Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?

  • @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one or repeat the same shit she said

    Yeah you too nigga don't repeat an copy paste from wiki nigga

  • @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @ragnar-lothbrok wrong bruh everyone can see god but first you have to make urself able capable to see an meet god...!

    Can you scientifically prove a method that makes people able to observe and document the existence of god. Nope you can't so I'll just do the same as i stated before

    You have no prove to provide therefore I'll just take the hitchens razor


    Yes I can prove u bull evil bull listen me carefully science is not able to what god is god an science accept that thing all time

    Is that why 62% of all scientists don't believe in god


    Is that why 93% of biologists and astrophysicists don't believe in god

    This is wrong information you hav proofs of this...
    I said 93% biologists and an astrophysicist believe in god ... I mean we can't accept what you said if you hav official proofs then give us don't talk in air..

    It's true information

    Here's the research


    I want to tell you here one incident as a proof once in Mumbai city at one colony a couple lived they has child 4,5 years child he was innocent he was playing at 15 th foor an something happnd an he slipped an falled down to ground every person shouted who seen .. every one thought that he was no more but miracle happened he's alive totally alive except some bones cracked of his leg an hand doctors said how is it possible they also called it miracle they said it's not possible falled from 15 th floor person remained alive science can't be able to answer that science pulled up their hands In air for that then tell who saved him it's god...

    Ok. So when somebody has a high chance of dying you but survives an invisible man in the sky saved him but when somebody is completely healthy and dies for no reason it's just a highly unlikely coincidence. Why isn't the survivor just a highly unlikely coincidence too?

    Every miracle is coincidence for science is that wat you said... then you are wrong my friend coincidence happens only once in time not again an again if things ( miracle) happen again an again you can't call it coincidence then it's miracle

    A coincidence can happen again and again and again as long as there are a lot of ppl.

    Something that has a %0,001 per day percent chance of happening happens 10 times per 1000000 ppl a day and 7000 times a day between all humans. See we don't need god, just use math

    Here's a song to answer you:

    And if you're can't understand the song that well then here's other explanations to why that isn't a miracle:

    Here's another good one:

    u bull i had many proofs like this you can meet those ppl an I also had media clips you want see then you hav to come here we can ask for media clips to media persons...

    Dude. If there was one documented miracle then all scientists would become believers but because there isn't that's so there still so many atheists in science

    Look our fingers are not same meams one is big one is small then how All ppls thoughts r same thats why 60% scientists believe in god an 40 % don't believe... scientists didn't said which things we can't seen or can't know doesn't mean don't exists...!

    Dude. The numbers are wrong.

    It's 40 of scientists who believe in god

    And 7-9% of astrophysicists and biologists who believe in god

    You said that science permits the idea of god to be open and i told you that it's true but most scientists are atheist anyways.

    Scientists always said which things science don't able capable to understand they called it natures miracle an nature means god...!

    No nature doesn't mean god

    Here's the definition of nature

    "the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations."

    U heard about Bermuda Triangle...! Science has answers for that...! If yes then give me with proofs

    u r nothing man ur not able to handle urself bull and u challenge th god exists shut up u bull who th fuck u r..!

    Please show some respect. Damn. And last time i checked i was a human being not a bull

    I know ur not a bull but I said it in anger caz you provoke me all time...!

    Here's proof:

    This is proof Wikipedia an you called this page reasearch wtf I mean you just read page an also in those pages they don't gave numbers which

    Dude i jusr saw the numbers on a science channels, let me find some more research

    Sorry, here is the only worldwide survey i could find:


    How can a bull type on a YWS comment with his giant rigid hands. He can't

    Haha it's funny ๐Ÿ˜‚

    They're meant to be funny. I'm rediculing your ideas because by definition 'ridiculous' ideas are wirthy of 'ridicule'
    You need proofs then why I quote it you find ... nigga

  • @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    No seriously I want to tell you all who won't believe in god an foolishly Asking for gods pic...!
    Guys it's really good you guys are not asking for your birth pic to your mom dad it's really appreciative thing..you foolish western ppl...

    1st don't be so racist to think only westerns are atheist. I'm Palestinian man

    See again u talk like kid understand my point why I said western people ..!

    I know why. It's because you're a nationalist bigot who hates western ppl

    See again you attacks personally


    You don't understand the concept of evidence

    Evidence means not videos my friend haha you don't have any evidence you just talk in air all time..!

    You truly don't understand what evidence means.

    You too bro really cares for you

    Here's the definition:

    "the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid."

    And here's the definition of fact:

    "a thing that is known or proved to be true."

    Here's a fact : "you can't disproportionately the idea that everything was created 5 sec ago along with all your memory"

    So anything can be wrong. Maybe your last comment wasn't even written by you but after the universe was created you had the memory of writing it put in your head.

    Haha again you talk like kid first understand whole concept of god if you really want to meet god you have to worship him with faith..!

    Why would i believe anything on faith. Faith = Gullability.

    Dรฉfinition of faith:

    "strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof." (Belief without evidence)

    Dรฉfinition of Gullability:

    "Gullibility is a failure of social intelligence in which a person is easily tricked or manipulated into an ill-advised course of action. It is closely related to credulity, which is the tendency to believe unlikely propositions that are unsupported by evidence."

    And Golability isn't a positive thing

    You can't know anything for 100% but we know that belief that you wrote your comment is justifiable because your comment..

    You also can't know anything for 100% but I know caz I believe in truth I believe in faith I believe in god..!

    I already explained why faith is not good. Faith is Gullability and Gullability is something to be ashamed of

    1. Exists on a server

    2. We can all see it at the same time

    3. The site knows where and when you wrote it

    We have a lot of proof like that for our births like...

    1. Shared experience

    2. Scientifically documented events

    3. The photos of your mom pregnant (Not necessary

    4. Test results that mean that your mom was tested to see if she's pregnant

    You understand what proofs means truth... the things which u said it can be made fake how confirmed about that only one way DNA tests but you asked parents for DNA test definitely not why caz u believe what they said to you what they show to you that's what I'm trying to say belief faith...!

    No no no no no

    I don't believe anything on faith ever. The list of thise 4 things combined and a lot more is stuff which can be verified and counts as proof and evidence and faith is by definition belief without evidence.

    Stranger you r really funny no seriously you always lieing an you all time givin fake proofs evidences an says always I only believe in proof haha ๐Ÿ˜‚

    There's nothing like that for god

    You guys heard about Swami vivekanandji... search his material an you gat some helpful information for you guys an stranger you also..!

