• @Kanuna said in Let's make TWS great again!:

    Can't make something great that was never great, to begin with. Can't fix a house when the foundation the one rotting. Everyone has a right to complain. Get over it.

    Agree to disagree. We are talking about software. Every software starts out bad. But you might be right, there may be really bad design decisions that cannot be fixed. I don't know wether this is the case with TWS.

    And no I'm not getting over it. I'm suggesting a policy that makes people feel more comfortable on a site. I think this is constructive criticism: create a channel for complaints, that is not a public discussion. I believe this would make people feel more at home on a site. Obviously: negativity doesn't make feel comfortable. There are better ways to handle problems...

  • @pe7erpark3r
    It isn't the design I'm talking about, niggs. It is the people who created TWS. The design is just the product of the designer. I've been involved in the "politics" of this website since it's birth. This is a chat website full of diversity and to censor or cut down the free will of the users will just ultimately create tension and a divide as it has already.
    There will always be that underlining problem no matter what happens to the design.
    Like all chat websites, you will always find that balance of positivity and negativity, also. It is ignorant to insinuate that this website is purely negative and makes most users uncomfortable. That is subjective. It makes you uncomfortable.
    Not everyone will get along. We are here to talk about anything we choose to talk about. Some want to vent. Some want to rant. Some want to joke. Some want a mindless conversation. This is not Tumblr where we should or should not do something based on another's emotions.
    If you want to police the users, become a mod. They are pretty useful in those terms.

  • Now, if you want to talk strictly the design of this website in terms of making TWS great again, that too was never a thing. The design shows the lack of effort and care the creator has and it has only worsened. It is your opinion in the end, and there is nothing I can say to change it. Subjectivity is what it is. I warn you now to not waste any effort on such a useless subject, heed it or not. Best to set your efforts programming your own chat website like me.

  • @Kanuna said in Let's make TWS great again!:

    It isn't the design I'm talking about, niggs. It is the people who created TWS. The design is just the product of the designer. I've been involved in the "politics" of this website since it's birth. This is a chat website full of diversity and to censor or cut down the free will of the users will just ultimately create tension and a divide as it has already.

    Well this tension is and must be part of such a site. I'm remaining completely realistic here. Of course there are content policies, and of course they must be enforced, and of course people will be pissed.

    There will always be that underlining problem no matter what happens to the design.

    I don't know the underlining problem too well, so I won't say anything about that...

    Like all chat websites, you will always find that balance of positivity and negativity, also. It is ignorant to insinuate that this website is purely negative and makes most users uncomfortable. That is subjective. It makes you uncomfortable.
    Not everyone will get along. We are here to talk about anything we choose to talk about. Some want to vent. Some want to rant. Some want to joke. Some want a mindless conversation. This is not Tumblr where we should or should not do something based on another's emotions.

    Right, I'm concluding from myself on others. I do believe I'm not the only one, among the more active users who subjectively feels this way. And think of new users who find lots of complaint posts about the mods: They are not going to want to stay on a site where "mods always treat people badly". I'd simply make this part of the content policy: complaints go into the complaint channel, you can vent there and you'll be heard.

    If you want to police the users, become a mod. They are pretty useful in those terms.

    I don't care about policing... And if that means I get to decide why something/somebody should be banned/deleted I don't want that position... That'll just be arbitrary power. If there are no guidelines for mods, this site has a real problem.

    I'm not for censoring peoples conversation either... And least based on emotions. The criteria for content must be clear and objective, and there must be a good reason for it, not someone feeling offended...

  • @Kanuna said in Let's make TWS great again!:

    Now, if you want to talk strictly the design of this website in terms of making TWS great again, that too was never a thing. The design shows the lack of effort and care the creator has and it has only worsened. It is your opinion in the end, and there is nothing I can say to change it. Subjectivity is what it is. I warn you now to not waste any effort on such a useless subject, heed it or not. Best to set your efforts programming your own chat website like me.

    Well I give you that the choice of my title might have better been: "Make TWS great". I just chose the more catchy one ;-)

    You're programming a chat website? Count me interested! (You are also allowed to simply use the ideas I post here if you find them helpful ^^)

  • So from a design philosophy point TWS seems to be about (it's whats down on every page, you don't need to read the list...)

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    As you can see, it's pretty chaotic. To make it better you'd need to consolidate and unify this stuff. Search engines don't need this here, you can simply put it into the html header or make it invisible using javascript that checks wether it runs in in a browser...

