• @K-qwerty I'm a clingy person so if you need some help getting in their mindset...? Ig I'll see what I can do... Hope things are getting better

  • @cant-breathe That sucks, can't say I'm better though as I obsess over if I'm even good enough to be friends with the people that I choose to associate with. But yeah the people I was hanging out with at a point ended up only talking to me during break and then don't care about me after they go home so it shouldn't have really been a surprise seeing as they didn't put effort into talking to me after hours when I tried doing so. that's at least in my case...

  • @Deimat I am too, in my situation I only had lighthearted conversations with them during lunch breaks though for maybe a year and tried advancing a deeper relationship with some but it didn't end up working out and when I was done with the group's issues they followed me out of the group and then reformed it with it having mostly the same people and the same issues. I guess I just don't want history to continue to repeat itself later on in life and I want to know how to break away from a group without any following or hating me for leaving.

  • @K-qwerty I'm easy to manipulate and I have too many trust issies... So whenever someone gets through I'm either gung ho or really scared cuz I won't know what to do

  • @K-qwerty
    I don't think I am capable of making cry on their shoulders type of friends cause I can't trust people so I keep my distance and they can sense that I don't open up.... I've been told I act like a snob.... Even was told nothing I'm above people... I am totally awkward and socially inept but people are always wanting to talk to me or get to know me... I always think they have other motives for wanting to befriend me... But because I feel the same as u I withdraw..

  • @cant-breathe at this point I just want to delete all accounts that I have and isolate myself because srojiwpek the only way I can express this is keyboard spam because it's sad that we have trust issues but it's even sadder how mental health isn't a detailed course in school so we can dissect how to solve our internal issues and so people can understand why some people act the way they do. I could keep saying it sucks to everything but in general I guess people just suck sometimes

  • @Deimat I get that I was like that with the people I want to associate with but then I got involved in other circles and my personality has changed so much and I feel like i'm burdening them so yeah

  • @K-qwerty hell Idek who I am anymore

  • I don't and have not had any social accounts for years and I only had one to find my sons father a few years ago... It was horrible... People from my past coming out like cockroaches to find out where I vanished too... I have been introverted all my life but since my recent issue I can't see it getting better with my trust issues...

  • @Deimat Sometimes I wish I could just change my personality to be the equivalent of a brick so no one would find me worthy to talk to while other times I want to be better to the people i know

  • @K-qwerty I don't wanna be lonely but I get it

  • I don't want to be lonely either but I find with any relationship I seem to be the giver

  • @Deimat I am Easily manipulated like u mentioned

  • @cant-breathe if you ever need to talk my dms are open

  • @cant-breathe It's kinda sad how if you're not seen posting anything online you are seen as dead when you can just make the effort to talk to them in person but then again that could probably bring relatives wanting something your way so ehh

  • I'm here in baby steps lol I only have this so I am only gonna stay here if that's OK..

  • @cant-breathe that's entirely your decision which is the one great thing about not being known on accounts, you can delete it without people irl questioning you

  • Relatives fr-enemies and gossip diggers... Found out I didn't need to go on FB to tell my business... My best friend of 27 years had been doing it for me lol... She had been talking about my life to make hers look better I confronted her it was beautiful lol

  • @cant-breathe Wowwwwws that's shitty

  • @cant-breathe ouch at least it seems like you had the last laugh? still that level of betrayal my god