    Dude. He wasn't even muslim so he didn't believe in your god either

    Haha hardly laughed I gat u my boy here see everyone I gat stranger here he always lieing all time he said swami vivekanand don't believe in god hahaha
    my bro for your information I'll tell you he was a great religious man he's student of swami Ramkrishna paramhansa he had came to London for only reason religious communities meeting an he presented ther hindu religion's concept he's big worshipper of god he wrote many books on god an culture an religion like Swami sanhita an you said he don't believe in god... Haha stranger ther I gat you I know you lieing all time..
    You had to thought about that you telling to who about whom I mean I'm Indian an Swami vivekanandji was also Indian All Indians knows that he's great believer an worshipper of god and you said to me haha ๐Ÿ˜‚

    NIGGA. I know he believes in god but i saud that he also doesn't believe in your god(Allah) just like me so me and him are atheistic(non-believers) towards your god

    See again you lieing an twisted your comment

    Everyday god shows his existence but for understanding that you have to make yourself able to understand that... behind every miracle is god an You guys don't refuse miracles caz whole world heard an seen that..ur ppl not genius more than Doctors, scientist an even don't have information more than media, newspaper ... u guys r just foolish ppl who don't respect ur own parents how could you respect god...!

    1st your grammar is bad

    Your also bro same

    You wrote 'Your's' wrong.

    See. Your grammer is bad but mine really isn't

    2nd there have been no scientifically documented miracles

    Wrong totally wrong scientists an science accept miracles

    Scientists believe in science and everything that is scientific proven so if there were any scientifically proven miracles then all scientists would believe that they happened and then they would believe that there was a supernatural force behind them (god), so they'd believe in god.

    Then why are there so many scientists who are atheists

    Here's my answer again:

    Ok. So when somebody has a high chance of dying you but survives an invisible man in the sky saved him but when somebody is completely healthy and dies for no reason it's just a highly unlikely coincidence. Why isn't the survivor just a highly unlikely coincidence too

    You gat your answer bro in ur question haha you said somebody completely healthy an dies for no reason right you accept that then why science don't hav answer for this science isn't able to understand that dude I'll tell what happens exactly he's dies for no reason an somebody alive after down fall from 15 th floor means its ther destiny bro created by themselves... remember my past meseg on Sarah's post find an read again you gat answer...!

    No no no no no. Not because science doesn't know why something happened doesn't mean your invisible man in the sky did it, it means you don't know what happened either. But what i was trying to say is that when someone who's healthy dies you have to say it's a miracle because if you don't you'd be illogical and inconsistent.

    Now I believe you're such a mental man ther I said to you wher science ends god start from ther

    Here's a song to answer you:

    And if you're can't understand the song that well then here's other explanations to why that isn't a miracle:

    Here's another good one:

    Don't repeat same thing

  • @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one or repeat the same shit she said

    Yeah you too nigga don't repeat an copy paste from wiki nigga

    Dude. Why not. I'm telling you to do the same

  • @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    No seriously I want to tell you all who won't believe in god an foolishly Asking for gods pic...!
    Guys it's really good you guys are not asking for your birth pic to your mom dad it's really appreciative thing..you foolish western ppl...

    1st don't be so racist to think only westerns are atheist. I'm Palestinian man

    See again u talk like kid understand my point why I said western people ..!

    I know why. It's because you're a nationalist bigot who hates western ppl

    See again you attacks personally

    NO NO NO

    Here's the definition of nationalist bigot:

    National origin discrimination involves treating people (applicants or employees) unfavorably because they are from a particular country or part of the world, because of ethnicity or accent, or because they appear to be of a certain ethnic background (even if they are not).

    See, i can prove what i say


    You don't understand the concept of evidence

    Evidence means not videos my friend haha you don't have any evidence you just talk in air all time..!

    You truly don't understand what evidence means.

    You too bro really cares for you

    What? I showed you the definitions and it's clear that you didn't kniw it becauseof how you used those words later on in your post

    Here's the definition:

    "the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid."

    And here's the definition of fact:

    "a thing that is known or proved to be true."

    Here's a fact : "you can't disproportionately the idea that everything was created 5 sec ago along with all your memory"

    So anything can be wrong. Maybe your last comment wasn't even written by you but after the universe was created you had the memory of writing it put in your head.

    Haha again you talk like kid first understand whole concept of god if you really want to meet god you have to worship him with faith..!

    Why would i believe anything on faith. Faith = Gullability.

    Dรฉfinition of faith:

    "strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof." (Belief without evidence)

    Dรฉfinition of Gullability:

    "Gullibility is a failure of social intelligence in which a person is easily tricked or manipulated into an ill-advised course of action. It is closely related to credulity, which is the tendency to believe unlikely propositions that are unsupported by evidence."

    And Golability isn't a positive thing

    You can't know anything for 100% but we know that belief that you wrote your comment is justifiable because your comment..

    You also can't know anything for 100% but I know caz I believe in truth I believe in faith I believe in god..!

    I already explained why faith is not good. Faith is Gullability and Gullability is something to be ashamed of

    1. Exists on a server

    2. We can all see it at the same time

    3. The site knows where and when you wrote it

    We have a lot of proof like that for our births like...

    1. Shared experience

    2. Scientifically documented events

    3. The photos of your mom pregnant (Not necessary

    4. Test results that mean that your mom was tested to see if she's pregnant

    You understand what proofs means truth... the things which u said it can be made fake how confirmed about that only one way DNA tests but you asked parents for DNA test definitely not why caz u believe what they said to you what they show to you that's what I'm trying to say belief faith...!

    No no no no no

    I don't believe anything on faith ever. The list of thise 4 things combined and a lot more is stuff which can be verified and counts as proof and evidence and faith is by definition belief without evidence.

    Stranger you r really funny no seriously you always lieing an you all time givin fake proofs evidences an says always I only believe in proof haha ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Dude. If you can't show me where is the fake proof i showed then you shouldn't say i used fake proof. That's just wrong

    There's nothing like that for god

    You guys heard about Swami vivekanandji... search his material an you gat some helpful information for you guys an stranger you also..!

    Dude. He wasn't even muslim so he didn't believe in your god either

    Haha hardly laughed I gat u my boy here see everyone I gat stranger here he always lieing all time he said swami vivekanand don't believe in god hahaha
    my bro for your information I'll tell you he was a great religious man he's student of swami Ramkrishna paramhansa he had came to London for only reason religious communities meeting an he presented ther hindu religion's concept he's big worshipper of god he wrote many books on god an culture an religion like Swami sanhita an you said he don't believe in god... Haha stranger ther I gat you I know you lieing all time..
    You had to thought about that you telling to who about whom I mean I'm Indian an Swami vivekanandji was also Indian All Indians knows that he's great believer an worshipper of god and you said to me haha ๐Ÿ˜‚

    NIGGA. I know he believes in god but i saud that he also doesn't believe in your god(Allah) just like me so me and him are atheistic(non-believers) towards your god

    See again you lieing an twisted your comment

    Where is the lie. If you can't tell me then don't say I'm lying. That's just annoying and misleading

    Everyday god shows his existence but for understanding that you have to make yourself able to understand that... behind every miracle is god an You guys don't refuse miracles caz whole world heard an seen that..ur ppl not genius more than Doctors, scientist an even don't have information more than media, newspaper ... u guys r just foolish ppl who don't respect ur own parents how could you respect god...!