    Global chat, modern chat and private messages should all basically be the same. Then you also only have to maintain one app...

    Random chat might also be part of the same UI, but of course with a different color or something so one sees that it's the random chat. There also should be exactly ONE place to find lost connections and it should be reachable without logging in. Let's call it a lost connection chatroom, that you can directly enter from the random chat UI, where people are online with their usernames from random chat (if they enter that room to search for someone they lost). This way you can easily recover from a closed tab or something like this right away. It might make sense to make random chat more reliable too.

    Since you wish to (also) be child-safe, I'd split this site into two areas, an adult one and a family friendly one. Easy to switch between the areas but cleanly separated. So that h0rny guys and girls find each other, and people who just want to chat also find each other. This policy I'd use for Random Chat, Chat rooms and the Social Community.

    About the design of the page, apart from making it feel less chaotic and redundant, I'm ok with it. What I would work on is responsiveness. E.g. the context menus should be among the first things that are initialized (right now you have to wait a bit until they work).

  • Once again, can I invite everyone to take a backwards step and take a deep breath? Dis cord looks like a Commodore 64 loading screen that's been hacked by nerds; it's just a fad. RE the Mods, what's the problem? From what I can see, they're cooler than the average admin monkeys. I'm pretty sure that if you could stick your head through the screen of, say, Reddit to see what the Mods there look like, you'd just see Swastikas with hands. Even famously liberal, 'people-powered' websites like Geocaching.com tend to have nobs for mods: we've got nothing to complain about.

    RE the data loss ...what's the problem? Do we write that much gold? Was someone using TWS to store an Atlas Shrugged esque novel?

  • shots at trump lmao

  • @Indrid-Cold said in Let's make TWS great again!:

    Once again, can I invite everyone to take a backwards step and take a deep breath? Dis cord looks like a Commodore 64 loading screen that's been hacked by nerds; it's just a fad. RE the Mods, what's the problem? From what I can see, they're cooler than the average admin monkeys. I'm pretty sure that if you could stick your head through the screen of, say, Reddit to see what the Mods there look like, you'd just see Swastikas with hands. Even famously liberal, 'people-powered' websites like Geocaching.com tend to have nobs for mods: we've got nothing to complain about.

    RE the data loss ...what's the problem? Do we write that much gold? Was someone using TWS to store an Atlas Shrugged esque novel?

    Thats a very clever and funny reply my friend.

    About the data loss thing: it's not about the gold we write. It's more an emotional kind of thing: on TWS you have interesting and engaging conversations that tend to span days... If it is not reliable you kindof always fear that the conversation will be broken.

    Think of it like this: You just don't feel at home in a place where there are little annoying traps layed out on the floor, that don't really hurt, but just take away the fun.

  • @Indrid-Cold
    To answer your question about the mods, they unfairly use their powers against users. There are no restrictions on what they can do and get away with, a product of the bad leadership here; it's really not the mods that they should be bitching about, they are mere dogs. No website is perfect, however, and what can we really expect from such a bottom of the barrel chat website, anyway? Ethics? Morals? Nope. There really is no point to complain, but hey, to each his own.

  • @pe7erpark3r
    When the same problem has been complained about since the dawn of this website and has been approached every which way be it rational or irrational, it shows that there is a disconnect. Complaints only get you so far, though. This place is only a gateway to escape real life and that factors into the low percentage of long-term users. We all shouldn't be worrying our asses off about a website that was possibly discovered on one of those nights where you're shitfaced and lonely. It is targeted toward adults, after all, and nothing special should be expected from it. I mean, we all could be on Omegle or another where dicks are flying every which way.
    These places are a good learning tool when you are in the development stage of your chat website. Gives you ideas on what can be done to maintain a balance of positive and negative without going as far as censoring the free will to talk.

    Good luck with your efforts. Don't mind an interjection of a faggots like me. I like debates.

  • Although u made other valid points, personally I find the ads doesnt cover any content for me and is a lot more visually appeasing than other chat sites flooded with ads that are also pretty damn sh*tty and sexual.

    Besides this whole paragraph "Stop complaining about mods. They are trying to do their job. If I was TWS I'd delete ALL complaint posts.
    That is not to say, that there should not be complaints! But complaints should always be directed toward the one who wronged you or toward another mod (or TWS themselve). "

    is contradictory and doesnt make sense in itself, so we should "stop complaining about mods" and "all complaints should be deleted" but also say " that doesnt mean there should be not complaints" and "complaints should be directed toward the one that wronged you" isnt that most all of how complaints work? I bet most people that liked this post are mods themselves lel.

