• @Regenerate said in TWS 2019 Awards Ceremony.. Vote Below:

    @petrapark3r why don't you say something to TRS who mentioned me in a disrespectful way dipshit? oh wait you won't because he is your friend.

    It's pointless to who? It might be pointless to you but not to me.

    Well I know it's pointless to argue with him :yum:, I didn't know you yet :joy:

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @KnockUDown said in TWS 2019 Awards Ceremony.. Vote Below:

    @Regenerate My account was banned and TRS's wasn't. I see this as an injustice and I will take action against it. Believe me.

    :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: cry harder

  • Banned

    @TheRisingSun Lucky for you I have the time to grace you with my presence everyday.

  • @KnockUDown
    I expect nothing less, i shall welcome you with open arms untill you start dreaming of our lovely conversations

  • @KnockUDown said in TWS 2019 Awards Ceremony.. Vote Below:

    @Regenerate My account was banned and TRS's wasn't. I see this as an injustice and I will take action against it. Believe me.

    Well he invited you into his PMs. You wanted to continue spamming the topics. Why do you take the internet so serious anyways?

    But then again @TheRisingSun: would you mind ignoring a topic spammer after 10 replys or so? Thank you

  • Banned

    @petrapark3r "Well he invited you into his PMs."

    I don't care about his invitation. He bashed me in public first and I want to do the same and they banned me out of nowhere without any warning. Both of us should have been banned.
    "Why do you take the internet so serious anyways?"
    Why don't you ask the same question to your friend and to yourself, you stupid cunt? Since you're reading my comments and replying to them that means you also care.

    "But then again @TheRisingSun: would you mind ignoring a topic spammer after 10 replys or so? Thank you"

    He is as much as a topic spammer as I'm. Again he mentioned me first and I replied to him and then he replied to me and so on. We both should have been banned.

    And don't give another reply to me because you're stupid and are incapable of logical thinking and arguement, thank you.

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @Sire said in TWS 2019 Awards Ceremony.. Vote Below:

    @petrapark3r "Well he invited you into his PMs."

    I don't care about his invitation. He bashed me in public first and I want to do the same and they banned me out of nowhere without any warning. Both of us should have been banned.
    "Why do you take the internet so serious anyways?"
    Why don't you ask the same question to your friend and to yourself, you stupid cunt? Since you're reading my comments and replying to them that means you also care.

    "But then again @TheRisingSun: would you mind ignoring a topic spammer after 10 replys or so? Thank you"

    He is as much as a topic spammer as I'm. Again he mentioned me first and I replied to him and then he replied to me and so on. We both should have been banned.

    And don't give another reply to me because you're stupid and are incapable of logical thinking and arguement, thank you.

    You got banned because you tend to piss off the wrong people and use the wrong words and just got the wrong attitude overall. (and i'll just use a few examples from this reply)

    Why don't you ask the same question to your friend and to yourself, you stupid cunt?
    And don't give another reply to me because you're stupid and are incapable of logical thinking and arguement, thank you.

    There is a small chance @petrapark3r will love you and be your friend after that reply, and that's how you treat everyone, and that's why everyone hates you :) Groggy

  • @Sire said in TWS 2019 Awards Ceremony.. Vote Below:

    @petrapark3r "Well he invited you into his PMs."

    I don't care about his invitation. He bashed me in public first and I want to do the same and they banned me out of nowhere without any warning. Both of us should have been banned.
    "Why do you take the internet so serious anyways?"
    Why don't you ask the same question to your friend and to yourself, you stupid cunt? Since you're reading my comments and replying to them that means you also care.

    "But then again @TheRisingSun: would you mind ignoring a topic spammer after 10 replys or so? Thank you"

    He is as much as a topic spammer as I'm. Again he mentioned me first and I replied to him and then he replied to me and so on. We both should have been banned.

    And don't give another reply to me because you're stupid and are incapable of logical thinking and arguement, thank you.

    TRS is a troll. I laugh about trolls, because I know they are not serious and I do have a black humor, I'll admit that. Yeah, he's a topic spammer and so have I been sometimes. And the moderators deleted my posts for it too :shrug:...

    You however are no troll, you take this whole shit personal. And you keep getting banned for it, unsurprisingly.