    1st your grammar is bad

    Your also bro same

    You wrote 'Your's' wrong.

    See. Your grammer is bad but mine really isn't

    2nd there have been no scientifically documented miracles

    Wrong totally wrong scientists an science accept miracles

    Scientists believe in science and everything that is scientific proven so if there were any scientifically proven miracles then all scientists would believe that they happened and then they would believe that there was a supernatural force behind them (god), so they'd believe in god.

    Then why are there so many scientists who are atheists

    Here's my answer again:

    Ok. So when somebody has a high chance of dying you but survives an invisible man in the sky saved him but when somebody is completely healthy and dies for no reason it's just a highly unlikely coincidence. Why isn't the survivor just a highly unlikely coincidence too

    You gat your answer bro in ur question haha you said somebody completely healthy an dies for no reason right you accept that then why science don't hav answer for this science isn't able to understand that dude I'll tell what happens exactly he's dies for no reason an somebody alive after down fall from 15 th floor means its ther destiny bro created by themselves... remember my past meseg on Sarah's post find an read again you gat answer...!

    No no no no no. Not because science doesn't know why something happened doesn't mean your invisible man in the sky did it, it means you don't know what happened either. But what i was trying to say is that when someone who's healthy dies you have to say it's a miracle because if you don't you'd be illogical and inconsistent.

    Now I believe you're such a mental man ther I said to you wher science ends god start from ther

    Where science ends ignorance starts not god.

    But why does your god start from there, why is it not zeus. You'll need science to prove that since religion isn't proof and you'll need logic to justify it since faith is illogical

    Here's a song to answer you:

    And if you're can't understand the song that well then here's other explanations to why that isn't a miracle:

    Here's another good one:

    Don't repeat same thing

    If you repeat the same shit then I'll disprove you with the same shit

  • @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one or repeat the same shit she said

    Yeah you too nigga don't repeat an copy paste from wiki nigga

    Dude. Why not. I'm telling you to do the same

    Naah you repeating fake evidence proofs again an again now listen you really want to see an meet god then you have to make yourself capable by worshiping him...!
    See how many ppl worshiping him but who really makes it perfect he/she definitely gat him..!

  • @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one or repeat the same shit she said

    Yeah you too nigga don't repeat an copy paste from wiki nigga

    Dude. Why not. I'm telling you to do the same

    Naah you repeating fake evidence proofs again an again now listen you really want to see an meet god then you have to make yourself capable by worshiping him...!

    1st there is no fake evidence and just because you're saying it doesn't make it true

    2nd why would i wirship anyone, worship is a stupid thing to do. Why is your imaginary friend so insecure that he needs praise 24/7. When you admire someone you try to be like them and not worship them

    See how many ppl worshiping him but who really makes it perfect he/she definitely gat him..!


    Can you prove he exists tho, until you do i won't believe you nor other ppl who worship him

  • @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @ragnar-lothbrok wrong bruh everyone can see god but first you have to make urself able capable to see an meet god...!

    Can you scientifically prove a method that makes people able to observe and document the existence of god. Nope you can't so I'll just do the same as i stated before

    You have no prove to provide therefore I'll just take the hitchens razor


    Yes I can prove u bull evil bull listen me carefully science is not able to what god is god an science accept that thing all time

    Is that why 62% of all scientists don't believe in god


    Is that why 93% of biologists and astrophysicists don't believe in god

    This is wrong information you hav proofs of this...
    I said 93% biologists and an astrophysicist believe in god ... I mean we can't accept what you said if you hav official proofs then give us don't talk in air..

    It's true information

    Here's the research


    I want to tell you here one incident as a proof once in Mumbai city at one colony a couple lived they has child 4,5 years child he was innocent he was playing at 15 th foor an something happnd an he slipped an falled down to ground every person shouted who seen .. every one thought that he was no more but miracle happened he's alive totally alive except some bones cracked of his leg an hand doctors said how is it possible they also called it miracle they said it's not possible falled from 15 th floor person remained alive science can't be able to answer that science pulled up their hands In air for that then tell who saved him it's god...

    Ok. So when somebody has a high chance of dying you but survives an invisible man in the sky saved him but when somebody is completely healthy and dies for no reason it's just a highly unlikely coincidence. Why isn't the survivor just a highly unlikely coincidence too?

    Every miracle is coincidence for science is that wat you said... then you are wrong my friend coincidence happens only once in time not again an again if things ( miracle) happen again an again you can't call it coincidence then it's miracle

    A coincidence can happen again and again and again as long as there are a lot of ppl.

    Something that has a %0,001 per day percent chance of happening happens 10 times per 1000000 ppl a day and 7000 times a day between all humans. See we don't need god, just use math

    Here's a song to answer you:

    And if you're can't understand the song that well then here's other explanations to why that isn't a miracle:

    Here's another good one:

    u bull i had many proofs like this you can meet those ppl an I also had media clips you want see then you hav to come here we can ask for media clips to media persons...

    Dude. If there was one documented miracle then all scientists would become believers but because there isn't that's so there still so many atheists in science

    Look our fingers are not same meams one is big one is small then how All ppls thoughts r same thats why 60% scientists believe in god an 40 % don't believe... scientists didn't said which things we can't seen or can't know doesn't mean don't exists...!

    Dude. The numbers are wrong.

    It's 40 of scientists who believe in god

    And 7-9% of astrophysicists and biologists who believe in god

    You said that science permits the idea of god to be open and i told you that it's true but most scientists are atheist anyways.

    Scientists always said which things science don't able capable to understand they called it natures miracle an nature means god...!

    No nature doesn't mean god

    Here's the definition of nature

    "the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations."

    U heard about Bermuda Triangle...! Science has answers for that...! If yes then give me with proofs

    u r nothing man ur not able to handle urself bull and u challenge th god exists shut up u bull who th fuck u r..!

    Please show some respect. Damn. And last time i checked i was a human being not a bull

    I know ur not a bull but I said it in anger caz you provoke me all time...!

    Here's proof:

    This is proof Wikipedia an you called this page reasearch wtf I mean you just read page an also in those pages they don't gave numbers which

    Dude i jusr saw the numbers on a science channels, let me find some more research

    Sorry, here is the only worldwide survey i could find:


    How can a bull type on a YWS comment with his giant rigid hands. He can't

    Haha it's funny ๐Ÿ˜‚

    They're meant to be funny. I'm rediculing your ideas because by definition 'ridiculous' ideas are wirthy of 'ridicule'
    You need proofs then why I quote it you find ... nigga

    Haha you read this page carefully I mean you have to read that article your numbers r totally wrong man read it again..!