    Like I have said before Im not saying mods are bad initself, they mute/ban harassing users, do their best in deleting dicc pics, even tho I feel a loot more work should be done, have a role in stopping potential sexual predators etc; which for what its worth I can appreciate.

    But other than that to say these complaints in what I presume u mean in comments and posts should be deleted is very dangerous and detrimental to the site where mods can also very easily get away with even more literally saying and doing whatever they want "trolling" etc; like I've seen them do.

    Heck I recently discovered in the global chat the main chat is titled "spread LOVE" while @bellahella or hellabella whatever the helll her name is made a mod only group literally to gossip about other mods and users where others can see but not chat in..doesnt make sense does it? And you say to not complain about mods while they have a not so secret chat group to complain about us.

    And what does that do in turn? Drive people off the site, or make everyone want to become a mod..
    by saying that Im also putting myself up in a sh*tty asss vulnerable position to be verbally mocked and made posts about as well, I mean no one wants to be put there but For me to say what I do gota say thats just how it is.

    And Im going to go off on a tangent here But I would think that mods and Im not going to solely blame them, I can be quite hostile too, but their loyal hostile pansies also is also but a key reason why people are driven off this site.From my understanding of my experience here and also the backlash I got from my previous previous post, theres a double standard in how mods are allowed to do things while users arent. As @I am not hornny pointed out i understand we are all "humans" but as "humans" mods have far superior abilities of changing comments, names, messages, muting, banning, like sure if ur all.nice and dandy with them they mostly dont bother u and u dont bother them, or they are played to believe that all enjoy their shaninigans. I have abused the idea of shitting on mods too, then again I got muted in global chat for it so, and when people speak up against them, then things start to get a lot more hostile.

    , I know this powerplay myself, where mods are being nice to other users in public chat or global chat, and by being civil in response to my rants, it makes other users turn against you, as other users only see how u are treating them their friend the mod at the moment and not based on why ur ranting about the mod and the past comments and interactions that accumulates for the user to rage and call the mod unjust, or the claims of the user are just simply swept off as false or too triggered and should just let it go according to the mod and other users as I've seen. Im just saying from my pov of course how it felt, but to put more specifically like my interaction with @zoob.(rant ahead hope this doesnt discredit any of what I said earlier,I mean I hope it credits further) If all else, he is a perfect example of a bad mod, Like I've said too many times before, clearly from.the comments he was leaving on my initial of mods are a holes post that wasnt even about him that he commented on where I barely even knew of his existence let alone him being a mod, he was threatened and butthurt himself as a mod, he can say otherwise all he wants but its pretty damn obvious when u were posting sarcastic as$ responses to my mods are a holes post but when I spotted it out "my logic was having an orga$m".which okay lol. Fastforward, I accepted his apology, and then he backtracked again saying he was sorry only for editing my comment to call me dumb, but either way he also gave his approval to me to try to unmod him multiple times, including after I accepted his apology, as like he said others have tried to unmod him before. Its in my post with screenshots attached to prove it. And he publically admits that he uses this site to abuse his privelage as a mod and people that cant handle it were trolled off, not direct word for word but thats basically what he meant. Honestly the small community here seems to like him so thats all I got to say.

  • @Chicken-meat but also to the 4 dumba$ses including the 3 that upvoted @theking comment that "I made 3topics about Zoob" with other colourful adjectives, which no I didnt, you can read my comment and post (which I seriously think no one did) and fact check urself ya stupid f-cks, but thanks for the ppl that actually did read, understand liked or more or less supported me in the comments especially special shoutout to viju , and the ones that read it also but didnt agree with me thats fine as well, u can form.whatever opinion u want of ur own, at least u read it.

  • @pe7erpark3r Live pic verification would be a nice bonus. Especially for bots and spammers. Give like 30 min for every user to send live pic verification to certain admin or whatever, if the user doesn't send, simply ban

  • @What-is-this said in Let's make TWS great again!:

    @pe7erpark3r Live pic verification would be a nice bonus. Especially for bots and spammers. Give like 30 min for every user to send live pic verification to certain admin or whatever, if the user doesn't send, simply ban

    Since TWS is about anonymity though to a certain extent, this might be counterproductive. That is a good idea if you want a high rate of valid users. It's definitely a good method for a child friendly forum...

  • @Chicken-meat Obviously TWS has a real problem, if it does not regulate it's moderators, and they behave like you wrote. They will have to fix that.