  • Banned

    @TheRisingSun said in TWS 2019 Awards Ceremony.. Vote Below:

    There is a small chance @petrapark3r will love you and be your friend after that reply, and that's how you treat everyone, and that's why everyone hates you Groggy

    I don't want to be friends with and be loved by people with sub-human level intelligence like petrapark3r, lol. And you can't just say that I treat "everyone" like that as you don't know what I'm up to all the time, that's just a baseless assumption made by a inferior human.

  • Banned

    "You however are no troll, you take this whole shit personal."
    When he says something, it's just harmless trolling and when I say something it's personal, yeah?
    Well I only make it personal when I get silenced/banned unfairly, mwahaha. I'm a sick psycho, you kids have ticked off the wrong person.

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @Sire said in TWS 2019 Awards Ceremony.. Vote Below:

    @TheRisingSun said in TWS 2019 Awards Ceremony.. Vote Below:

    There is a small chance @petrapark3r will love you and be your friend after that reply, and that's how you treat everyone, and that's why everyone hates you Groggy

    I don't want to be friends with and be loved by people with sub-human level intelligence like petrapark3r, lol. And you can't say just say that I treat "everyone" like that as you don't know what I'm up to all the time, that's just a baseless assumption made by a inferior human.

    I have yet to see the first sign of you treating someone like you should, it's safe to say you treat everyone like shit.
    Personally i think @petrapark3r (if you are going to mention him do it properly) is a pretty smart guy. Your intelligence pales in comparison to his. It's not that hard though in your case. your intelligence pales in comparison to 100% of the worlds population.

  • Banned

    @TheRisingSun Again you're not disproving any of my arguements, you're just talking shit about me.

  • Banned

    @TheRisingSun Why aren't you telling your friends to ban me again. I guess you guys are too busy snooping in my DM's again. The prophecy will fulfill itself and you all who fucked with me will get what's coming to you

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @Sire said in TWS 2019 Awards Ceremony.. Vote Below:

    @TheRisingSun Again you're not disproving any of my arguements, you're just talking shit about me.

    I got no proof to prove you are a nice guy. I got plenty of proof you are quite the opposite.
    Fyi i disproved your arguments, you just read your own truth don't you?

    Your words: I don't want to be friends with and be loved by people with sub-human level intelligence like petrapark3r, lol. And you can't say just say that I treat "everyone" like that as you don't know what I'm up to all the time, that's just a baseless assumption made by a inferior human.

    My reply: I have yet to see the first sign of you treating someone like you should, it's safe to say you treat everyone like shit.
    Personally i think @petrapark3r (if you are going to mention him do it properly) is a pretty smart guy. Your intelligence pales in comparison to his. It's not that hard though in your case. your intelligence pales in comparison to 100% of the worlds population.

    In the previous instance you were talking shit to another user that didn't even wronged you.
    Everyone is your enemy, you simply try to piss everyone off. And if nobody will stand up against you. I will.
    If you're going to hand out shit like candy, expect shit flying back in your face.

    PS: Use the quote button next time

  • Banned

    @TheRisingSun He wronged me by replying to my comment and don't tell me what to do.

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @Sire Oh we're so scared now, i'm trembling brrrr :joy:

    @Sire said in TWS 2019 Awards Ceremony.. Vote Below:

    @TheRisingSun Why aren't you telling your friends to ban me again. I guess you guys are too busy snooping in my DM's again. The prophecy will fulfill itself and you all who fucked with me will get what's coming to you

    You are doing an awesome job at getting yourself banned. I think you hold the record of banned accounts by now, keep it up.

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @Sire said in TWS 2019 Awards Ceremony.. Vote Below:

    @TheRisingSun He wronged me by replying to my comment and don't tell me what to do.

    He can reply to anyone he wants. I'm telling you what to do and will continue to do so since you clearly need guidance.

  • Banned

    @TheRisingSun and you clearly need a hot metal rod shoved up your ass, lol.

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @Sire said in TWS 2019 Awards Ceremony.. Vote Below:

    @TheRisingSun and you clearly need a hot metal rod shoved up your ass, lol.

    You can't afford the gas to even heat it up to body temperature.

  • Banned

    @TheRisingSun Another baseless assumption, I'm rich and affluent fyi.