  • @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @ragnar-lothbrok wrong bruh everyone can see god but first you have to make urself able capable to see an meet god...!

    Can you scientifically prove a method that makes people able to observe and document the existence of god. Nope you can't so I'll just do the same as i stated before

    You have no prove to provide therefore I'll just take the hitchens razor


    Yes I can prove u bull evil bull listen me carefully science is not able to what god is god an science accept that thing all time

    Is that why 62% of all scientists don't believe in god


    Is that why 93% of biologists and astrophysicists don't believe in god

    This is wrong information you hav proofs of this...
    I said 93% biologists and an astrophysicist believe in god ... I mean we can't accept what you said if you hav official proofs then give us don't talk in air..

    It's true information

    Here's the research


    I want to tell you here one incident as a proof once in Mumbai city at one colony a couple lived they has child 4,5 years child he was innocent he was playing at 15 th foor an something happnd an he slipped an falled down to ground every person shouted who seen .. every one thought that he was no more but miracle happened he's alive totally alive except some bones cracked of his leg an hand doctors said how is it possible they also called it miracle they said it's not possible falled from 15 th floor person remained alive science can't be able to answer that science pulled up their hands In air for that then tell who saved him it's god...

    Ok. So when somebody has a high chance of dying you but survives an invisible man in the sky saved him but when somebody is completely healthy and dies for no reason it's just a highly unlikely coincidence. Why isn't the survivor just a highly unlikely coincidence too?

    Every miracle is coincidence for science is that wat you said... then you are wrong my friend coincidence happens only once in time not again an again if things ( miracle) happen again an again you can't call it coincidence then it's miracle

    A coincidence can happen again and again and again as long as there are a lot of ppl.

    Something that has a %0,001 per day percent chance of happening happens 10 times per 1000000 ppl a day and 7000 times a day between all humans. See we don't need god, just use math

    Here's a song to answer you:

    And if you're can't understand the song that well then here's other explanations to why that isn't a miracle:

    Here's another good one:

    u bull i had many proofs like this you can meet those ppl an I also had media clips you want see then you hav to come here we can ask for media clips to media persons...

    Dude. If there was one documented miracle then all scientists would become believers but because there isn't that's so there still so many atheists in science

    Look our fingers are not same meams one is big one is small then how All ppls thoughts r same thats why 60% scientists believe in god an 40 % don't believe... scientists didn't said which things we can't seen or can't know doesn't mean don't exists...!

    Dude. The numbers are wrong.

    It's 40 of scientists who believe in god

    And 7-9% of astrophysicists and biologists who believe in god

    You said that science permits the idea of god to be open and i told you that it's true but most scientists are atheist anyways.

    Scientists always said which things science don't able capable to understand they called it natures miracle an nature means god...!

    No nature doesn't mean god

    Here's the definition of nature

    "the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations."

    U heard about Bermuda Triangle...! Science has answers for that...! If yes then give me with proofs

    u r nothing man ur not able to handle urself bull and u challenge th god exists shut up u bull who th fuck u r..!

    Please show some respect. Damn. And last time i checked i was a human being not a bull

    I know ur not a bull but I said it in anger caz you provoke me all time...!

    Here's proof:

    This is proof Wikipedia an you called this page reasearch wtf I mean you just read page an also in those pages they don't gave numbers which

    Dude i jusr saw the numbers on a science channels, let me find some more research

    Sorry, here is the only worldwide survey i could find:


    How can a bull type on a YWS comment with his giant rigid hands. He can't

    Haha it's funny ๐Ÿ˜‚

    They're meant to be funny. I'm rediculing your ideas because by definition 'ridiculous' ideas are wirthy of 'ridicule'
    You need proofs then why I quote it you find ... nigga

    Haha you read this page carefully I mean you have to read that article your numbers r totally wrong man read it again..!

    What are they then. I guess i might be wrong. Can you do me favour and help me use the real numbers. Sorry i heard the original numbers on a science channel, i think they might have only been talking about American scientists

  • @one my arguments are valid work even if I'm not completely right about the numbers so it's not a problem

  • @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    No seriously I want to tell you all who won't believe in god an foolishly Asking for gods pic...!
    Guys it's really good you guys are not asking for your birth pic to your mom dad it's really appreciative thing..you foolish western ppl...

    1st don't be so racist to think only westerns are atheist. I'm Palestinian man

    See again u talk like kid understand my point why I said western people ..!

    I know why. It's because you're a nationalist bigot who hates western ppl

    See again you attacks personally

    NO NO NO

    Here's the definition of nationalist bigot:

    National origin discrimination involves treating people (applicants or employees) unfavorably because they are from a particular country or part of the world, because of ethnicity or accent, or because they appear to be of a certain ethnic background (even if they are not).

    See, i can prove what i say


    You don't understand the concept of evidence

    Evidence means not videos my friend haha you don't have any evidence you just talk in air all time..!

    You truly don't understand what evidence means.

    You too bro really cares for you

    What? I showed you the definitions and it's clear that you didn't kniw it becauseof how you used those words later on in your post

    Here's the definition:

    "the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid."

    And here's the definition of fact:

    "a thing that is known or proved to be true."

    Here's a fact : "you can't disproportionately the idea that everything was created 5 sec ago along with all your memory"

    So anything can be wrong. Maybe your last comment wasn't even written by you but after the universe was created you had the memory of writing it put in your head.

    Haha again you talk like kid first understand whole concept of god if you really want to meet god you have to worship him with faith..!

    Why would i believe anything on faith. Faith = Gullability.

    Dรฉfinition of faith:

    "strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof." (Belief without evidence)

    Dรฉfinition of Gullability:

    "Gullibility is a failure of social intelligence in which a person is easily tricked or manipulated into an ill-advised course of action. It is closely related to credulity, which is the tendency to believe unlikely propositions that are unsupported by evidence."

    And Golability isn't a positive thing

    You can't know anything for 100% but we know that belief that you wrote your comment is justifiable because your comment..

    You also can't know anything for 100% but I know caz I believe in truth I believe in faith I believe in god..!

    I already explained why faith is not good. Faith is Gullability and Gullability is something to be ashamed of

    1. Exists on a server

    2. We can all see it at the same time

    3. The site knows where and when you wrote it

    We have a lot of proof like that for our births like...

    1. Shared experience

    2. Scientifically documented events

    3. The photos of your mom pregnant (Not necessary

    4. Test results that mean that your mom was tested to see if she's pregnant

    You understand what proofs means truth... the things which u said it can be made fake how confirmed about that only one way DNA tests but you asked parents for DNA test definitely not why caz u believe what they said to you what they show to you that's what I'm trying to say belief faith...!