    You are right, my sentence is formulated contradictory, because I packed two different points into it (which I shouldn't have done). One point, that complaints should not be in the default channel. I have been thinking they could even be public, but there should be a complaint area, not where the actualy life goes on in TWS.

    And the other point is, that talking badly about people, especially in a public forum is no good... for you, for the other. If you talk bad about a person, there needs to be a really really good reason (like that you have to warn others, about a dangerous individual... but only if they really need a warning and you think they cannot not think for themselves...). Also, look at how much you wrote. That's a colossal waste of time and energy, even if it is true (which I cannot judge at all)...

  • @pe7erpark3r I dont see it as a waste of time when I play mobile legends the other half the time lelel, I appreciate ur understanding response and admitting to ur contradiction, I mean they have a function at the top topic actually "problems/ feedback (well complaints) with talkwithstrangers" etc; but for some reason either I dont have a high enough rep to do it, or its only for moderators or admins which is ironic when their the ones in control mostly of how this site and users can run.

    Granted I can see how ppl would think the title I made of zoob is in poor taste, but i personally find it hilarious cos I made it lol and perfectly depicts my feelings towards him. I'm sure @The_king is not a moderator,and @Kanuna isnt, i agree with kanunas comment but he is a huuge A-hole hypocrite himself, (this is my response to ur comment lol dont say I didn @ u) how he makes a whole comment about mods abusing their power and how thats the downhill of the site as he blasted and talked shitt about me on public chat for getting "too triggered" or "serious" back, speaking up against a mod that did abuse his power, and when I was gone too to come back to him and others talking shitt about me and tried to rally up and bully me off the site,especially @Kiss_My_Axe constantly pushing me to leave or telling me why am I still here, along with many other users that also got tagged along, and that mentally f*cked up manipulative dickk @barton @Killed-Myself ? , like we had a nice heart to heart and I know u can be good at heart but man u can be a huge manipulative threatening dickk lol. And I know from also arguments with kanuna you have a way when Im just saying factually against what u said accuse me of being "manipulative" and "twisting words", thats not how u win sore loser, given so its innate for humans to twist the truth to their own agenda, just depends on how much u twist it where it can becomes a flat out lie, and you know Im telling the truth here.

    like of course its easier to trust a longtime friend and side with em, but I dont think they even read or bothered to understand my side of the story, and thought I was just being hateful and overreactionery or something from just my title alone. Like I said I accepted zoobs apology, right, but he also blatantly ignores my point how he still seeked that I should go try to unmod him, talked of how many have tried to unmod him but he trolled them off which was what made me angry the most. Kanuna saying how I shouldnt talk about zoob when hes not there which is also so stupid and hypocritical lel, when zoob initally came @me and wanted that reaction from me and enjoyed it, I find it sick, I can understand the mentality and I @him back but as a mod to do that is really stupid and shouldn be a mod.

    But anyway Like I said, I dont think I should blame the mods too much, @Pamela can be nice mod trolling, can be fun, also she likes my post so that makes me like her more lelelle, but I
    she also can go overboard and cause users to be bitter and distressed over changing their names and messages or deleting innocent images under "spam".

    seems like the only people left here is all users that wanted a hand at power and became mods too, some have good intentions, many others, like zoob, and honestly @bela hella for creating a gossip group..not so much. I mean I can understand some users its best to discuss of what to do with them, but that means as such I can freely also " gossip" about them. how mods also can act depending on their mood as well like their 'human" at the time which is risky and put users under unfair scrutiny in itself.

    I see it just like youtube, if you did me or others wrong I'll make a post about it as others can too, and if u did me right or others right I'll also post about it, I think its better to be transparent and direct with it, I mean as u said urself target specific users with the complaints. You can be shady, just doesnt solve a lot of problems.

  • @Chicken-meat Its an established fact that he is an perverted manipulative hypocrite. So dont feel good for a moment that you are shaming him by calling him out for who he really is.

    However, I have made a topic regarding this where you and like minded people can have a discussion. https://chatrooms.talkwithstranger.com/topic/28773/barton-is-a-piece-of-shit

  • @Killed-Myself then how dafoq was I getting so much hate 😒 if thats how u and most ppl think, I didn even know he was a pervert but judging his an Indian makes sense LOL (jk dont kill me)

  • @Killed-Myself oh wait ur talking about urself not zoob 😅..still even just by judging from ur comments on my post and the likes u got I think I deserve to call u out too lol I still think u have good in you tho.