• Who doesn't love swords? That's not what I mean, you perverts!
    I want to discuss a topic that most people don't really care about. If you are one of these, that's fine, however I will now use my psychopsychic powers so you can't stop reading this boring pathetic and utterly stupidly retarded idiotical article shmarticle.
    _ This is an example of the swords you may imagine when I tell you the word "fencing", but these 3 swords are not actually swords, they are actually tools for olympic fencing. Do you want an example for a real sword?
    _ This sword is often confused with the previous 3 tools I showed you. But if you notice, this sword has got a blade, it's not "needle" type of blade. There was never in history a "needle" blade sword. It is a misconception created by movies and olympic fencing. The swords of europe evolved from the greek sword, spatha. (this is spatha) . Spatha weighs about 1.5kg and is in the length of about 80cm. It evolved in europe into period migration sword, which is also a viking sword. _ The viking sword has about the same statistics as the spatha. It evolved into Knightly sword AKA arming sword. _ This sword evolved into 2 branches of swords (keep in mind this sword is one handed and is still 1.5kg, 80cm).
    The first branch I would like to mention is two handed swords, which are longer and still the same weight as arming sword. For example - the longsword. _ The longswords were usually about 1.5kg and 130cm.

    The second branch is single handed swords, for example the rapier which weighs about 1.5kg. _ (this is an italian rapier, the first picture of rapier was more of a spanish one.)

    Here is a more accurate tree of evolution of swords in europe.

    Do you have any questions about swords? Tell us what is your favourite sword down below!