    No no no no no

    I don't believe anything on faith ever. The list of thise 4 things combined and a lot more is stuff which can be verified and counts as proof and evidence and faith is by definition belief without evidence.

    Stranger you r really funny no seriously you always lieing an you all time givin fake proofs evidences an says always I only believe in proof haha ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Dude. If you can't show me where is the fake proof i showed then you shouldn't say i used fake proof. That's just wrong

    There's nothing like that for god

    You guys heard about Swami vivekanandji... search his material an you gat some helpful information for you guys an stranger you also..!

    Dude. He wasn't even muslim so he didn't believe in your god either

    Haha hardly laughed I gat u my boy here see everyone I gat stranger here he always lieing all time he said swami vivekanand don't believe in god hahaha
    my bro for your information I'll tell you he was a great religious man he's student of swami Ramkrishna paramhansa he had came to London for only reason religious communities meeting an he presented ther hindu religion's concept he's big worshipper of god he wrote many books on god an culture an religion like Swami sanhita an you said he don't believe in god... Haha stranger ther I gat you I know you lieing all time..
    You had to thought about that you telling to who about whom I mean I'm Indian an Swami vivekanandji was also Indian All Indians knows that he's great believer an worshipper of god and you said to me haha ๐Ÿ˜‚

    NIGGA. I know he believes in god but i saud that he also doesn't believe in your god(Allah) just like me so me and him are atheistic(non-believers) towards your god

    See again you lieing an twisted your comment

    Where is the lie. If you can't tell me then don't say I'm lying. That's just annoying and misleading

    Everyday god shows his existence but for understanding that you have to make yourself able to understand that... behind every miracle is god an You guys don't refuse miracles caz whole world heard an seen that..ur ppl not genius more than Doctors, scientist an even don't have information more than media, newspaper ... u guys r just foolish ppl who don't respect ur own parents how could you respect god...!

    1st your grammar is bad

    Your also bro same

    You wrote 'Your's' wrong.

    See. Your grammer is bad but mine really isn't

    2nd there have been no scientifically documented miracles

    Wrong totally wrong scientists an science accept miracles

    Scientists believe in science and everything that is scientific proven so if there were any scientifically proven miracles then all scientists would believe that they happened and then they would believe that there was a supernatural force behind them (god), so they'd believe in god.

    Then why are there so many scientists who are atheists

    Here's my answer again:

    Ok. So when somebody has a high chance of dying you but survives an invisible man in the sky saved him but when somebody is completely healthy and dies for no reason it's just a highly unlikely coincidence. Why isn't the survivor just a highly unlikely coincidence too

    You gat your answer bro in ur question haha you said somebody completely healthy an dies for no reason right you accept that then why science don't hav answer for this science isn't able to understand that dude I'll tell what happens exactly he's dies for no reason an somebody alive after down fall from 15 th floor means its ther destiny bro created by themselves... remember my past meseg on Sarah's post find an read again you gat answer...!

    No no no no no. Not because science doesn't know why something happened doesn't mean your invisible man in the sky did it, it means you don't know what happened either. But what i was trying to say is that when someone who's healthy dies you have to say it's a miracle because if you don't you'd be illogical and inconsistent.

    Now I believe you're such a mental man ther I said to you wher science ends god start from ther

    Where science ends ignorance starts not god.

    Wrong totally wrong who said you said then you always lieing

    But why does your god start from there, why is it not zeus. You'll need science to prove that since religion isn't proof and you'll need logic to justify it since faith is illogical

    God allah ishwar all equal same one โ˜๐Ÿป

    Here's a song to answer you:

    And if you're can't understand the song that well then here's other explanations to why that isn't a miracle:

    Here's another good one:

    Don't repeat same thing

    If you repeat the same shit then I'll disprove you with the same shit

    You are nothing disapprove anything you just lieing an showing us damn articles

  • @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    No seriously I want to tell you all who won't believe in god an foolishly Asking for gods pic...!
    Guys it's really good you guys are not asking for your birth pic to your mom dad it's really appreciative thing..you foolish western ppl...

    1st don't be so racist to think only westerns are atheist. I'm Palestinian man

    See again u talk like kid understand my point why I said western people ..!

    I know why. It's because you're a nationalist bigot who hates western ppl

    See again you attacks personally

    NO NO NO

    Here's the definition of nationalist bigot:

    National origin discrimination involves treating people (applicants or employees) unfavorably because they are from a particular country or part of the world, because of ethnicity or accent, or because they appear to be of a certain ethnic background (even if they are not).

    See, i can prove what i say


    You don't understand the concept of evidence

    Evidence means not videos my friend haha you don't have any evidence you just talk in air all time..!

    You truly don't understand what evidence means.

    You too bro really cares for you

    What? I showed you the definitions and it's clear that you didn't kniw it becauseof how you used those words later on in your post

    Here's the definition:

    "the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid."

    And here's the definition of fact:

    "a thing that is known or proved to be true."

    Here's a fact : "you can't disproportionately the idea that everything was created 5 sec ago along with all your memory"

    So anything can be wrong. Maybe your last comment wasn't even written by you but after the universe was created you had the memory of writing it put in your head.

    Haha again you talk like kid first understand whole concept of god if you really want to meet god you have to worship him with faith..!

    Why would i believe anything on faith. Faith = Gullability.

    Dรฉfinition of faith:

    "strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof." (Belief without evidence)

    Dรฉfinition of Gullability:

    "Gullibility is a failure of social intelligence in which a person is easily tricked or manipulated into an ill-advised course of action. It is closely related to credulity, which is the tendency to believe unlikely propositions that are unsupported by evidence."

    And Golability isn't a positive thing

    You can't know anything for 100% but we know that belief that you wrote your comment is justifiable because your comment..

    You also can't know anything for 100% but I know caz I believe in truth I believe in faith I believe in god..!

    I already explained why faith is not good. Faith is Gullability and Gullability is something to be ashamed of

    1. Exists on a server

    2. We can all see it at the same time

    3. The site knows where and when you wrote it

    We have a lot of proof like that for our births like...

    1. Shared experience

    2. Scientifically documented events

    3. The photos of your mom pregnant (Not necessary

    4. Test results that mean that your mom was tested to see if she's pregnant

    You understand what proofs means truth... the things which u said it can be made fake how confirmed about that only one way DNA tests but you asked parents for DNA test definitely not why caz u believe what they said to you what they show to you that's what I'm trying to say belief faith...!

    No no no no no

    I don't believe anything on faith ever. The list of thise 4 things combined and a lot more is stuff which can be verified and counts as proof and evidence and faith is by definition belief without evidence.

