• @cant-breathe man I wish I could think of something to help that situation my perspective is probably too naive to even help taking steps to help yourself and the family you trust would probably be the main priority at that point. the stalker situation brings up so much dread for what a person in the people I know's life is going to become, from what I know he's followed at least two people on the bus to their house and targets girls which sucks for my friend group

  • Nothing to do hopefully my x husband stays away when I divorce my current husband I get the papers tomorrow... No help necessary I have been dealt much worse... I had to run with 2 kids from my x... At least I don't have to go to a shelter again...

  • I've always been alone... I'm used to it... Thanks though that thoughtful of u to fell that u would like to help

  • I don't have any family either... Just me and my 2 kids

  • Sorry didn't mean to dump ti usually don't speak so openly to people... No one even knew half of what I have said except that friend I mentioned that backstabbed me

  • @cant-breathe You're fine it seems like you were bottling it up for a while so it was probably a bit of a release

  • Thanks... I'm sorry she seemed very cruel to break up with u the way she did... People can't seem to just say I'm not happy or there is a problem they just run to the next thing to help them forget what a crappy person they are...

  • @cant-breathe yeah it's cool, someone brought up the fact that she may be a sociopath in which made some of her behavior click to why she acted the way she did sometimes but even if she is or not (not confirmed) I just figure that she's kind of a dick do I know if she's changed no but I have no interest in finding out.

  • @K-qwerty fool me once shame on u... Fool me twice shame on me... She has already flipped the script on u once... Things like that r red flags...

  • @cant-breathe yeah lol. the only reason I'm still even thinking about it so heavily is because my friend who is also my ex's friend brings her up sometimes for some reason. Which just makes me want to scream that her life isn't my business why are you telling me this??

  • Sounds like rubbing salt in ur wounds

  • @cant-breathe I don't know why anyone does anything anymore so that's a possibility

  • Is this breakup possibly one of the reasons u r pulling away from ur friends?

  • @cant-breathe It's probably a factor the main realization came when my sibling ended up being abandoned by their friends after graduating and I just don't want to risk being ghosted and having to find no friends and just being hurt by anyone when they abandon me I guess I just got lucky at the fact that only a few talk to me after I go home online but yeah

  • U seem to be rather young still life could turn out amazing u never know...

  • One good friend is all a person needs

  • @cant-breathe thanks I appreciate your optimism I would say that I have that but I honestly don't know seeing as I might just drift apart from the two friends that I trust most eventually as well

  • It's getting late where I am so I'm gonna sleep after deleting this post probably. All I can think of saying is I wish you luck on what's happening in your life (sorry that that was lame) goodnight

  • Not asleep y delete this r we supposed to? Like I said I am new to this lol... Was having a real bad couple hours and had to put my. Phone down... Hope u can sleep... I don't do much of that...

  • Thanks that was not lame I have never had good luck lol... I just believe that I am here to make the world better for others... I believe that there r givers and takers (with varying degrees of mix in between I. E. A person may be 25% giver and 75% taker)... Takers of the extreme r also referred to as narcissistic... Takers should keep to the takers but they need the givers to survive... The givers ( also referred to as enabler) r usually left starving for the things they need to survive like love attention security support and the taker thrives like a demon stealing a soul... Now if a giver finds a giver that's amazing... Hold back a bit... U should quickly learn to spot them... I knew my new husband was a taker... He just hid it until after the wedding... And he hid it well... I truly know in my heart that I have to walk away from this... And I hope u will figure things out... I'm here if u want to keep talking... Will be back read the link it's an article on givers takers and marchers (the mixed group)
