• @R-Sharma Ohh ok ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @KATholic said in Why do you love the people you love?:

    @R-SharmaOhh ok

    He's an Android18 from dragon ball z.
    If you remember that 18 is in love with krillin๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @Zoob ugh.. when I saw size of this comment . I got what it will be. but still I don't know what is love. ๐Ÿ™ƒ

  • @shrug its upon you then. To seek it. Only with an eye suitable for it.

  • @Zoob u knew I have habit to find my pen in home when its in my pocket๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @DIVine said in Why do you love the people you love?:

    Why do we love people, dogs and all. Why do you care if they are doing well or not. Is it because you want others to care? Or you don't have control over it, and just bare with what happens.

    There are so many types of love... You can't compare the love you feel for your pets with the love you feel for your lovers or even with the love you feel for family members or friends. Because of the variety of "loves" there's also a reason on why you feel this kind of feeling for this variety of people or "things".

    I'll give some examples:
    I love my parents cuz they allowed me to have a good and stable life in terms of life quality.
    I love my grandmother cuz she is like a 2nd mom to me, as she raised me during most of my childhood.
    I love my bff cuz we've known each other for years and even know it's a go back and forth thing, we always been there for each other all this years.
    I love the people I had a relationship with cuz they take away that "empty" or lonely feeling none of the above can take.

    but this are examples with people... we also love "things"
    here are more examples:

    I love having sex cuz it makes me feel good
    I love working out cuz it's a good way to let the steam off + I get in shape
    I love animals (especially dogs) cuz they are the purest definition of companionship

    Y'all get the point! ;)

  • Umm. Anyone want to talk? Can't find somebody who actually does on any site

  • I think, according to the "scientific" explanation, that's just how we came up to be after years of natural selection going in favor of those who were more suceptible to growing fond of other people, animals, things and all that.... then, after some time, we all inherited those love genes and now we are feeling like it is curse, but that's only because we are having the "EASIEST" life ever since our species began their journey here... so instead of being better off loving and caring for other and ensuring we are the survivors through compassion and althruism, we are just being abused, missused, heartbroken and reaping little to none benefit of it whatsoever. At least that my take on the whole "love" thing.

  • @R-Sharma said in Why do you love the people you love?:

    @pe7erpark3r said in Why do you love the people you love?:

    Why do we love?...

    If the reason you love someone is that they love you back, then I daresay you do not love them.
    If the reason you love someone is that it satisfies you, then I daresay you do not love them.

    If you love someone without being loved back, if you love someone without it being satisfactory at all, if you love someone without requiring them to fit your image of them, if you love someone so much, that you do good (only what's really good for them and you) even if they continuously hurt you...

    Then you know for sure, that you love them.

    It is not surprising that Jesus' sacrifice at the cross is so convincing. This is what Love does for those who don't give a damn about Him

    I remember only one person who loves me unconditionally and that's my mother. Except her everyone has a reason to love. According to you, I'm not in love๐Ÿ˜‚

    I have no idea if you are in love, mate :joy:

    You can truly love a person, even if it satisfies you most of the time to love them. If your own satisfaction however is the real reason you love them, then you really do not love, yes. Being in love is not the same is truly loving someone... Your love will be put to the test at some point in time. Then you'll know. This is what marriage should be, I mean you say yes to this other person, no matter what happens, if they get sick, old, ugly, have dementia or what ever may happen :shrug:

    I can only speak from personal experience and there is one person I love unconditionally. I consider myself blessed to have found just one such love.

  • @pe7erpark3r That's kinda somewhat extremely sweet

  • @DIVine I love the people that I love mainly because the people I love always have been there when I was going through the ruff and so I give them my respect and love like how they did when I was down. Though for family mainly cause though it doesn't show I know that they'll always have my back. And for my animals mainly dogs, this is because they are so adorable and especially the cuddly ones they love giving love so I give them my love to match their love....


  • @KATholic said in Why do you love the people you love?:

    @pe7erpark3r That's kinda somewhat extremely sweet

    Thanks you holic you :hugging_face:

  • @pe7erpark3r Np you Peter you

  • @AllAboutGay hey way to be proud of it! You go!