    Stranger you r really funny no seriously you always lieing an you all time givin fake proofs evidences an says always I only believe in proof haha ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Dude. If you can't show me where is the fake proof i showed then you shouldn't say i used fake proof. That's just wrong

    There's nothing like that for god

    You guys heard about Swami vivekanandji... search his material an you gat some helpful information for you guys an stranger you also..!

    Dude. He wasn't even muslim so he didn't believe in your god either

    Haha hardly laughed I gat u my boy here see everyone I gat stranger here he always lieing all time he said swami vivekanand don't believe in god hahaha
    my bro for your information I'll tell you he was a great religious man he's student of swami Ramkrishna paramhansa he had came to London for only reason religious communities meeting an he presented ther hindu religion's concept he's big worshipper of god he wrote many books on god an culture an religion like Swami sanhita an you said he don't believe in god... Haha stranger ther I gat you I know you lieing all time..
    You had to thought about that you telling to who about whom I mean I'm Indian an Swami vivekanandji was also Indian All Indians knows that he's great believer an worshipper of god and you said to me haha ๐Ÿ˜‚

    NIGGA. I know he believes in god but i saud that he also doesn't believe in your god(Allah) just like me so me and him are atheistic(non-believers) towards your god

    See again you lieing an twisted your comment

    Where is the lie. If you can't tell me then don't say I'm lying. That's just annoying and misleading

    Everyday god shows his existence but for understanding that you have to make yourself able to understand that... behind every miracle is god an You guys don't refuse miracles caz whole world heard an seen that..ur ppl not genius more than Doctors, scientist an even don't have information more than media, newspaper ... u guys r just foolish ppl who don't respect ur own parents how could you respect god...!

    1st your grammar is bad

    Your also bro same

    You wrote 'Your's' wrong.

    See. Your grammer is bad but mine really isn't

    2nd there have been no scientifically documented miracles

    Wrong totally wrong scientists an science accept miracles

    Scientists believe in science and everything that is scientific proven so if there were any scientifically proven miracles then all scientists would believe that they happened and then they would believe that there was a supernatural force behind them (god), so they'd believe in god.

    Then why are there so many scientists who are atheists

    Here's my answer again:

    Ok. So when somebody has a high chance of dying you but survives an invisible man in the sky saved him but when somebody is completely healthy and dies for no reason it's just a highly unlikely coincidence. Why isn't the survivor just a highly unlikely coincidence too

    You gat your answer bro in ur question haha you said somebody completely healthy an dies for no reason right you accept that then why science don't hav answer for this science isn't able to understand that dude I'll tell what happens exactly he's dies for no reason an somebody alive after down fall from 15 th floor means its ther destiny bro created by themselves... remember my past meseg on Sarah's post find an read again you gat answer...!

    No no no no no. Not because science doesn't know why something happened doesn't mean your invisible man in the sky did it, it means you don't know what happened either. But what i was trying to say is that when someone who's healthy dies you have to say it's a miracle because if you don't you'd be illogical and inconsistent.

    Now I believe you're such a mental man ther I said to you wher science ends god start from ther

    Where science ends ignorance starts not god.

    Wrong totally wrong who said you said then you always lieing

    We don't know what exists where science ends until science grows and reaches it = where science exists are unknowns

    Dรฉfinition of ignorance:

    "lack of knowledge or information."

    SEE. I'm right

    But why does your god start from there, why is it not zeus. You'll need science to prove that since religion isn't proof and you'll need logic to justify it since faith is illogical

    God allah ishwar all equal same one โ˜๐Ÿป

    No they're not. Islam says that only the god of the quran is the one true god and the turah and bible have some truths. Don't forget I'm an ex-muslim

    Here's a song to answer you:

    And if you're can't understand the song that well then here's other explanations to why that isn't a miracle:

    Here's another good one:

    Don't repeat same thing

    If you repeat the same shit then I'll disprove you with the same shit

    You are nothing disapprove anything you just lieing an showing us damn articles

    Where am i lieing. Stop saying I'm lying because I'm not and just because you're saying I'm lying doesn't mean I'm lying. Calling me a liar is just an ad-hominim

  • @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one or repeat the same shit she said

    Yeah you too nigga don't repeat an copy paste from wiki nigga

    Dude. Why not. I'm telling you to do the same

    Naah you repeating fake evidence proofs again an again now listen you really want to see an meet god then you have to make yourself capable by worshiping him...!

    1st there is no fake evidence and just because you're saying it doesn't make it true

    That's what I said ur fake evidence not became true just because you're saying doesn't make it true

    2nd why would i wirship anyone, worship is a stupid thing to do. Why is your imaginary friend so insecure that he needs praise 24/7. When you admire someone you try to be like them and not worship them

    First understand what worship is then say why... ask me wat worship is??

    See how many ppl worshiping him but who really makes it perfect he/she definitely gat him..!


    Can you prove he exists tho, until you do i won't believe you nor other ppl who worship him

    Don't say other ppl who worships god u fool they already accepted gods existence thats why they worships him u fool

  • @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one or repeat the same shit she said

    Yeah you too nigga don't repeat an copy paste from wiki nigga

    Dude. Why not. I'm telling you to do the same

    Naah you repeating fake evidence proofs again an again now listen you really want to see an meet god then you have to make yourself capable by worshiping him...!

    1st there is no fake evidence and just because you're saying it doesn't make it true

    That's what I said ur fake evidence not became true just because you're saying doesn't make it true


    I'm saying it because it's fact

    It's not fact because I'm saying it

    2nd why would i wirship anyone, worship is a stupid thing to do. Why is your imaginary friend so insecure that he needs praise 24/7. When you admire someone you try to be like them and not worship them

    First understand what worship is then say why... ask me wat worship is??

    I know what worship is. I didn't ask you

    See how many ppl worshiping him but who really makes it perfect he/she definitely gat him..!


    Can you prove he exists tho, until you do i won't believe you nor other ppl who worship him

    Don't say other ppl who worships god u fool they already accepted gods existence thats why they worships him u fool

    See. 'Fool' is just an attack on character that doesn't prove anything i said wrong

  • @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    No seriously I want to tell you all who won't believe in god an foolishly Asking for gods pic...!
    Guys it's really good you guys are not asking for your birth pic to your mom dad it's really appreciative thing..you foolish western ppl...

    1st don't be so racist to think only westerns are atheist. I'm Palestinian man

    See again u talk like kid understand my point why I said western people ..!

    I know why. It's because you're a nationalist bigot who hates western ppl

    See again you attacks personally

    NO NO NO

    Here's the definition of nationalist bigot:

    National origin discrimination involves treating people (applicants or employees) unfavorably because they are from a particular country or part of the world, because of ethnicity or accent, or because they appear to be of a certain ethnic background (even if they are not).

