• @Scottish said in Your past crushes:

    @Hyde ouch Haido, that is tough. Are you seeing your son now?

    I see my son 1 -2 times a mounth when i am there he is 17 now and i thought it' s normaly for a 17 years old to have his own way :)

  • @Scottish So grace and elegance is what stayed with you. That sounds whimsical. The way you talk about it is inspiring. I can feel a character coming alive from this. Thank you for the share!

  • @Hyde Oh my goodness I'm sorry to hear how that ended. How old is your child if you dont mind me asking. Also, are you planning to pursue this dream of yours now that she is not directly involved in your life anymore?

    Edit: I see he's 17!

  • @Littlelion12 Yes he is 17 now but he literaly does now what he loves (also singing and playing guitar like me now)
    well i keep drinking wine with her time by time but it hurts to see her ..

  • @Littlelion12 thankyou for posting, it reminded me of something beautiful that really saved me at the time, maybe not saved, definitely not, but it gave me a glorious respite and showed me what was possible

  • @Hyde You have a passion for music ah. Is Jrock your style of music? I'm only asking because I remember Hyde. He was pretty popular back when I was in high school. Anyway, It's beautiful that your son is following the same passion as you. You must have given him the gene for musical talent! I see, How long ago did you two seperate? Is she aware about how you feel?

  • @Scottish you continue to intrigue me with your story! Now I have to know how you found such profound bliss over elegance and grace. Please do share lol

  • @Littlelion12 I do rock since 1991 :) and you know me ?
    and yes my son is talented in music very much also i don't really think i am talented in it peoples seem to like my work
    we are seperated since 2015 .. 1 mounth after that my mentor died so i was pretty sad at that time and yes she knows that i like her but she don't know how i feel inside i am to shy and also to closed on my own feelings to hurt her with my words

  • @Hyde spit it out Haido, i think it's better to regret what you did say or do than what you didn't. At least you know and have closure instead of whistful what-ifs

  • @Scottish you're right my brother !

  • @Hyde go listen to ask me by the smiths, i love that song

  • @Scottish (laugh) awsome one yes !!!

  • @Littlelion12 i only had just one crush in my life.That was few months ago .It was when i went on a field trip with my friends.There i met a girl who asked me to click a photo of hers and after that we even talked a little.I know it's kinda normal for a girl to ask this kinda stuff but since i am a little socially introvert and kinda dorky,girls rarely approach me in life.But i felt like she's into me for a moment.I know it was kinda delusional of me to think like that,but it like a enchanting dream because she was the prettiest girl with whom i ever talked.She even shared the chips with me she ate.i still remember her pretty face with glasses and her beautiful smile.But it also kinda hurted me because i knew i can't never be with her ever because she was so pretty like i don't deserve her as there are surely be other guys better than me she could fall for.Besides after that incident for few weeks i always thought of her and it hampered my studies badly .So i wish not to have any other crushes in my future and being delusional about them.

  • @Rajeev2021 oh no that cut deep. One thing that has nothing to do with looks is confidence. As far as looks, are highly unattractive dudes out there that women fall for because he doesn't put them on a pedestal. If you want to get better, preferably when you're past high school, say hi to strangers you find attractive and get their numbers. Do this like an exercise. Theres a TED talk about this guy doing a study on rejection where he made a task to think of ways to get rejected 100 times. He thought about the most ridiculous things to ask and eventually he got good at getting rid of the fear and was even able to get a yes on many of his requests. If I can find it I'll link you. It's the same concept with girls. A lot of guys are afraid to approach the pretty girl. Dont make those mistakes. You miss 100% of the time you decide not to take a chance. The worst that can be said is no. Just exercise this like a muscle. Also when you ask for numbers dont coerce them just say ok. Try to open by saying hi, and say something like I couldn't help but notice how pretty you are and ask for her number or w.e. rejections will hurt but it's really just a numbers game. Anyways I've rambled too long lol


  • @Littlelion12 my crushes have always been older women.
    I remember crushing on my mom's best friend, on my pastor, on my school teacher.
    I remember using a binoculars to get a good view of my teacher and I drew her during class. 😂😂😂

  • @James-Rodgers Oh my gosh that's adorable lol it reminds me of a sitcome. Were your parents older when they had you by any chance?

  • @Littlelion12 early thirties, pops. moms was late twenties I guess..

  • @James-Rodgers I see, yeah I have no idea what's considered significantly older but theres a correlation to the age of parents and the age their children are attracted to. Interesting :)

  • @Littlelion12 😂 past crushes? It is funny but first time i was in love in this TWS to someone who is not really girly girl (meanwhile all of my exs are girly girl). She is hard to get, strong, full of logical things also she is good in technology i guess 🤔
    Once i hated her in one reason that she made me really broken. She brought another person in our things that we should talk each other. I even shared to her about that. I left this TWS for almost 7th months till i met a girl in live chat name Alliley. Alliley helped me a lot about such recovery till i am back here, using my old account and being with new people here.
    You know, at the end of story, i hate to admit but i should concede that, Alliley said "you will be back with her. Tell me the time i have to go. Coz i know, she is the winner and i am nothing". Now i am just kind of lost coz alliley is right.