The only religion where punishment of rape is death is Islam.

  • @alwaysstranger Well, in my religion, I mean.

  • @alwaysstranger Nvrmd, come join us in the public chatroom!

  • @alwaysstranger Sorry, I'm just tired right now and can't go on, also I'm confused. I had my debates with Emily and another friend, I'm tired.

  • I do like them I disagree with their life choices, but I am still friends with them. Don't misinterpret my disinterest, please. Also, I'm not a woman, I'm a 12 year old girl who is distracted at the moment.

  • Over the rainbow

    Now, I am not going to sleep, just subtracting myself from any really smart arguments. Laters!

  • @anonymousangel Also, I'm white.

  • @alwaysstranger Oh! Okay, haha, well, laters! ... Again... Whutever!

  • @alwaysstranger Yes, yes, yes, and no! Well, yes. Sorry, I told you, I'm tired, I didn't really reread the verse like I usually do. All sins in the Bible is punishable by death, that's why it says that in the Bible.

  • Okay hun, I've told you thrice that I am done. I will not be clicking the links, new world order has not been canceled, gay is unnatural, and I'm leaving. I came here to have a discussion, and when we ended up having a debate, I thought, "Eh, what the hell, it'll be fun." But you, sir, are starting to piss me off. I just wanted to exchange ideas, when I say I'm done, I am fucking done. So, I will now be leaving this conversation, once again. Y'know, if you want to debate, you should try being diplomatic, especially when somebody is saying, "They are tired" or, "They are done."

    So, sir, have a good day, and leave me the hell alone!

  • @emily . No religion can't be perfect ever. But we can reduce the errors . And I think death sentence is best punishment ever so tht no bdy wud again raise his hands ever for involving in tht crime even that girl might be eiher my sister, mother, or ur or any bdy sister,mother. Tht Crime is not forgivable

  • @alwaysstranger , bro u r right . He shud not got easy punishment

  • @alwaysstranger . Bro legal procedures r vry long . I don't believe on them. Rape is rape . If we don't take immediately strong action. we shudnt talk abut these crimes. And we will ever face this headache.

  • @alwaysstranger, bro here we r only convrsating.but who suffered this crime wt abut her. Her life is demolished. How wud she relaxed?

  • @alwaysstranger , bro I am now not talking about punishmen .I am just talking he done that haunted crime. Wt wud be punishment .it's other thing .but wts life she wud suffered. No bdy like to marry her. People will taunted her even some condition her family left her. Wt a pitiful condition for her u cant imagine. Any bdy of us give her life back?. No bdy evr..I think we shud left this question's answer on her.