    See, i can prove what i say


    You don't understand the concept of evidence

    Evidence means not videos my friend haha you don't have any evidence you just talk in air all time..!

    You truly don't understand what evidence means.

    You too bro really cares for you

    What? I showed you the definitions and it's clear that you didn't kniw it becauseof how you used those words later on in your post

    Here's the definition:

    "the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid."

    And here's the definition of fact:

    "a thing that is known or proved to be true."

    Here's a fact : "you can't disproportionately the idea that everything was created 5 sec ago along with all your memory"

    So anything can be wrong. Maybe your last comment wasn't even written by you but after the universe was created you had the memory of writing it put in your head.

    Haha again you talk like kid first understand whole concept of god if you really want to meet god you have to worship him with faith..!

    Why would i believe anything on faith. Faith = Gullability.

    Dรฉfinition of faith:

    "strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof." (Belief without evidence)

    Dรฉfinition of Gullability:

    "Gullibility is a failure of social intelligence in which a person is easily tricked or manipulated into an ill-advised course of action. It is closely related to credulity, which is the tendency to believe unlikely propositions that are unsupported by evidence."

    And Golability isn't a positive thing

    You can't know anything for 100% but we know that belief that you wrote your comment is justifiable because your comment..

    You also can't know anything for 100% but I know caz I believe in truth I believe in faith I believe in god..!

    I already explained why faith is not good. Faith is Gullability and Gullability is something to be ashamed of

    1. Exists on a server

    2. We can all see it at the same time

    3. The site knows where and when you wrote it

    We have a lot of proof like that for our births like...

    1. Shared experience

    2. Scientifically documented events

    3. The photos of your mom pregnant (Not necessary

    4. Test results that mean that your mom was tested to see if she's pregnant

    You understand what proofs means truth... the things which u said it can be made fake how confirmed about that only one way DNA tests but you asked parents for DNA test definitely not why caz u believe what they said to you what they show to you that's what I'm trying to say belief faith...!

    No no no no no

    I don't believe anything on faith ever. The list of thise 4 things combined and a lot more is stuff which can be verified and counts as proof and evidence and faith is by definition belief without evidence.

    Stranger you r really funny no seriously you always lieing an you all time givin fake proofs evidences an says always I only believe in proof haha ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Dude. If you can't show me where is the fake proof i showed then you shouldn't say i used fake proof. That's just wrong

    There's nothing like that for god

    You guys heard about Swami vivekanandji... search his material an you gat some helpful information for you guys an stranger you also..!

    Dude. He wasn't even muslim so he didn't believe in your god either

    Haha hardly laughed I gat u my boy here see everyone I gat stranger here he always lieing all time he said swami vivekanand don't believe in god hahaha
    my bro for your information I'll tell you he was a great religious man he's student of swami Ramkrishna paramhansa he had came to London for only reason religious communities meeting an he presented ther hindu religion's concept he's big worshipper of god he wrote many books on god an culture an religion like Swami sanhita an you said he don't believe in god... Haha stranger ther I gat you I know you lieing all time..
    You had to thought about that you telling to who about whom I mean I'm Indian an Swami vivekanandji was also Indian All Indians knows that he's great believer an worshipper of god and you said to me haha ๐Ÿ˜‚

    NIGGA. I know he believes in god but i saud that he also doesn't believe in your god(Allah) just like me so me and him are atheistic(non-believers) towards your god

    See again you lieing an twisted your comment

    Where is the lie. If you can't tell me then don't say I'm lying. That's just annoying and misleading

    Everyday god shows his existence but for understanding that you have to make yourself able to understand that... behind every miracle is god an You guys don't refuse miracles caz whole world heard an seen that..ur ppl not genius more than Doctors, scientist an even don't have information more than media, newspaper ... u guys r just foolish ppl who don't respect ur own parents how could you respect god...!

    1st your grammar is bad

    Your also bro same

    You wrote 'Your's' wrong.

    See. Your grammer is bad but mine really isn't

    2nd there have been no scientifically documented miracles

    Wrong totally wrong scientists an science accept miracles

    Scientists believe in science and everything that is scientific proven so if there were any scientifically proven miracles then all scientists would believe that they happened and then they would believe that there was a supernatural force behind them (god), so they'd believe in god.

    Then why are there so many scientists who are atheists

    Here's my answer again:

    Ok. So when somebody has a high chance of dying you but survives an invisible man in the sky saved him but when somebody is completely healthy and dies for no reason it's just a highly unlikely coincidence. Why isn't the survivor just a highly unlikely coincidence too

    You gat your answer bro in ur question haha you said somebody completely healthy an dies for no reason right you accept that then why science don't hav answer for this science isn't able to understand that dude I'll tell what happens exactly he's dies for no reason an somebody alive after down fall from 15 th floor means its ther destiny bro created by themselves... remember my past meseg on Sarah's post find an read again you gat answer...!

    No no no no no. Not because science doesn't know why something happened doesn't mean your invisible man in the sky did it, it means you don't know what happened either. But what i was trying to say is that when someone who's healthy dies you have to say it's a miracle because if you don't you'd be illogical and inconsistent.

    Now I believe you're such a mental man ther I said to you wher science ends god start from ther

    Where science ends ignorance starts not god.

    Wrong totally wrong who said you said then you always lieing

    We don't know what exists where science ends until science grows and reaches it = where science exists are unknowns

    Dรฉfinition of ignorance:

    "lack of knowledge or information."

    SEE. I'm right
    Yes you gat ma boi lack of knowledge it's called lack of knowledge I said you in my past post it's called miracle an miracle means god

    But why does your god start from there, why is it not zeus. You'll need science to prove that since religion isn't proof and you'll need logic to justify it since faith is illogical

    God allah ishwar all equal same one โ˜๐Ÿป

    No they're not. Islam says that only the god of the quran is the one true god and the turah and bible have some truths. Don't forget I'm an ex-muslim

    See again you lieing fool god = ishwar = BHAGWAN = all same man just varius names concept is same u fool

    Here's a song to answer you:

    And if you're can't understand the song that well then here's other explanations to why that isn't a miracle:

    Here's another good one:

    Don't repeat same thing

    If you repeat the same shit then I'll disprove you with the same shit

    You are nothing disapprove anything you just lieing an showing us damn articles

    Where am i lieing. Stop saying I'm lying because I'm not and just because you're saying I'm lying doesn't mean I'm lying. Calling me a liar is just an ad-hominim

    Again an again I proved it an u said u don't lie come on man accept reality

  • @one no. Allah is not the same as bhagwan

  • @one how is that a lie?

