn't bother me. From my point of view, the only thing that matters is that I am able to understand it, rather than it being perfect. Of course it also differs from person to person how capable you are of understanding a text even if it contains mistakes, but that just leads back to 'the eye of the beholder'.
    Overall, I think you're doing a great job in general, and making mistakes while typing quick is completly normal. ^^

  • @NekoNat Thank you so much !! i am pretty happy having you all

  • @Hyde Have to say your English is %100 better than my Japanese, as a matter of fact, your English is far far better than mine. If you find that you are writing too fast it's just that you have too much in your head that you want to quickly get out and share with the world. I think it's a good thing myself.

  • @Ladydoall30 Thank you very much !! :)

  • @Hyde Dude there's no need to apologize, your English is great 👍

  • @NathanOnFire Thank you

  • @Hyde said in Correctly spelling..:

    I guess i write this cause someone was speaking to me because of my spellings

    I don't realized that my english get wrong when i write fast / or and don't concentrate on it
    even i only say ''Thank you'' in a right way i also mistake the sentence from that sometimes i wanted to say sorry for my english and my language i am not british neither american i am japanese but some japaneses can write better english as me and maybe better talking it i need hours to sing or speak my english in a right way so maybe i will be better by some training and help
    i believe that my way of writing confuse some peoples i am really sorry for it
    and i don't want to put my personaly problems in the foreground even it is maybe the reason why i am unconcentrated.. I promised to write correctly and i will do it for the one who i talked to

    I don't shout out for help i just aplogized my mistakes

    There is no need to apologize for bad english in too serious a manner. There are so many people on this site from so many different countries making so many different mistakes :joy:. Don't let people bother you who are troubled by your mistakes. You can always improve, but there really should be no need to apologize for bad english :shrug: as long as it does not cause any deep misunderstanding.

    How though, would you promise to write correctly? That seems like a strange promise. You can only promise to improve, not to be correct from one day to the next :yum:

    she was not sure if i am myself when i make this big changes in my writing when i wrote correctly and then wrong english

    well it all depends on her ability to recognize the way a person writes. some people are good at it, some are bad. if she's good at it, then somebody else uses your account :grin:, maybe you should check... if she's not good at it, then it's her own fault that she mistrusts you.

    I'm rather sure, that I've always written with the same person so far though :yum:. So don't worry about it :shrug:

  • @pe7erpark3r Thank you my friend