  • @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one or repeat the same shit she said

    Yeah you too nigga don't repeat an copy paste from wiki nigga

    Dude. Why not. I'm telling you to do the same

    Naah you repeating fake evidence proofs again an again now listen you really want to see an meet god then you have to make yourself capable by worshiping him...!

    1st there is no fake evidence and just because you're saying it doesn't make it true

    That's what I said ur fake evidence not became true just because you're saying doesn't make it true


    I'm saying it because it's fact

    It's not fact because I'm saying it

    Yeah right it's not fact that's what I said good

    2nd why would i wirship anyone, worship is a stupid thing to do. Why is your imaginary friend so insecure that he needs praise 24/7. When you admire someone you try to be like them and not worship them

    First understand what worship is then say why... ask me wat worship is??

    I know what worship is. I didn't ask you

    No no you didn't know what worship is ask me I'll tell you

    See how many ppl worshiping him but who really makes it perfect he/she definitely gat him..!


    Can you prove he exists tho, until you do i won't believe you nor other ppl who worship him

    Don't say other ppl who worships god u fool they already accepted gods existence thats why they worships him u fool

    See. 'Fool' is just an attack on character that doesn't prove anything i said wrong

    Caz I proved you talking like fool thats why I said you fool I didn't said anything without proof you know

  • @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @ragnar-lothbrok wrong bruh everyone can see god but first you have to make urself able capable to see an meet god...!

    Can you scientifically prove a method that makes people able to observe and document the existence of god. Nope you can't so I'll just do the same as i stated before

    You have no prove to provide therefore I'll just take the hitchens razor


    Yes I can prove u bull evil bull listen me carefully science is not able to what god is god an science accept that thing all time

    Is that why 62% of all scientists don't believe in god


    Is that why 93% of biologists and astrophysicists don't believe in god

    This is wrong information you hav proofs of this...
    I said 93% biologists and an astrophysicist believe in god ... I mean we can't accept what you said if you hav official proofs then give us don't talk in air..

    It's true information

    Here's the research


    I want to tell you here one incident as a proof once in Mumbai city at one colony a couple lived they has child 4,5 years child he was innocent he was playing at 15 th foor an something happnd an he slipped an falled down to ground every person shouted who seen .. every one thought that he was no more but miracle happened he's alive totally alive except some bones cracked of his leg an hand doctors said how is it possible they also called it miracle they said it's not possible falled from 15 th floor person remained alive science can't be able to answer that science pulled up their hands In air for that then tell who saved him it's god...

    Ok. So when somebody has a high chance of dying you but survives an invisible man in the sky saved him but when somebody is completely healthy and dies for no reason it's just a highly unlikely coincidence. Why isn't the survivor just a highly unlikely coincidence too?

    Every miracle is coincidence for science is that wat you said... then you are wrong my friend coincidence happens only once in time not again an again if things ( miracle) happen again an again you can't call it coincidence then it's miracle

    A coincidence can happen again and again and again as long as there are a lot of ppl.

    Something that has a %0,001 per day percent chance of happening happens 10 times per 1000000 ppl a day and 7000 times a day between all humans. See we don't need god, just use math

    Here's a song to answer you:

    And if you're can't understand the song that well then here's other explanations to why that isn't a miracle:

    Here's another good one:

    u bull i had many proofs like this you can meet those ppl an I also had media clips you want see then you hav to come here we can ask for media clips to media persons...

    Dude. If there was one documented miracle then all scientists would become believers but because there isn't that's so there still so many atheists in science

    Look our fingers are not same meams one is big one is small then how All ppls thoughts r same thats why 60% scientists believe in god an 40 % don't believe... scientists didn't said which things we can't seen or can't know doesn't mean don't exists...!

    Dude. The numbers are wrong.

    It's 40 of scientists who believe in god

    And 7-9% of astrophysicists and biologists who believe in god

    You said that science permits the idea of god to be open and i told you that it's true but most scientists are atheist anyways.

    Scientists always said which things science don't able capable to understand they called it natures miracle an nature means god...!

    No nature doesn't mean god

    Here's the definition of nature

    "the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations."

    U heard about Bermuda Triangle...! Science has answers for that...! If yes then give me with proofs

    u r nothing man ur not able to handle urself bull and u challenge th god exists shut up u bull who th fuck u r..!

    Please show some respect. Damn. And last time i checked i was a human being not a bull

    I know ur not a bull but I said it in anger caz you provoke me all time...!

    Here's proof:

    This is proof Wikipedia an you called this page reasearch wtf I mean you just read page an also in those pages they don't gave numbers which

    Dude i jusr saw the numbers on a science channels, let me find some more research

    Sorry, here is the only worldwide survey i could find:


    How can a bull type on a YWS comment with his giant rigid hands. He can't

    Haha it's funny ๐Ÿ˜‚

    They're meant to be funny. I'm rediculing your ideas because by definition 'ridiculous' ideas are wirthy of 'ridicule'
    You need proofs then why I quote it you find ... nigga

    Haha you read this page carefully I mean you have to read that article your numbers r totally wrong man read it again..!

    What are they then. I guess i might be wrong. Can you do me favour and help me use the real numbers. Sorry i heard the original numbers on a science channel, i think they might have only been talking about American scientists

    See again you lieing what you said in your past statement it's world wide an wat now you r saying i mean are you ok

  • @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @one or repeat the same shit she said

    Yeah you too nigga don't repeat an copy paste from wiki nigga

    Dude. Why not. I'm telling you to do the same

    Naah you repeating fake evidence proofs again an again now listen you really want to see an meet god then you have to make yourself capable by worshiping him...!

    1st there is no fake evidence and just because you're saying it doesn't make it true

    That's what I said ur fake evidence not became true just because you're saying doesn't make it true


    I'm saying it because it's fact

    It's not fact because I'm saying it

    Yeah right it's not fact that's what I said good

    NONONONONONONONO. You can't just ignore the first line i said. Now you're being dishonest

    "I'm saying it because it's fact" why did you ignore that

    2nd why would i wirship anyone, worship is a stupid thing to do. Why is your imaginary friend so insecure that he needs praise 24/7. When you admire someone you try to be like them and not worship them

    First understand what worship is then say why... ask me wat worship is??

    I know what worship is. I didn't ask you

    No no you didn't know what worship is ask me I'll tell you

    I know what it means

    See how many ppl worshiping him but who really makes it perfect he/she definitely gat him..!


    Can you prove he exists tho, until you do i won't believe you nor other ppl who worship him

    Don't say other ppl who worships god u fool they already accepted gods existence thats why they worships him u fool

    See. 'Fool' is just an attack on character that doesn't prove anything i said wrong

    Caz I proved you talking like fool thats why I said you fool I didn't said anything without proof you know

    How does someone talk like a fool. How is yhat different from saying you talk like an ugly 20 year old virgin
